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Posts posted by briansun1

  1. 4 hours ago, Alphasus said:


    The i7 offers hyper threading over the i5-6600k. It can act like it has 8 cores, which would in theory, bossy 1.1 performance quite a bit.

    For the price of an i7 you might as well just buy a xeon. For gaming a good i5 is the most you will need.


    This is what I would do for a $1000 build. For around $800 I would drop the GPU from a 390 to a 380x

  2. 1 hour ago, scribbleheli said:

    I do not know about the second question.

    But I have recently done a lot of looking into the first question. And it seems like the answer is "it depends"

    The Vram is just a faster closer version of the DRAM of the PC. Its where textures and color bit maps are loaded and stored before being processed by the GPU.

    I watched this How much Vram do you need?

    It seems like games that have lots of hi-res textures and your screen resolution play a big roll in the memory needs. KSP or Minecraft do not.

    A 1080p screen x 32 bit color data is like 8Mb + all the texture info. But if you play on 4K. its like 33Mb of just color data. Add your Skyrim beautification mods and the memory starts to matter.

    Thank's for the info.

  3. Bought a 380 4gb over black friday. Seems to be doing well. I do have a question how much of a difference does going from 2gb vram to 4gb  do? On another note I keep getting the "your computer is low on memory" even though I'm using less than 1/2 the ram I have. Do I just need to increase my page file size?

  4. [quote name='Randazzo']I'm really liking the settlement building. I went a touch overboard at Sanctuary, not knowing the population limits and such, but at least it's a nice place to live. Power routed all through the settlement, lots of turrets, completely walled in.

    One of the neatest non-spoilery moments I've had so far happened when I fast traveled there. I was unloading a bunch of junk I had collected when the trader who comes through went running down the street, yelling for help. I was mostly confused, hadn't seen that before and had never been attacked without a quest warning before. Then the sirens started going off, followed by bouts of gunfire from turrets and guards.

    By the time I got my head out of the clouds and ran to help, it was over, but it was a strangely neat moments.[/QUOTE]

    So the guards will trigger the siren? Also what's the population limit?
  5. I've only owned it for a day and I already have 10 hours in the game. So, ya I'd say it's good and not bad. I do have 2 issues with the game. The weapon choice is kind of limited without modding and I'd like to see skills again (ie energy weapons).

    Anyways everyone know you don't buy a Bethesda for the game you buy it to mod the crap out of it.
  6. [quote name='Akard']Thanks for your answers.
    Why fanless ?
    - First for the silence
    - Second for the power consumption
    I am casual gamer and I don't need a graphic card for every day work, just for two or three games.
    That's why I thought of a fanless computer, to reduce to a maximum the specs and when I don't play and to boost only for games.
    The dream would be something like the cubi on which I could plug an external GC to play :).
    I don't mind building one.[/QUOTE]

    Silence is understandable, but they're going to be almost no difference between 1 fan and no fans. For example I have 2 120mm fans and 3 140mm fans and I can't really hear them especially when I'm doing something on the computer. The sound of my HDDs are actually louder then the fans. The majority of your power consumption will come from the GPU and CPU. And as Elthy said Small, Powerful, Silent choose 2.
  7. [quote name='cantab']I really wouldn't worry about that, there's still plenty enough bandwidth for any card on a ~£300 budget. Bear in mind it's common for SLI setups to use 8x/8x speed, and PCIe 3.0 x8 is the same as PCIe 2.0 x16 bandwidth wise.[/QUOTE]

    I was just pointing it out as a possible thing to think about.
  8. [quote name='Camacha']Be sure to find out whether it is PCI or PCIe. That is relevant. Also make sure you can install the card without interfering with other cards, or obscuring airflow. If you block or limit a video card air intake, it will not like it very much.[/QUOTE]

    It's a Mini PCIe. [URL="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131830"]Should have enough room too.[/URL]

    [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

    [quote name='Rainbowtrout']I have a slight dilemma.

    Christmas is coming, and I thought I'd treat myself to a PC upgrade. Problem is, I have only a rough idea of what parts work with what parts. At the moment I have [URL="http://www.adventcomputers.co.uk/product/advent-dt3411-desktop-pc"]this prebuilt PC (Running windows 10, upgraded from 8.1)[/URL]. It was good for what I originally intended to play (KSP, Civ 5, EUIV, etc) but trying to run newer releases (GTA V) is a bit trickier. I'm on quite a tight budget, which doesn't help. Despite that, I've found what [I]seems[/I] to be a decent set of upgrades.

    Would this work with it?

    Any other info is welcome :)[/QUOTE]

    On top of what other people have mentioned I'd like to point out that you should get a new mobo since the one you have right now has a PCIe 2.0 slot while the upgraded GPU runs off of PCIe 3.0. Another things is you could probably drop the 2 fans.
  9. Both are approximately as good. Use the ones with three antennas if your PC is not tucked away somewhere, use the one with a separate antenna hub if you could improve reception with that. Do make sure you have an appropriate PCIe port free, and accessible (i.e. not blocked by other cards or ports).

    I would not advise USB-sticks as the initial choice. The reason is that USB often works, but does not perform best. It also has to go through so many protocol layers (both WIFI and USB) that weird things can happen. The more native you get, the better it generally is. Therefore, the hierarchy of preference for network connections is:

    - Wired (using proper cables)

    - LAN over power

    - Wireless over network cards

    - Wireless over USB

    Should have a slot free. It's the tiny pci slot right?

  10. What expansion slot it uses obviously, you need one that will go in your PC nicely.

    Which WiFi standards - and any non-standard extensions - it supports of course.

    What type of antenna it has. For a desktop I think an antenna on a decent length cable is better than one that's fixed to the back of the PC. Relatedly, whether the antenna can be removed and changed, especially if you think you might need a higher-gain antenna for your use.

    Whether there are software drivers for your OS.

    Any you would suggest? Or info you need from me to make a suggestion?

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