Majiir, I'm not sure, but the kethane deposits appear to be biased towards the poles. I've read the code and can't figure out your generation method. If you pick a latitude and a longitude at random you will get this bias (because the lines of longitude converge). Again, I don't know if there really is a problem. Edit { I found this in your Plugin/Deposit.cs file. Vector3 Pos = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(R, Width - R), 0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(R, Height - R)); where Width = 2.0f * (float)Math.PI * (float)CBody.Radius; Height = Width / 2.0f; From this it looks like you will indeed get a higher density of kerthane sites the closer to the pole you get. A number of techniques for generating non-biased distributions on the surface of a sphere are described here: Of course, you may have actually wanted more kethane deposits in the cold polar regions. } Thanks