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Everything posted by Sma

  1. Ahh gotcha. I was wondering about that. I've seen them over here in the states at Walmart. Haven't tried them yet though.
  2. Oh, sorry didn't know. The error message I saw posted showed the "\kspblender-master\demo\kspblenderdemo.blend" part, which I'm pretty certain is from the old version. The blend file I believe has the old script built into it. As Brian said, with the new version all you have to do is go to File -> Import -> KSP/Craft or whatever it's called. Now if your blender is set to use Cycles you'll have to setup your own lighting, or you can change your lighting to blender internal which will then use the light that is in the default scene when you start Blender. Oh, sorry it's a Stargate joke. In Stargate, there are these beings called Jaffa, and one of their phrases is kree, which means, pay attention, look here, etc. For those that don't know Stargate, Jaffa are like soldiers of their "gods" or "false gods" (Ra, Apophis, Anubsi, Ba'al, etc) really. Another thing Jaffa's do is play host for the larva form of their "gods" the Goa'uld. The Jaffa have a special pouch thing in their stomach that keeps the larva and provides it a safe place to grow, meanwhile the larva Goa'uld gives them strength, and self healing abilities. Once the Goa'uld larva matures it is transferred into a new host and attaches to the base of the skull and nervous system. To make a long story short (from the Stargate Wiki about Goa'uld language): "What the hell does 'kree' mean?" "Well, actually, it means a lot of things. Loosely translated it means 'Attention', 'Listen up', 'Concentrate'." "'Yoo-hoo'?" "Yes, in a manner of speaking." â€â€Daniel Jackson, responding to Jack O'Neill
  3. @Jaffa Federation, I said KREE! Lol...joking aside... From the error message it looks like you may be using the older version of this addon. Try downloading the newer version as it should now be fixed to be cross platform. I'm on linux and ran into the same problem. It has to do with file systems, as windows uses \ and linux/mac uses /. Edit: Looks like Brian got his reply in as I was typing lol. Also, I wanted to add The new version of the addon does not require loading a blender file. Unless you have a scene setup that you want to use. I'm actually working (when I have time) on setting up a generic back drop scene. I'm going to add some lights into it that should make it easier to move around and change lighting if you're not entirely familur with Blender. It's going to have some "studio" lights that I plan on constraining so certain parts only rotate like they would in real life. Should make it easier to aim the lights if need be, at least for studio type renders. If you want to do something that looks like it's in the game, that, you'll have to figure out on your own lol, or I recommend Blender Guru (Andrew Price) he has a Facebook page, a youtube channel and website. He actually puts on training classes that includes a bunch of resources (textures, HDRI files, reference images etc). Though his youtube channel does have free tutorials, but usually you don't get all the special resources, though on occasion he has released a basic set of textures/pre made models (in the case of his recent grass tutorial).
  4. I know for me when I import something the scale is really big. If you go to one of the side views (number pad 1, or 3 should work) and do a box select ( around just the craft you imported and push S and move the mouse around a little, maybe that would help. Could you maybe do a print screen from a few angles and show us what it looks like in blender before the render?
  5. Ok, I'll see what I can come up with. (lol...I guess one person is enough interest haha) I might actually put the lights on tripods, sort of like studio lights lol. Oh, also I will be trying to see if I can get Remote Tech and SCANsat parts added to the part definitions. I already have the blend file with the parts all lined up, just need to do the definitions lol. Doing Kerbal Attachment Systems is going to be....a challenge. Not sure how the winch part would work, if it does at all.
  6. Mariohm1311, did you see the link I posted a earlier today? You'll need to add light sources to your scene. http://imgur.com/a/ZdhDz#0 Or you can search on youtube for blender 3d cycles lighting for more info. Should solve your problem. Also you can delete the default light that Blender uses. If there is enough interest I can post a "template" you can use to import your KSP stuff. It'll have some lights already preset, with a plain back drop. It would be similar to this:
  7. You need to add some lights, or in this case, planes, and then set their material to emission. I'll put up a quick graphic on how to do that here in a few minutes. http://imgur.com/a/ZdhDz#0 See if this helps.(Haven't really done IMGUR before so not sure if that like will work lol) I would have been more detailed but I have to run. Good Luck!
  8. Hmm, works for me, other than still having trouble importing the heavy drill from Kethane. Oh, did you make sure to update/change your kspdir.txt file in *path to blender*/scripts/addons/io_kspblender-master? I forgot to do that this morning when I test it it out lol. Also on windows I think you need \\ not just one.
  9. PM sent. I think I also sent you the part definitions that I have setup so far for Kethane. Not sure about the scale for the parts yet though. Unfortunately, I don't have a clue as to how to make the part definitions easier for cross platform with out having to list them all out. Unless maybe you could have a variable for the slashes, and before the definitions have the platform.system check set the slash variable to be either \\ or / I guess. It would make it kind of clunky though I guess. Oh, just realized the kethane part definitions I did, they're all classified as utility lol. Don't know if that changes anything or not. Thought I had fixed that. Noticed, for the 1m converter, and maybe the heavy drill, that it is importing something, but no meshes. If I delete everything else, then do a box select over empty space, it picks up parts of those two parts. Strange how all but two of the parts came in properly for the most part. - - - Updated - - - Another odd occurrence. I just realized that my "munbase1" that I previously rendered had the 1m kethane converter, but when I just tried to import it, they don't import. Though it seems there was not any problems with it in the console.
  10. I got the import working now on linux. I can PM (so we don't clutter up the thread with code, more than I already have) you what I did to get it to work, or just paste it here, which ever would work best for you. Still can't figure out why, for kethane, the drill and 1m converter won't import. Several times while waiting for some tests to render...I've caught my self almost trying to drag it around to look at it from different angles lol Also appears the file size of the blend file is much smaller. I was using the old demo blend, and saved over it with a plain backdrop (made from a plane) and the file size was over 450mb. A new one with the same parts (the kethane part test) is a little over 100mb. Of course maybe it's something I did in the demo blend file I guess.
  11. Just put the io_kspblender-master folder into your blender scripts/addons folder, do ctrl+alt+u, go to the addons tab, search for KSP and make sure both the MU and ksp importer are enabled, then you should have an option to import craft files from blenders file menu. Hope that helps. No problem, it's sort of almost fun trying to help fix it...lol Not having any luck with the new update, but haven't had time to sit down with it fully yet.
  12. Lol, yeh....copied it from the steam folder and just threw it there. Meant to move it to a specific folder but never got around to it....oh right I see what you mean, because of the symbolic link thing...yeh I'll look into that next time I'm messing with it. yeh...i did not actually copy it from the steam folder lol guess ill try that and see if it helps. Update: Same error, but makes it much easier to read now lol /home/sma/ksp090 much easier than the other one I had
  13. Doing a little bit of debugging (assuming I was doing it right), I found the folder path that it's trying to use in my case, is /home/sma/Desktop/Untitled Folder/Link to Kerbal Space Program /GameData/Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/model.mu It seems it's inserting a carriage return (\n) or space maybe. Although when I pasted it in here, it was right, but pasting it in a text editor, the KSP directory is on one line, and the gamedata is on another, and if i paste it to the address bar in my browser it puts a space between the two. This is what i used to get the value of the variable it is using. This is for my error that says it can't find the Mark1-2Pod print(ksp+partdir[part.partName][0]) - - - Updated - - - Lol, yeah I think you are right, though so far I haven't been able to crack it on this version. I was able to make it work on the 2 month old version though. It can be pretty tough I imagine. I'll have to play around with it a bit more later. Thought I'd share the error in screenshot form... And a section of code I'm using to get that debug info: def import_parts(filepath): dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) partdir = part_dir.make() rightscale = right_scale.make() kspdirfile = open(dir+'/kspdir.txt') ksp = kspdirfile.read() [B] print ("test")[/B] [B] print (dir) print ("Test1.5") print (kspdirfile) print ("test2") print (ksp)[/B] [B] print ("test2")[/B] for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects: obj.select = False craft = kspcraft(filepath) print(craft.ship + ' ready for takeoff\n') print(str(craft.num_parts()) + ' parts found...') partslist = craft.partslist doneparts = {} # keep track of parts that have already been imported so I can save time doneobj = set(bpy.data.objects) # know which objects have gone through the cleaning process scn = bpy.context.scene # the active scene #cursor_loc = get_cursor_location() #to_ground = partslist[0].pos[2] for part in partslist: [B] print("test3")[/B] [B]print(ksp+partdir[part.partName][0])[/B]
  14. I was going to look into this, but I hadn't noticed that apparently my blender files that I've done so far from KSP are over 100mb, one is almost 500mb, and I can't upload that much with a free account LOL Not entirely sure, but you can check out blender guru (on facebook and online). He might have a few HDRI's from some of the classes he does online. Usually you have to sign up to get them, but every now and then he releases some for free. Also for those of you having trouble using blender, you may want to check out the blender guru youtube channel. There are a lot of good tutorials there with a lot of neat tips and ideas. Oh, also for those that want their flags here is a little graphic I put together real quick that might help: Right click on the flag until it is highlighted. Make sure you are on the texture tab. Expand the Surface menu if Necessary. Click the open file button and navigate to where your flag image is stored. Your flag should now be loaded.
  15. Check out what I mentioned above. Mac and linux file systems are similar. It's mainly just changing tHe slashes from \\ to / (double not really needed with Linux apparently, as the double slash is used for es ape purposes I believe).
  16. Update 2: Being as that I'm on linux, I had to change this kspdirfile = open(dir+'\\kspdir.txt') to this kspdirfile = open(dir+'/kspdir.txt') which introduced new errors Kerbal 2 ready for takeoff 17 parts found... Failed to load Mark1-2Pod... Probably an unsupported mod. Let me know what part it was! Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/sma/blender-2.73a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/2.73/scripts/addons/io_kspblender-master/__init__.py", line 59, in execute return import_craft.import_craft(self,context,**keywords) File "/home/sma/blender-2.73a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/2.73/scripts/addons/io_kspblender-master/import_craft.py", line 58, in import_craft craft = import_parts(filepath) File "/home/sma/blender-2.73a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/2.73/scripts/addons/io_kspblender-master/import_craft.py", line 248, in import_parts scn.objects.active = bpy.data.objects[part.part] KeyError: 'bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "Mark1-2Pod_4293084140" not found' location: <unknown location>:-1 location: <unknown location>:-1 Similar to errors I was getting when I first started with the 2month old version...the other day lol Old reply below this Just noticed the version of the importer i was using was about 2 months old. lol. downloaded the new one (it said 2 hours ago at the original time of this post) but trying to figure it out since it's different I was getting use to the manually editing code thing now I gotta figure out how to load my craft file, after i figure out the "connect failed: No such file or directory" after starting blender. Update: Duh....look in the file menu under import AFTER enabling the new addon. Though I am getting this set of errors now (I'm guessing maybe because of the connect failed when starting blender): Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/sma/blender-2.73a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/2.73/scripts/addons/io_kspblender-master/__init__.py", line 59, in execute return import_craft.import_craft(self,context,**keywords) File "/home/sma/blender-2.73a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/2.73/scripts/addons/io_kspblender-master/import_craft.py", line 55, in import_craft rightscale = right_scale.make() File "/home/sma/blender-2.73a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/2.73/scripts/addons/io_kspblender-master/right_scale.py", line 51, in make right_scale['kethane.tank1mStandard'] = mathutils.Vector((0.0125,0.0125,0.0125)) NameError: name 'mathutils' is not defined location: <unknown location>:-1 location: <unknown location>:-1
  17. I managed to get the kethane heavyDrill imported, but what I did was set the drill to open in the VAB and saved it like that, and imported the craft file like normal, except when it gets imported it's closed and not opened. Also, I'm not sure how to deploy anything. I checked in the user settings and I don't have an option listed for the custom menu. Maybe because I'm on linux, that or I missed a step (or maybe i should check to see i have the newest script....hmmm). Oh, also tried putting the 1m converter in again but it doesn't show up still.
  18. Yeah, I did that a few times, not on purpose. Though, you might want to move the first ship out of the way first, as they all import to the same origin I believe.
  19. Getting them into sketchfab can be a little tricky from what I recall. I've only put a few small things up on Sketchfab with a free account. There were a few good tutorials on how to do it that I found on google, but it's been a while so I don't have the links handy. As for 3d printing....https://eucl3d.com/ksp/ they will do it for you, though it costs a bit.
  20. I've managed to get most of the parts to load into blender, at what seems to be the correct scale, but for some reason the large drill, and the 1m convertor do not appear. It shows that they are being imported in the console though. Also the heatsink for the 2m converter appear below where everything else is imported, and usually much bigger than the part its self. Here is a render of what I have so far. Also some of the orgins appear to be off. YOu can sort of see that the largest tank there is sort of hovering above the truss. I'll post the part dictionary for these later if you need. For the scale I've been using what is in each parts cfg and that seems to work, at least for the radial drill, and the highgain (the smaller) sensor.
  21. Sure, not a problem, if someone doesn't beat me to it lol. So far I've only got those three parts added, as they are the ones I had in that one craft file. I might also do some of the other mods I have as well. One issue (I guess), I had the 1x6 solar panels on my craft, and the panels seemed to be positioned outside of the main solar panel model, plus there appear to be only two panels. Maybe the others are hidden inside I guess, I'll have to check that. - - - Updated - - - I don't know if this has been answered yet (just going through page by page and responding as i find something I can "help" with. What you can do is, in blender push the B key, which lets you draw a rectangle around the needed parts, then group all the parts. I don't remember how you do that off hand (it's been a while since I've used blender unfortunatly), but google/youtube is your friend.
  22. This is what I added to mine to get it to work: # Kethane partdir['kethane.smallDrill'] = ["/GameData/Kethane/Parts/kethane_smallDrill/model.mu","utility"] partdir['kethane.1m.converter'] = ["/GameData/Kethane/Parts/kethane_1m_converter/model.mu","utility"] partdir['kethane.tank2mSmall'] = ["/GameData/Kethane/Parts/kethane_tank2mSmall/model.mu","utility"] I just used the name of the "error" thing to find the part name to reference. Though, as I mentioned above the smallDrill imports REALLY big, even after I added: right_scale['kethane.smallDrill'] = mathutils.Vector((1.25,1.25,1.25)) right_scale['kethane.1m.converter'] = mathutils.Vector((1.25,1.25,1.25)) right_scale['kethane.tank2mSmall'] = mathutils.Vector((1.25,1.25,1.25)) Haven't looked through the code for other size things yet.
  23. I was just getting ready to post some more errors I was getting, when it dawned on me...After restarting Blender, the addon settings were reverted. After re-enabling it, everything seems to be fine. To get it to work, for linux you have to change the \\ to /, although I did make one of them double //. Here are some examples (your mileage may differ): kspexedirectory = "/home/userfolder/Desktop/Untitled Folder/Link to Kerbal Space Program" #Wherever KSP is os.chdir(bpy.path.abspath("//")) partdir['mk1pod'] = ["/GameData/Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod/model.mu","pod"] #repeat this for all the other parts in the dictionary That last one, or all of it really, I used find/replace to replace them all, then just changed the kspexedirectory one to single's, and fixed the ascii rocket at the very bottom of the script. Here is a render of a random craft I made. The only thing missing is the kethane drills. They successfully imported, but were REALLY big, even though I added a "right_scale" for it. Still it's pretty cool. I have yet to try to deploy anything though. I tried a craft that was made by me, which has mods, and causes an error, but I'm going to try adding definitions for those parts and see how it goes.
  24. Hmmm, not sure on the mod part, I'll have to look. I did make sure to have the exact file name in the script, including matching case. Update: Tried with Kerbal X.craft and it also says file not found.
  25. Right yes, forgot to mention, I did the craft file in the same folder with the kspblenderdemo.blend also changed the file name to all lower case with the same result. It may be something pretty obvious, that I'll go "oh, duuh".
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