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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. Also the loss of the Heaven's Roar (a veteran ship) WILL BE AVENGED!!!!
  2. You had the archangel and I decided last minute to include the faithful but I will say faithful would be an easy kill. a .5 meter missile should easily take it down if you want a copy of it I can give you one
  3. I also had class today at 9:00-10:00 had to turn in my social work application 10:30-12:00 came home and took a nap (it was awesome) 1:00-3:00 practiced a little bit before setting up set up intercept Greko uploaded also it was a .5 meter missile with I beams and I never got a shot that good in practice
  4. PGS Faithful is up first (its first time seeing combat) Target Lotus A Class Carrier ACC Greko Target Locked Shot Fired And David kills Goliath Corvette kills Cruiser One shot, One Kill your move Camulus http://www./view/g1y7scsq10g01g9/persistent.sfs
  5. Its from the game Ace Combat 4 any fan of the game will recognize it "points at fallingintoblack"
  6. Thanks It was actually Zeke that did it first for me, but it was unintentional but it has been implemented into almost all my ships sense (except salvation class)
  7. vs Camulus777 vs War Eagle 1 ships unknown vs 3 Archangel MkII PGS Victory over Death PGS Heaven's Roar (both champions from Victory at Minmus) PGS Dawn's Early Light and one Faithful Class Corvette PGS Faithful The Battle of Cannae, has begun
  8. Is this our battle camulus? Edit Never Mind it its I have my idea for my fleet so after class I set it up
  9. I dislike silhouette pics unless the intent is to be secretive
  10. AND IM CLEAR just finished my Social Work Licenses Application thats due tomorrow so Im ready for battle Caumlus and Corgi set it up when ready
  11. Its at least worth experimenting with after all what is the KSP Motto? FOR SCIENCE!!!!!
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