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Posts posted by briansun1

  1. Rune. Another interesting question: at what point do lasers retire present-day kinetic weaponry, exactly?

    Exactly? I guess it would depend on how quickly we get into space and want to start shooting each other, and if lasers are an improvement over kinetics. So, probably whenever a fleet armed with lasers beats a fleet armed with kinetics. Much like in the past with the wood to ironclads, Pre-dreadnaughts to dreadnaughts to Battleships, Battleships to aircraft carriers, or prop to jets

  2. Unfortunately, I have found no explanation as to what each setting does, so... here is what I assume they do.

    • Default Alt.: When not engaging or engaged with a target, the AI will patrol at this altitude.

    • Min Altitude: When the craft is below this altitude, it will endeavor to get above it. If you force your plane into a fast dive past the minimum altitude and it cannot reliably pull itself out before hitting ground, raise this value.

    • Steer Factor: I really don't know what this does... I know it turns harder with higher values, but seeing as there is no explanation, I really don't know what the numbers here indicate.

    • Steer Limiter: This value limits the AI's ability to utilize control of the plane.

    • Steer Damping: In theory, this should hinder the speed at which the AI can actuate the control surfaces, thus reducing jerkiness in flight. The maximum value here is 8, however, which I find completely insufficient and always max out.

    • Max Speed: The AI will generally attempt to maintain this speed, but will often go below it in dogfights. It may go above this speed in a dive, if the plane is incapable of slowing itself down; however, it will endeavor to not maintain a speed higher than this value.

    • TakeOff Speed: The speed at which the AI will attempt to lift off from the ground. For planes using FAR, or planes with long tails, I suggest not having a TO speed below 120 m/s. If your plane has weak engines, I suggest a higher TO speed to allow the plane to get some momentum before attempting a climb. If the AI happens to leave the ground before this happens, however, it will determine it is flying and will try to reach minimum altitude.

    I hope this helps. I myself would like a more specific explanation as to what exactly these values do (more specifically the steer factor and steer damping).

    What does the standby mode do?

  3. I went ahead and grabbed an optical drive so I would have it for movies and any CD run program that still exists. That's why I needed 1 5.25.

    So I have one 2.5", three 3.5" bays, and one 5.25" bay. That will hold an SSD, another hard drive, another SDD if I wanna fasten it in, another hard drive/SSD, and my optical drive. Correct? Everything else goes somewhere else?


  4. That case won't work, I need at least 1 internal 2.5" bay for my SDD. Other than that the build is looking pretty complete.

    Case needs: at least one 5.25" external bay for optical drive

    at least one internal 2.5" bay for my SDD

    at least 4 internal 3.5" bay's for other stuff

    I have no idea what else to look for in a case, so could someone help? Just find a case that will work with the above requirements and this build. Thanks!

    Also, is the build complete? Or is there something missing? (besides the case)

    You don't have to have a 2.5 bay. SSD's will fit just fine in a 3.5. You could always go to G2A for you keys.

  5. The benchmarks you linked show that they are similar. Sometimes the 280x is better, sometimes the 960 is better.

    The 960 has a faster clock speed, the 280x has another GB. Which would really matter for just regular gaming?

    I'd say that the extra gb will do more than a faster clock, but it depends on what game you'r playing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ok, I have further refined my build. Can you guys check it out and make sure it will work well?

    And also tell me if the case with PSU is a bad idea. It saves me a lot of money, but would it be trustworthy enough?

    General no. It's a really bad idea.

  6. Alright, I have my goal for a final build. I just need a motherboard, PSU, optical drive, and case. I don't really know how to choose those, so could one of you amazing people here finish this build? (going for inexpensive)


    Are you sure you need an optical drive? If you don't here's a build. I would recommend an AMD GPU though. At this price point amd is slightly better then Nvidia.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's more about a reputable brand. I've had good experience with Seasonic and Corsair, there are probably others, too. Just avoid the cheap no-name ones and you should do fine.

    I've heard good things about EVGA too.

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