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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. Shepard 6 links up with Shepard 1, together they capture the last two unknown fighters. Both surrender without hesitation. They are forced to go to the Carrier PGS Glory. The rest of the enemy pilots are also captured and taken abroad a Spirit Class LGT and brought to the Glory, while a second Spirit rescues the rest of Shepard Flight. It is at PGS Glory where the unknown pilots will be interrogated to find out who they are and who they are working for. Over all report No loss of life and fighters that were shot down can be salvaged and rebuilt. Shepard 1 took minimal damage while Shepard 6 received no damage. This marks the 3rd win for me making my w/l ratio 3:2 Plonio, thanks for playing. Had a good time. Hope you enjoyed your first battle and looking forward to doing it again sometime.
  2. It is late here in Alabama so I make this quick Shepard 1 moves to make his attack Once again one shot one kill Target is dead Shepard 1 then moved to a very low orbit
  3. Good-morning everyone. Happy first day of spring break
  4. Just don't step on it with bare feet How many parts is it?
  5. The final fighter of the flight group, Shepard 2 prepares to attack one of the unknown targets Target in range Once again….one shot... one kill All that remains of the target After his engagement, Shepard 2 not only went to high altitude, but also change his inclination and revered his orbit (man I love ion engines in low gravity)
  6. I just checked out Shepard 3. He is till alive. Missiles, ion and liquid engines have been shot off but it still has power (radioactive cores) and RCS.
  7. So what can I do to fix it, or how can I delete Accession, Inaccessible, and Ablate without affecting the Sentar System
  8. Heck anything to get this page back up and running
  9. Well daemon, if your objective was simply hit and run you can chalk that up as a win
  10. I did not know that. You have just opened up a whole new can of options in my battle
  11. Shepard 6 moved to position to engage the bogey. Once again using only Ion engines and rcs One shot One kill All that remains is the cockpit. Pilot is also still alive Shepard 6 then moved to a new position. With luck, this move could be the deciding factor of battle
  12. Thats an imposter. Everybody knows Bob Kerman died in the Battle of Pol and is currently buried at Pol in a cryo captule
  13. Ploino told me he made his move but didn't have time to post pics but I went on ahead and made my move The first unknown fighter fired two missiles at Shepard 5. While it is a clean kill the only part destroyed was a wing so this craft can be salvaged. Shepard 5 will simply have to wait to be picked up So now Shepard 1 (flight lead) begins his attack Radar has identified target Visual Range two shots were fired…first missed second was a kill All that remains of the enemy fighter After his attack run, Shepard 1 moved to higher orbit. It should also be noted this was my first move in which only rcs and ion power was used. Also no casualties so far.
  14. After some technical difficulties, me and Plonio have reset the battle same rules as before And my battle song is same as before http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91J4PAda3EA
  15. Dogfight over Minmus War Eagle 1 vs PlonioFludrasco After picking up unknown radar pings out near Minmus, Project Genesis sends out 6 Cherub MkII of the 144th Shepard Squadron to investigate. Battle rules 6 light craft (nothing over 35 tons) Battlespace: Minmus My theme music for this battle (its fitting for my return to KSP battles) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmL-J1IghZM
  16. Thanks for the awesome suggestions but but I slept on it (literally I thought of a name in my sleep) and Im going with with the Centurion Class Attacker
  17. Well its this craft is designed to be a space born craft. It has 4 guided missiles in the rear of the ship. The wing parts form a bomb bay Still needs a name
  18. Negative, an attack is a class for fighter that is designed to attack ground targets or ships….Much like the A-10 warthog. Its kinda like a small bomber A corvette is a class of naval ships designed for scouting, patrolling, or fast engagement of enemy capital ships.
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