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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. Same with me for the past few weeks but I finally get some time off and no ones on
  2. as long as it isnt a cart pusher. They deal with enough crap as it is. I know from personal experience
  3. Now that I have found out learned the rules of trade and what not. Im ready for a battle Free match Im thinking 3 or 4 ships only (no fighters). Each 400 parts or less but not picky on class types can be hyper edited to orbit. this is just to get experience.
  4. I to tested it out. Instead of fighters i tested it against a experimental ship. This is the results of a single salvo of 2 missiles (one missile missed, I blame lag)
  5. 322: Hide Barbie doll behind the chips and under burger pattys
  6. 315: once on top of the bike rack, get on a bike and pretend to be the wicked witch of the west
  7. 308 Hide in the clothes rack, wait for people to walk by and yell "PICK ME!"
  8. mind if I make a suggestion. for you anti-ship missiles make them in the following order docking port->decopler-> engine-> liqud fuel-> probe core-> docking port. this way you can contol your missile better
  9. Banned for Stupid Industries initials spelling the word Si. Which is the spanish word for yes. I doubt your company had anything to do with Spanish culture
  10. I have my 9/11 story I was in 3rd grade. 9 years old at the time. I remember hearing on the intercom for all teachers to turn on the class tv to the news. School was also going to be let out early that day. I got home and my mom, dad and my grandparents (moms side) were sitting around the tv. Both towers had already fallen but they were showing it over and over again. I was to young to really understand at the time now that I know what was going on, its a day I will never forget. I thank God everyday for all the people who pay the ultimate sacrifice to keep America free and to try to help fight for those who can't.
  11. “ Squad leaders are requesting a rally point. Where should they go?†“To war.â€Â
  12. first make sure your throttle is up (i know it seems silly to say that but still) second for your missiles i found having a probe body on the missile helps
  13. Get ready, the workhorse of Project Genesis is coming
  14. Here is another idea I had. I know the rules state extra ships cant be brought in once the battle has started. In real life however ships will enter the battle if needed. So how can that be implemented while still following the rules. Well, what if we make it so that a person follows the rules of the agreed amount of ships, but can bring one in later. Here is a hypothetical situation Me and Spartwo are fighting in the Jool system. The rule is 4 ships each. He has his 4 ships but I have 3 in the SOI but have another ship around another moon. When I so choose to, I bring in the fourth ship in an attempt to turn the tide of battle. The ships was always there, just at a different SOI (or high altitude if not at Jool), and out of range of the other ships but not involved in the battle until needed. This rule could add the element of surprise to the game and also allow people who wish to make a debut of a new ship an awesome way to do it. To make it more reasonable in free battle both sides can only do it once with a single ship in system conquest, only the defender can choose this option.
  15. well some people here use hyper edit to get ships to orbit.
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