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Everything posted by Schnatta

  1. Maybe it's easier to find out any conflicts if the used mods are known. I use: Aviation Lights BBI Lights CrewMainifest Graphotron ISA MapSat KSPX MechJeb2 and some Flags no conflicts and no problems.
  2. Restarted the KSP client, but did not fix it. Did anyone else realtime mun scans with version 4? I do not have this problem on kerbin, only on mun and only during realtime scan.
  3. Hehe, that's kinda joke....with time compression all is fine, whenever I go back to realtime, lines are missing.
  4. Got down to 100 resolution rate, but this breakes only the lines horrizontally like this: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - But I have the same thing with missing lines No time compression, the whole map was made in realtime. The fps I dont know (is there any way to show the fps in ksp or must I install fraps?), but I own a high end PC and all runs very smooth. Raw writing was off, but when its on I have the missing lines also in the raw data. The upload ist the original ingame png. Strange, uh?
  5. I'm currently working on a perl script which is importing the csv to an sql database every few minutes, so the csv function is a must have for me. Thanks if you keep it. Doesn't matter for me if it's a bit laggy while scanning optical in the same time. Now I have another question, I'm on mun now, scanning since an hour. Does anyone know why my scan has so much missing lines? Orbit was 300km at the beginning (left side) and is now 120km. Changing inclination and resolution did not change anything. Tried a resolution 200, 250 and 450. Anyone has a clue?
  6. Ah, okay. Thanks for all the detailled information. Let me say, that I'm very happy with the whole Addon as it is. I can do optical scans and later in another session raw data scans. The lag is not really a problem, cause with this new version everyone is able to change some settings for good map resolution settings and good performance. And this is much better tahn in any version before. You really did a great job. Even if you dislike the csv function, please keep the raw data function in later versions. Its one of the mainfeatures that I'm able to create high detailled maps beside the KSP client or import raw data in other tools.
  7. Im not sure about this, cause I dont have any lags when writing raw data only. Also with a resolution of 500 and orbits > 200 i do not have any lags when writing raw data. But whenever I activate the visual scan with resolution > 300, I got lags. I had the same effect on 3.34 and its reproducable. I dont know if this matters, my raw data will be stored on a very fast SSD. Do you know why the ISAMapGen crashes when generating maps with 36000x18000 pix? I tried this, cause of this would be the maximum resolution of the map and every pixel would be 0.01degree, but everytime I try it, the exe crashes. Another question about the csv, the raw data stores every dot twice or multiple if it's passed more than one time, right? Did some more test on mun now. Okay, it's not the optical scan or the raw data. I tried a resolution of 500 with an orbit of 300. When scanning optical only I do not have any lag. When writing raw data only, I also do not have any lag. But whenever I do an optical scan and writing raw data, it's lagging like hell. To do both at once, I need to take the resolution down to 250, then I'm able to do both at once without loosing performance.
  8. Yeah! The higher resolution maps and zoomfunction is already great. With bigger window and if possible a satellite centered toggable view would be .... woooooot
  9. The scan resolution is a very heavy feature. It's quiet easy to generate high detailled maps via raw data with a resolution >200, but when I try a 400 resolution and a 500km orbit, my cpu doesn't gets it anymore, and its a i5 at 4 GHz. Looks like there is a huge data amount then. But after all high resolution maps are made much, much quicker than with the 3.34 version. Mostly the very high rsolutions are not needed. Im working with 150 now on 220km orbits and i do not have any lag problems and the maps are much more detailled with just one run than doing it with 3.34. The new routines are awesome! Storing raw data only without direct ingame scanning has a much better perfomance.
  10. WOOT! Wow, thats really great. Thx for your hard work. The new options and the 0.20 implementation are really great! Now it's time to generate some awesome maps. Thank you for this addon.
  11. Maybe the best mod for the whole game. Especially the raw data. More options sounds very nice. Would it be possible to configure ingame map colors per body? For example kerbin natural, mun greyscale etc? After all, can't wait for 4.0, even it's a developers version. Thanks so much for your great work and this awesome addon!
  12. Hey, I don't have a clue about 3D modeling or KSP modding, but I know about an Online converter for mesh formats. I Don't know if this is helpful, but I hope so, it exports also .dae format. Here's the link: http://www.greentoken.de/onlineconv/
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