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Everything posted by NWM

  1. Sadly not. I use the old 1,1 version "modernized" to the 0.22. That old version had nor icon, neither such resize button. I haven't seen the code of 2.0 yet. I used several ad-ons, and except of your mods i have met just simple Name<>name problems. The resized window got - as I remember - size of 32k+n in the config size. Maybe signed-unsigned word problem? The icon migration: I have no idea.
  2. I have same problem under linux, + starting icon migrates to rigth and down(this bus also apears part lister) Now I use hacked fuel balancer 1,1 under linux. 1 simple idea - the symetrical fuel tanks could be used as 1 part - optionally I mean example: 2xFLT big (summed capacity and they are balanced among each others) instead of FLT big FLT big
  3. Helping managing the game - kerbal alarm clock - VOID - enineer redux - TAC fuel Balancer - navyfish's dockingportalignment Some realism - 4 less "IQ=0 arcade" feeling - FAR - deadly reentry - remotetech Unevitable, but missing from Squad directory parts - Procedural fairing - KAS - KOS
  4. Tanks for this awesome mod, I just wish to share 2 idea of mine. 1 - heat spoilers - to protect vulnerable parts - like radial chutes 2 - "repair everyting" option in case landed on KSC - sometimes extremelly fatihuing to check a 200+ pars SSTO after each landing - and, more anoying when clears up at the next reentry: something had been missed at previous checking...
  5. If saves remain compatibe it'll no question anymore. An I mean on/of switch affetcs the aerodinamic modell, avoiding the quit game/uninstall FAR/start again torture each occasion trying a craft as unFAR. (some craft doesn't like FAR, and some of them hates stock "aerodinamics")
  6. Dear Ferram! A simple question can you make a active/passive switch in your plugin, wich makes able to test and save as unFAR an aircraft developed in FAR environment? ps: great thanx for this mod!
  7. Less silly scientific development(simply put some soil to pod to invent a rocket - discovering the deserted airfield's gadgets would be more realistic way) with less morronic tech tree(hypersonic aircraft without landing gear)... Less insane way of handfling of objects. The flags are generally not so intrested to count them in "flying in progress", they are just simple marks of the landing spots. Stopping to make vanished my dropped supply and reinforcement - because all the debris autotically disappear on soil, except that f*****g launch stability enhancher on the launchpad... ...
  8. the problem: Leythe is too warm for its location. It should be orbited around a red dwarf - in case Kerbol can be a binal system. I think somethig similar to the theoretical Nemesis - red dwarf of Earth. Or maybe there can be also something like the theoretical Vulcan...
  9. Cool, but seriously - less than a 1m tall little green guy running with an 1 ton ancor on his back?!!!
  10. sorry, I am new here...
  11. Simply disapointing +: starts faster graaphics docking port sr. <>new file system - easiaer to erase the mod files, but unevitable duplications - bugs(2 found in half an hour: ion engine doesn't glow up, and produce traction instead of propulsion! mouse scrolling down doesn't zoom in! - disapointing new pods: is the designer of the landing pod's IVA ever landed using IVA? What a (CENSORED) stupid put the speed and navball up, the altradar down-left, the vertical speed up-left? When landing these must strictly garded and they don't be able seen on a static screen! The old 2 personed landing pod has only 3 gadgets these - pedantly side by side on the frame of the window! - the seat can not be used as pod? DEMV MK3 seat is more useable... - Falg planting - at least should be made more refinedly... Tested on LinuxMint13
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