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Everything posted by stikfigz

  1. As long as the mission completes its primary objective, like LANDING on the Mün, I'm happy.
  2. I would get the other astronauts to make it look staged
  3. Got it all working! Thanks guys!
  4. Did you remember to move the parts into the folder, or did you end up putting the (mod) parts FOLDER into the game's folder? I've done that before...
  5. I've played the game for a while, but I only just started checking out parts of the forum (other than add-on releases) a couple days ago. I have two questions. 1: How/can I post pictures on the mobile version? 2: How do I make a signature? (I seem to remember a thread existing on signatures, but I can't find it) Thank you! -stikfigz Third question! How do I set a profile picture?
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