Absolutely! That's actually what I wanted to suggest, but you guys are already talking about it. SRBs that you've made now are really cool, but they are too tall to use them as upper stages. Smaller, flat SRBs with better vaccum ISP would be awesome. As far as probe parts go, I'd love to see some atmosferic probes like Galileo probe (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Galileo_Probe_diagram.jpeg), and maybe some aeroshields to go with it. More parts to build probes with would also be really good. Maybe look at some soviet probes for inspiration? Most western satellites seem to be more blocky(like stock parts), and soviet ones have these really interesting shapes. It would be cool if you could somehow transform these shapes into stickalike parts. Another thing would be stronger linear RCS thrusters(like these small engines on orion SM or ATV engines). Some better looking rover bodies would also be nice.