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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. true the user below me is nothing
  2. new plan 1. get kerbal out of "missile" 2. go really fast at enemy with probe controls 3. ??? 4. profit.
  3. fighter can be too...I could all it a really really big missle that looks like my fighter..(i put a probe on it for a reason...)
  4. 9/10 powered suit of super space marine armor...no really look up 40k terminator and grey knights
  5. almost forgot about that... but wouldn't firing a guided missle be ramming? because well it is a "ship"
  6. now if you would allow ramming...(why can't you ram anyway?)
  7. hum.. I could argue with that...but it kind of makes sense... but can you explain then why the usa keeps buying new fighters?
  8. um... ok? any way what do you think about my fighters... they all suck don't they that's why none of you are mentioning it right? right?
  9. that would be the dude with the docking arms. use this to upload it here please so I can see it at school and not have it blocked by stupid firewalls thanks
  10. maybe no dumb but we've all tried it at one time or another...you know what I'm talking about yes trying to get to space by strapping stage after stage of Srb's together...
  11. micro center has some pretty good deals though sometimes you have to actually be in the store to know about them
  12. yea... I did tell you.. and this it's a tug thing(officially called (Heavy tanker tug thing) HTTT XX-1V or XX-1V Heavy tanker tug thing the images are clickable btw
  13. Tada 1 Tada 2 tada 3 4 the last one is what I am thinking about replacing my 3.5 with.
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