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Everything posted by hiul

  1. Hi all. I just installer atm and FAR icon had gone blank. I then looked in the icons setting and found nothing then in the atm configs and found no FAR cfg so I added one and now it work ^^ I join the file in this post for those interrested. FerramAerospaceResearch.cfg put it in your "GameData\ActiveTextureManagement\ActiveTextureManagerConfigs" folder found work. it just specify the mod to rescal the pngs at 1 time the size () I didn't test when setting enable = false. enjoy ! seems to me that any icon issue could be resolved by that. or simply detected the "icon" key word in the texture file.
  2. true the woblyness of a rocket is something that adds some stress to your launch and there is nothing more satisfying than making a wobly rocket get to orbit. ^^ (in sand box mod anyway) I just think that they should allow some parts to have more than two joints like the wings or the fortifying structures
  3. Hi and the idea of a proceduraly generated space does not comes with the fact that your starting system will change from one game to an other. I mean using seeds you can choose a random system but using the same seed you create the same space. It could generate easily juste 5000 dots in the sky for the stars and generate live the small region you zoom in with your telescope then store only collected data.
  4. Hi everyone. I thought about something while trying to make a plane (that actual flyes well). The fuel in real planes are stored in the wings no ? and to think that there is only intakes, a cooler, and the so called engines (which are just infact the output of it) it would make more sens too add a part that acts as an engine with a certain capacity which is relative to the intakes and outputs on the plane. And for the plane wings... well we should be able to draw them live. I mean exept for big airplanes like boing's you can't expect to see it bend like they do right now. So what do you think ?
  5. hmmm. well i'll try. but when I do take off (in the extremly rare cases that I don't crash before) the plane is utterly out off control spinning like hell even at low combustion. about tier 1 an under. tier 1 is enought to take off. so it might be something else too. but ill try to make the gears near the center of mass.
  6. sorry for the wait but here is the screen shot of the plane: this is the simplest plane I did and each and every one I do seems to have the same problem... I looked into the joystick entries but nothing is entered and even when I only activate the keyBoard it does the same... I realy don't understand.
  7. arg. this mods is great but i can't get why my plane is rolling when in takeof it's the most simple there is and I don't get it u_u. http://speedy.sh/PWmrv/Auto-Saved-Ship.craft someone can help me to get it ?
  8. -Thanks for the warm welcome. I understand pretty easily the maths because I used to program my own gravity simluation soft (just two dots orbiting each other.) I love math as it is used to understand our world. The real problem is that I'm fairly laisy about doing them into a prog to figure out if my rocket'll go up or down ^^ I just made one to who go up at 45m/s until 10km up and then begin to accelerate to put in orbit the core of my station future station. Which was a success. I had to strengthen the structure quite a bit thought. I'll send it again and recoed it to youtube if you want. It is so exiting I would like to have much more features in it but it I'll just have to wait. I just have one question. How do I set the S.A.S. to just compensate my maneuvers which is done is some of the tutorials and senarios ?
  9. Hi all. I'm new to kerbal space program but I'm in love. There is soooo much to do <3 I hope to be of some help. I'm currently reading the suggestions and am thinking of some simple things to implement but I'll tell you later. I'm happy to be here and hope for this project to continue on this perfect trajectory. May kerbals find the way to space u_u
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