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Everything posted by DngrMse

  1. It's a polar bear rampant on a snowy background during a blizzard, right?
  2. I have a five year plan to fix everything. ~ Kladimir Lenin
  3. I had something odd happen yesterday twice. I have a large lift vehicle that I've been playing around with, (something for my Duna-Ike land, and return mission), and on two separate launches out of several, one of the six orange tanks making up my outer ring didn't consume fuel at the same rate as the other five. When the other five were emptied, the one mainsail connected to that orange tank continued to fire. Flip, flip, flip, until the rocket came apart. The next launch was fine. The one after that was fine, (at this point I was tweaking my lander stage only). The one after that....flip, flip, flip. I'll try to recreate the error, and post a screenie.
  4. Once I got the whole getting into orbit thing down, I started using mechjeb for ascents. I will frequently use Smart A.S.S. for s/c orientation prior to burns. Oh, and I did use it a couple times to land on the Mun. Thinking back on it....getting into orbit the first time was much harder than getting to the Mun and landing.
  5. Reminds me of the story of the Heavy Boots. Briefly, a bunch of college kids were asked what would happen if you dropped an item while standing on the moon. The choices were: 1. It would just float 2. It would fall to the ground. and 3. It would float away. The most popular answer was #1. When confronted with evidence of men walking around on the surface, and asked why they didn't just float away, the most frequent response given was that the astronauts were wearing heavy boots.
  6. I, um, have quite a few permanent Mun colonies too.
  7. On my first Almost Return Mission, I sent Jeb out for a look-see, and realized I hadn't put a ladder on the lander. I spent a few hours bouncing Jeb off the capsule using his jet pack, and frantically trying to get him to re-enter the capsule, until his pack ran out of fuel. I consider this one of my more spectacular successes, since I did manage to ram the capsule with Jeb several times.
  8. Lithobraking is the most efficient form of braking known to Kerbal-kind. Jeb swears by it. Or at it. Frequently.
  9. I managed my first Mun landing without the aid of MechJeb, (the entire mission, for which I'm proud). I had to carry a lot of extra fuel to correct for my frequent oopsies, but I did it! I had already heard of various interesting sites on the Mun to visit, so I put my craft in a very low orbit around the Mun, and spent quite a bit of time studying the landscape for these sites. I found a twinkly 'thing' in a large crater, and decided to try for that. I missed it by a couple dozen kilometers, ruined my lander, (I forgot to put the landing legs down....though even if I had remembered, my lateral velocity would have tipped my lander over anyway). My Kerbalnauts survived though, so I count that as a success. Sadly, I never went back to rescue them, and I'm sure by now their supply of sandwiches is running dangerously low. I did finally manage to land manually at the twinkly thing, (the Neil Armstrong Memorial), and later discovered an arch, and landed there too.
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