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Everything posted by Bigcheecho

  1. http://www.nationstates.net/nation=united_kerbal_federation NationStates is a game where you essentially create your own country. While playing it, I found that country.
  2. Probably. You can maneuver the site as it was on March 27: http://web.archive.org/web/20130327154041/http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum.php?
  3. I couldn't vote in time, but if I could, it would be KSP.
  4. Chances are, it would still get 30 million downvotes and 1 upvote if a good singer sang it. Not to be an a**, but "What does the fox say?" is getting annoying, if not already extremely annoying.
  5. I know. I'm pretty excited for the 16th, but I'm not holding my breath on 0.22.
  6. Actually, should I not be mistaken, each update gets delayed by a day when someone asks, not every week. Even so, at this rate, we'll never get 0.22 until 2014!
  7. You're forgetting about Arial Black, the truly serious font.
  8. Something I made for a livestream a while ago:
  9. A government to bring your budget so low that you can barely afford to send a payload of 15 tons into orbit! In all seriousness, though, I'm going to wait until I get my hands on 0.22 before I speculate on 0.23.
  10. Well, then, Kercial Democrats? In all seriousness, though, Bengsten Celestial Exploration Co.?
  11. I'm highly looking forward to the science, but the sub-assemblies make me happy too.
  12. Is there anything you're looking for, i.e. x words, inspired by this country's language, etc?
  13. Infinite energy is not possible, due to the universe having a limited amount of energy. But honestly, why are we worried about perpetual energy? A single volcano could give energy to the human race for thousands of years, and we do have quite a lot of volcanoes here on Earth, and in the future, Io.
  14. Not even calendar's end, just a different "segment" of the calendar, kind of like how we have centuries.
  15. Different. Solar. Systems. Are. Not. Yet. Implemented!
  16. I try to avoid it, but sometimes, you have to deal with the inevitable. Especially with Ioncross, and I haven't sent a manned mission with Ioncross yet.
  17. Short Answer: Yes. Long Answer: KSP is the kind of game which appeals to a mature fanbase, mainly due to the fact that the ordinary 12 year old would never have the patience to learn to even orbit, even less so interplanetary travel.
  18. It's people like the one who did this mission who make the world go round. I could never do such a thing as he did, even with mods.
  19. I haven't docked successfully, but then again, I have only attempted docking once.
  20. I'll be requesting a thread lock before it courses into an all-out flame war.
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Manley Might as well. Feel free to help!
  22. Never ask when the next update is coming out. Rumor has it that whenever someone asks when the next update is coming out, it gets delayed by a day.
  23. If I'm not mistaken, they did use an autopilot, so don't feel bad.
  24. And there are more common people (people who actually watch Honey Boo Boo) than people who know orbital mechanics (Us + People who work in space centers)
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