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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. I have found it...http://www.tinyupload.com/ I can now join in on this... as long as everything is under 200 parts total...
  2. who evers #10 Could you use this to upload the station thanks and can I have a link to the dynamic warp mod?
  3. what about this ram? it's $40 when they have it in stock
  4. because my craft may undock to go blast stuff (post 73 has my craft more or less)
  5. read this http://blocwiki.mastplay.se/index.php?title=Nuclear_Weapons and http://www.bloc.name/alliancestats.php?allianceid=460
  6. true( CAN NOT UNSEE) the user below me is 42 and therefore also a brony...logic
  7. just remember my craft has 10 xl panels and 2 2x4's(so far) and 3 regular size inline batterys
  8. just saying it might be a good idea to link the post's of the user to the op for easier looking at what has already been done... hope that made sense
  9. might think about this one for your psu http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-power-supply-cmpsu650hxa
  10. so you don't want to overclock then don't quote me on this but fairly certain that you will use all the cable so go with non modular or if you really want get a semi modular one.
  11. 10/10 ponies...(yes,mrrpamplemousse it is)
  12. there really is no difference between modular and not modular if you're like me and use all the cables anyway so it boils down to that. IF you are overclocking then you should probable go with a 600w psu just to be safe. Though I don't see why you would there's really no point unless you're in it for benchmarking(which you aren't from what I have read.)
  13. trying to get to the moon using only the small SRB's...in verion .17
  14. I could do the same thing... because well time and I want to have some experience before I go in for a full battle
  15. I can be like war eagle 1 maybe, and be a wild card
  16. what size are the docking ports?because the one one my fighter are the regular size(none Jr or Sr)
  17. false the user below me is not Bruce Keller... I'm looking at you
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