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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. 8/10 no a force halberd is made for killing demons and activated by psychic energy(magic)
  2. false (brony... I hate you for it) the user below me thinks that the user above is not a native english speaker
  3. hum... raming time... wait if we don't have the .craft file how do we kill it?
  4. 8/10 pretty flames but whats the white thing and mrrpamplemousse it's a force halberd not a spear
  5. you may or may not want to talk to/ read this thread
  6. no coment I have no idea what either of those mean (ask mrrpamplemousse ) the user below me is mrrpamplemousse
  7. wow.... do you do this for a living because I you don't I might just say you're lying...
  8. well looks like the games dead... look at the forums/ the suffer a server derp
  9. that can be arranged though would the stores and craft have to fit in the same part limit or could that be separate ? ( would the fuel and craft count as separate modules) I could also volunteer as the pilot person if no one else offers and I'm guessing no mods right?
  10. I thought it was friendship...
  11. fixed... your argument is invaled becuase I say so ...
  12. nope the user below me know what I meant by (and I hate you now... and my impulsiveness/curiosity... watch season 1 episode 1-11 DAMN YOU)
  13. you obviously are not a mod...
  14. On amd vs intel there really is slight but next to no difference at the mid range level (think i5 in terms of preformance) though at the upper range level intel pulls ahead (think i7/E chips) and at lower range levels amd wins due to price(think i3 and lower) and amd wins with there APU's in integrated graphics. Now for Nvidia Vs AMD basicly the same thing except Nvidia is intel and Amd has a lot of good game bundles and is the maker of all the next gen console chips so will probably have better drivers for them. tl;dr Intel and Nvidia = Extremely powerful but at a price Amd = good price to preformance. onto the other things Processor: (talked about) Motherboard: based on Cpu Graphic Card: (talked about) Case: really personal preference you can go really big really tiny or in between Power supply: Based on Cpu and Gpu RAM: unless you make youtube videos and do encoding you only need 8gb for gaming(preferably at 1600mhz) the price on these will go up even more in the next few days (due to This) so something like This Disk Drive: How much do you need? and with your budget you could go with a SSD + HDD combo Cooling: I would say stay away from wannabe water cooling(all AIO) Anything I'm forgetting: do you have keyboard, mouse and monitor ? oh and do you need a cd/dvd drive? and so you need windows?
  15. 10/10 I think we have probably all tried that
  16. false I can't drink...yet the user below me is a mod (NOT)
  17. 9/10 yes yes we do (and I hate you now... and my impulsiveness/curiosity... watch season 1 episode 1-11 DAMN YOU) you know what I mean
  18. false the user below me dose not know what 42 is
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