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    Capsule Communicator
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  1. I couldnt play this game without all your great work and I have made some incredible stuff so I have donated something as well
  2. Hand the whole lot over to the private sector to maintain manage and upgrade the thing it comes apart so replace the old outdated stuff with new why de-orbit when you dont really have too
  3. These Landing legs look really good do they exist and where would you find them
  4. This mod should be saved and bought up to date its one of my favorites has anyone got the subsat thing to load
  5. Thanks I got it once i figured out the little right and left buttons for the components
  6. I have tried to be positive about KSP2 and tell myself it will get better but at this stage I just dont like it. I dont like the cheesy digital type interface, I dont like the VAB construction sequence VAB is very dark compared to KSP1 , it really should have an aircraft hangar to build aircraft KSC 2 is huge the runways are huge and no aircraft hangar I guess the budget didnt extend that far. I do like the lauchpads they are very cool. The compass and flight controls, time warp all look like they came fom early 2000's computer games and the big green button that says go is very annoying the staging icons look terrible as the match the build icons again terrible at this stage i am prity disappointed but it is early access so i hope they polish it up over the next few releases but at this stage I am going back to ksp 1
  7. Yeah I tried F12 must be a combination of keys that I have accidentally hit hopefully someone will know what they are thanks for your help I have resolved the problem it was KJR Next causing the issue switched to KJR continued seems all good
  8. I built the rover but it has these green lines on it and i cannot for the life of me remember ever seeing these before
  9. Do you think they will add the aircraft hangar back building in the VAB is janky and where are you supposed to park your aircraft I love the new layout of KSC but it would be better if it had an aircraft hangar
  10. The Vab is a dark dingy cluttered space which i am having trouble finding things the representation of parts looks weird to me from KSP1 I cant seem to find the aircraft hangar either I love KSP 1 it got me through covid lockdowns would have gone insane without it KSP 1 was great but it went through a series of development changes so I am hoping by just waiting this will become something i love as well but at the moment not loving it Once the modders get a chance to do there thing I am sure it will be great
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