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Everything posted by Firenexus13

  1. An In-Game Editor Would be awesome for this... like, a button in the bottom-left of the start menu that opens a fake tech tree where you edit your tech tree.
  2. Good... I need some special effects for my carreer
  3. And... The new launcher! it has an update button, maybe that works like the patcher.
  4. this has turned to, WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW!
  5. Have some stock fun, scream at mod creators for not updating in 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 seconds. 1 month later... i complain 0.23 is not out yet.
  6. Um... 0.22 was put in QA... Read This: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/905-Branching-Out%21 Aka QA was done during development, that is why the development was Xtra long.
  7. One Day, Wehrner Von Kerman said: Bill! There ist some Goo on ze floor! (the goo is what kerbals call, GreenMegaKhel, that can only be destroyed by rocket fuel explosions/eating it.) Bill had to dispose of the "Mystery" goo.... so he asked Bob what to do. Bob said throw it away. But when bob got to the trash cans... It was FULL So, Bob asked Jeb. Jeb said... I'll put it in this container and put it on the mun. then tell the next mun lander to Land on it, and place a small tiny fuel tank on the bottom of that leg.) However, when the Mechjeb was not updated for 0.22, (and missed the mun and launched him in a Sun orbit) Jeb took the canister and opened it... he said in his radio... Whoa! what is it doing??? Thus, the Goo canister was born. Odd Story...
  8. Wow.. How did this mod page get no more posts?
  9. False. i eat krakens for lunch with a side of bop. The user below me knows too much.
  10. Well, i do have a lot of mods... let me remove some to see if i get less Crashes!
  11. It makes my game crash more than it used too.... WORTH IT!
  12. No, Some of them are dead. And i agree. GIVE US ZE LINKS TO ZE MODS! Edit: and shouldn't Harsen Be moved with Bob and (His brother?) Orsen?
  13. not to mention... the cobalt-60...
  14. I do agree with you, however, ksp also means stuff like Kentucky State Police... So yea, however most people do look up kerbal space program when first looking up the game, but then they go to KSP.
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