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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. Yep. SRBs are suppose to be Brute Force. IDK why I was getting so little damage from your ship
  2. Ok so after that battle I want ask everyone something Does it seem like our missiles are passing through armor a lot more, leaving our opponents with less damage? Seems like with every update, the physics become worse and worse
  3. That was the worst attack run I have done in a while (mostly due to a new experimental weapon (guided SRB)) I brought PGS Sound of Revival in to attack the MU Battlecruiser Took all my missiles because it the SRB's phase through the armor (gosh I hate that glitch) http://www./download/gbyrs2d0zk2at1s/persistent(2).sfs ScriptKitt3h, Good game. We should do it again sometime
  4. The only damage done to Majestic Two was a single missile was blown off. I set my sights on Alpha Lead as my next target *this was my first night side attack Once again One shot… ...One kill He never knew what hit him http://www./download/2z4r00tdkdl4dtj/persistent(2).sfs
  5. Lol yeah but really it could be. Listen to Chandelier from Ace Combat 6. Its epic due to the setting of the battle even though it is a British Boy Choir that sings it. The tone I was setting was a end of an era and the beginning of a new
  6. Battle Of Vall Project Genesis Fleet 2 Seraph MKII Precision Fighters Flight Detachment of the 316th Majestic Squadron Majestic Lead and Majestic Two 2 Trinity Class Frigates PGS Trinity and PGS Sound of Revival (PGS SoR will come in later) The battle begins with Majestic Lead making an attack run on the MU Recon Corvette One shot… ...One Kill That one missile split the ship in two sections and the part of origin was in the head. So in southern speak, "I rung that roosters neck" http://www./download/tm472o20448p63l/persistent.sfs Edit forgot battle background music YES IT CHRISTMAS MUSIC BUT IT SOUNDS AWESOME IN LATIN!!!
  7. Until someone makes a design that can survive a srb, all all armor is good for is fighter protection
  8. OHHH wagers huh. I will see you corvette and rase you my Trinity Class Frigate
  9. We both agreed that if we need to end the battle with no win/loss or take extended brakes if needed.
  10. Again Would if I could Gosh I want to
  11. New Drone Added to my donation list. Any noobs want it?
  12. Thing is though you don't have to utterly destroy you target for it to be a kill. All you got to do is hit your target just right Ask any deer hunter (me included) that the most clean kill is one done in one shot Edit: plus most cannon ships are hard to armor real well. They are designed for superior firepower at the sacrifice of armor
  13. Just a hint…those macey dean standard torps on the fighter won't do jack against our ships. If you want something good you need to use separators as your .5 meter missile
  14. If I didn't have papers to wright I would. Oh how I want to unleash my new Golden fleet
  15. Finally got all my ship painted. Feel free to check them out on page one
  16. ^So you have cannon cruiser, cannon destroyer (can't remember their names), two of you frigates (can't remember them either without looking them up) and a broadsword.
  17. The first battle of a new page. Have fun you two. I should be able to after the semester ends
  18. Well I'm glad to see your cannon ships are on their way
  19. You tired blowing up an asteroid? Lol
  20. Im guessing the battle aint starting tonight edit. I added a new fighter to my ships of the line
  21. Yep. Just remember to double check each part you paint as some may not be painted even though they look like they are. Mostly happens when you use symmetrical stuff like wings in SPH
  22. I think Id like to see it with the new update to kerbpaint http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50008-0-23-KerbPaint-Paint-layering-for-parts-%28September-23rd%29-%28Same-Old-Still-Works%21%29/page30
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