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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. IDK sometimes I would keep hitting in the same spot and it doesn't even budge. Even if no damage is taken it should at least move a little bit but when this happens it is like a 3 year old hitting a brick wall.
  2. Also I lot of times when I practice, My missile will hit but do absolutely no damage, then other times it will. Im just glad it decided to work during my turn. Does anybody else experience this?
  3. sounds good, that will give both of us time to"rearm and regroup"
  4. The loss of the one of the ships is a blow to moral, but the one-shot, one-kill on Echo by PGS Redemption was a great relief. While Echo still has its SRB missiles, it has no engines so it has no way to fight back. Bringing the score to 1-1 PS i had to move PGS Ruth to prevent it from crashing into PGS Voice of Truth http://www./view/fz1q7apw0q5jmas/persistent.sfs
  5. All the work to upload crafts, pics and provide info on the company blog, then provide links for all of them
  6. I decided to try out the Kerbpaint mod These are Cherub Class Fighters of the 1st Interceptor Squadron of Project Genesis.
  7. I just tried your mod and its quite nice. Here is the my first attempt These are Cherub Class Fighters of the 1st Fighter Squadron of Project Genesis. Now if you can make it work structural panels that would be awesome Another suggestion would be if you can make some way to let the user identify which part is being painted.
  8. Do you think you can make it work for structural panels. Would be nice to add paint to my Salvation Class Destroyer
  9. Have you considered looking into NAV-COM. Its a forum game where people with companies can wage battles against other companies.
  10. Project Genesis ships are ready for battle 1 experimental Archangel Class, PGXS Archangel as well as Four Salvation Class Destroyers PGS Salvation (flag ship of Salvation Fleet) PGS Redemption PGS Voice of Truth PGS Ruth Salvation Fleet ready for battle Psalm 144:1-2 Blessed be the LORD, my rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle; My lovingkindness and my fortress, My stronghold and my deliverer; My shield and He in whom I take refuge; Who subdues people under me. http://www./view/a4855gj4yqort44/persistent.sfs
  11. Y'all ready for some entertainment free battle of Me( War Eagle 1) representing Project Genesis vs Spartwo representing Probtek @ Pol 4 Salvation class destroyers and 1 Experimental Cruiser vs 5 bayonet class destroyers
  12. 10/10 i will eventually find someone that knows me
  13. I do like your ships though. Very original. I would suggest you redo the fighters missiles though. I have been working on some new fighter missiles that are based on Macey Deans Mosquito torperdos but are much stronger and can be reload. If you like I could Pm u pics of them so you can get an Idea of how to make them
  14. There already is a shrike class- Macey Dean made is as an interplanetary SSTO
  15. Minmus at 25,000m 3 ships under 400 parts not picky on class type (no fighters though) victory conditions: 1: Total annihilation 2: no presence of enemy ships (heres a rule I think we should try) if player one is out of missiles on his last ship, then player two can try to shoot it down. If player two misses then player one can flee the SOI if player two still has missiles left. If player two misses but is out of missiles the battle is a draw. also for added fun only one shot per ship can be guided (anti-fighter missiles are exception) also this battle is just for fun. clean and simple fun can use hyper edit to get ships into orbit
  16. Tonight I was at a football game so I couldn't. Im free tomorrow after church once my family leaves for home
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