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Everything posted by Altair1371

  1. 2/10. I don\'t care for South Park. BTW, it\'s Doctor Who.
  2. 7/10 Epic beard, good angle, but I don\'t know who that is.
  3. Annoyed at the failure of His son, God starts the Armageddon, which ironically is targeted only at troll killers. No remains are left, and all supporters are deleted from the universe.
  4. Former CEO of Troll inc. has begun a revolution against the evil corporation of Radion Space Works and other fellow companies. 6 billion rise up, as well as the Gallifreyan, Dalek, Cylon, Droid, Clone, Rebel, Imperial, and Kerbal fleets have aided by literally liquidating the headquarters of Money Group LLC, Chuck Norris then appears with his mentor, Jesus, and annihilates anything left over. Face it, you\'re screwed.
  5. Troll inc. has denied any kind of takeover by Radion Space Works. Any attempt at a hostile takeover will be met with the full force of the Gallifreyan Fleet. Please note that since the fleet may travel through time, it is possible for them to incinerate you before even thinking of a takeover, so don\'t push your luck!
  6. 5/10 I don\'t like tea bagging, but on the off-chance you\'re dancing, Ok!
  7. I remember waking up, and my parents told me to go outside. I saw the streak, but didn\'t understand the significance of it.
  8. I am reiterating what Skunky said now. It was called a Spam Thread. Spam is bad in any form or fashion, be it ponies, KSP, or Star Wars.
  9. Now here\'s a question: what introduced you to MLP:FiM? For me, I watched a hilariously voice-over parody of S1E1, and decided to watch the actual episode just for context, thinking the standard 'this is a little girl\'s show'. This is what happened next:
  10. ;P Touche, Nova. Really depends on how desperate Derpina is, and how accepting she is of bronies.
  11. Almost there! Boosters (I\'d say about 50) that lift a rocket. It launches a rocket. Rocket detaches space plane and becomes transit point between Earth and Moon. Space plane goes to Moon and crashes killing all inside land on the surface. Rocket lifts off, and becomes transit node in lunar orbit. Second space plane returns to Earth. You now have commercial colony and transit stations! SO. MUCH. GENIUS.
  12. Or, maybe a plane to take a rocket to take a plane! Genius!
  13. I would have to say that I have never played any Elder Scrolls game. My ultimate favorite games are Wind Waker, Super Mario 64, and Mario Kart 64. Sad to say, only WW is left. :\'(
  14. This is the BEST. POSSIBLE. THREAD. Brony reference aside, I am waiting expectantly for the launch in 20 minutes.
  16. Now you\'ve done it! You just had to not get kidnapped by Candleja NOT NOW! YOU\'RE DESTROYING THE UNIVERSE AS WE KNOW IT! IT\'S DOO 404 Error: Universe could not be found. Please insert an acceptable universe now
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