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Everything posted by Firenexus13

  1. Are you still working on this?
  2. granted, you get a model rocket, but NASA needs just a little more thrust for it's new FTMAP (Finding the moon's atmosphere probe) and takes it away. i wish for cake!
  3. That's BBQ chicken and, NO. The user below me loves RAINBOWs!
  4. Banned for... Congratz on your 101th post! anyway... BANNED WITH RAINBOW FOR RAINBOW BECAUSE RAINBOW CAN!
  5. You get a tank, a old, rusty, tank that someone covered in gasoline and lit on fire. I wish for.... Ksp to load quicker!
  6. False! HIDDEN TEXT POWERS ACTIVATE! NO! THIS IS RAINBOW MODE! I SAID INVIS- Better. ATTACK MY INVISIBLE MINIONS! The user below me can see my invisible minions
  7. Banned for... what do cages have to do with this? Banned for not knowing how my hidden text is better. Edit: Ninja'd Banned for Ninja'ing me.
  8. kerrrbiinnnn citttyyy neeedssss annnnn upppppdaaatttteeee!
  9. False. I am the king of hidden text. Cuz im making it now The next user loves hidden text.
  10. Banned for... You again! Btw, banned for cake.
  11. Jambo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10char) E
  12. Science, Explosions, Jebediah. Must i say more?
  13. i don't have a screenshot, but once i saw a duna in this game O_o
  14. Riot in earth's colonies. (or, for oddness, Riot in earth's ambulance... next person picks.)
  15. Granted, You get a train... But when you get in, there are no passengers... and no rails.... the door closes itself..... and the train windows close up... and you are now trapped... I wish for SLIGHTLY LESS OBVIOUS TEXT edit: ninja'd Granted... now it appears during mun takeoff, kerbin takeoff, and everywhere but mun landing. automatically. Every 10 seconds.
  16. Banned with hidden text for not using hidden text! EAT IT!
  17. Build a space station. build a base. make your current stuff smaller and more efficient! MODS. Do the reddit weekly challenge. do forum challenges.
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