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Everything posted by IndieDev3D

  1. Damn, never seen a rocket so kerbal in my life, welcome mate!
  2. Just one! Full story here. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/42049-Silliest-thing-you-ve-seen-in-KSP
  3. I live in EU actually, but I guess I can stick around a bit longer!
  4. I do use Steam! I'll upload it first thing in the morn'! It's time for me to sleep.
  5. LoL, I sometimes EVA out of a spinning ship (like I did this time) and I try to time it so the ship explodes the opposite way of where the kerbal is and it sort of acts as a catapult like for you... He dies anyway so it's really pointless in doing so.
  6. LoL, it's a one in a damn billion to hit it and a another billion to hit it like this. XD
  7. Why is everyone making these 0.21 threads? I really don't get it.
  8. Thanks! I'm just gonna leave him there to remind kerbals what happens when you don't listen to your master... MWAHAHAHAHA!
  9. Yeah, I only wish I had opened my Fraps then!
  10. ROFL, I'm still laughing here! I EVA'd outta my spinning plane and landed on the SPH tower! The results are amazing! Vlad the 3rd anyone? I just wish I had that on video... Anyway, feel free to post something you've seen!
  11. Well it was only a memorial mission not to replicate Apollo 11.
  12. Put 20 of my VTOL planes next to the SPH and bomb it for the sake of an epic video.
  13. I'm glad at least some of you like it, all comments appreciated.
  14. WOAH, I didn't know I'd get that far, thanks for the feedback though.
  15. Seriously? Only he likes it? :/
  16. Does anyone else like my editing?
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