mine the MML (mobile missile launcher) VV-1x 1-4 fires the missile groups 10 toggles larders and solar panes. to fire first brake. then press g then ether space to fire all or 1-4 range is 14.7 km in"smart mode"( ie with sas on) craft file: http://www./folder/ln9ang56crb0b/KSP?(ignore the other ships in there please there not done yet)
mine is name of craft+letter+letter + # +letter X=space V=Atmospheric #= design order #+x=military #+v=Aid ship #+z= station example Light scramble interceptor (LSI) XV-1x
true. just because I like quotes moar The use below me has no idea what the following quote means "Bronies are just awesome as ponies, elephants, and flaming pigs" and don't answer it mrrpamplemousse
still here and i have almost perfected my LSI line oh and my land missile thing because why not. the MML (mobile missile launcher) VV-1x 1-4 fires the missile groups 10 toggles larders and solar panes. to fire first brake. then press g then ether space to fire all or 1-4 range is 14.7 km in"smart mode"( ie with sas on) craft file: http://www./folder/ln9ang56crb0b/KSP?(ignore the other ships in there please there not done yet)