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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. true? the dude that wrote the laws of robots right? the user below me knows the user above me knew that I meant brony
  2. war of the worlds (you can only change 1/2 words)
  3. 10/10 who could forget mister tentacle monster
  4. steps off the elevator and says "you obviously don't know who Draigo is"
  5. yes we can't see it well we all know that welcome to the club
  6. banned for not using english and making me more and more full brony
  7. nope I wish that the school would stop playing stupid "techno" music
  8. The leader of Vrystaat has sent you the following communique : Will put 500k for 10k troops sent 2013-10-03 15:41:01 should I do it? also The leader of libertaria has sent you the following communique : Growth at your level costs 75k each. 10k men cost 5 growth = 375k. I'll happily pay 1.5 mill for your men. Now, you can only send them to be when your GDP is 110 or more, but I'd forward you half the cash in advance as a gesture of good-faith for our trade. Message me back if you are interested. sent 2013-10-02 14:18:05 which I don't really get explain please. now I really wish I wasn't so impulsive... http://www.bloc.name/stats.php?id=35405
  9. the USSR won the USA doesn't even have a real space program anymore
  10. I don't get a email with my activation code for there forums anyone else with this probleM
  11. everyone will copy everyone else if the idea is good
  12. www.youtube.com/watch?v=h67JpMyrOVE you have forced my hand
  13. actually 40k started in 1987 if you count Rogue Trader which I do and if you don't second edition was released in 1993 and third was 1998
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