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Everything posted by PrivateFlip

  1. Apparently there are some problems with the mod. Have done some testing to see if everything still works. -Tourism is indeed broken in latest version. I have disalbled it for now again, it could give a blocking error. -The main functionality seemed to work, also when using the previous version in 1.2.2. I've also tried some unmanned missions to see if they give issues, but this is not the case, so I cannot reproduce the issues you are having. @ blnk2007: the link to your log no longer works. Updated -disabled tourism again, the functionality gives errors which for the moment has not been solved.-updated for 1.2.2
  2. Both should work. Is the ordered mission still shown as due in the dialog? This would be indicated by there still being any kind of arrival time message being shown, which could be either a time or a text. There are a couple of reasons flight could be cancelled, the most prominent being there are not enough kerbals to man the mission, the destination has moved to a too high orbit in the mean time. In both cases a message should be shown when revisiting the station after the arrival time.
  3. Thank you for testing the mod! Glad you liked it! As to the suggested feature. I really like the idea, it makes a lot of sense. However at the moment I do not expect to make large feature additions to my mods. With a full time job, which is also programming, there just isn't a lot of juice left in me to spend a couple of weekends coding and testing new features. I wish that things were different, but that's the gist of it. ------ Update: -support for tourism contracts is again implemented.
  4. Update -removed dependency on an functional ModuleAnimateGeneric being present in the part -updated version
  5. Ah yeah, after KhaosCorp update of the model there is a depency on an animation. module could you add the following to the part.cfg MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = extend startEventGUIName = Extend endEventGUIName = Retract } Let me know if this gives other issues. If so I will try to fix the dependence on this module.
  6. Hi funkcanna, trick is the ship won't arrive if you stick around the station. If you switch to another ship and come back later the ship should have spammed at your station.
  7. Update: -adapted for 1.2 -support for contracts has been removed for the moment Somethings going wrong with the contract support which makes the mod non functional. I decided to release a 1.2 version without contract support now, instead of waiting until I found the time to figure out what is going wrong.
  8. Thank you for reporting this! I've uploaded a new version in which this should be resolved
  9. Updated -small changes to make the mod compatible with 1.2
  10. Yes, I finally did. It has compiled against 1.1.3 libraries, test show the mod functions as usual. Recompiled and tested the mod yesterday, but when I tried to update it, kerbalstuff appeared to be down! So, naturally, I decided to wait for a day. Today it was still not up. I was about to do a search on the forum to see what's going on when a dim lightbulb went on in my mind. The new version is available and spacedock and curseforge.
  11. Okay, thanks for the explanation! This weighting does explain the behaviour I'm experiencing in game. I don't take up a lot of contracts, only the once which fit in with what I was already planning to do. Rescue missions however feel obligatory to me, so I take them up whenever one is in the queue and complete them as soon as possible. The free astronauts are nice, but it was getting a bit out of hand.
  12. That explains a lot, am having the same phenomenon, where the moment I rescue two new rescue contracts pop up shortly after. How could I've known about the reputation contract unlock? Is it explained in the game somewhere?
  13. Update: -version compiled against 1.1.3 libraries. This fixed some minor issues which occurred when using the 1.1.2 version in 1.1.3.
  14. There is Throttle Controlled Avionics. It's been a while I took a look at it, from what I just saw in the thread it's pretty sophisticated these days. It offers autopilot functionality as well. The thrust balancing seems to be at least on par with this mod if not better and more configurable, although I'm not sure yet if it does do what you request. If you have enough gimbal range sas actually should be sufficient to handle the system after SRB seperation.
  15. Congrats Squad. I own neither, but more playing (and of course paying) customers can't be bad for you people, or the game for that matter.
  16. This mod has limited sophistication. What the mod does is balance the engine output so the center of thrust is under the center of mass. This correction is done in a 2d plane and does not take into account the angle of an engine either to the angle at which the engine is installed or though gimbal. So as soon as your SRB's burn out all your active engines are on one side of the center of mass, so there is no solution where any output other than zero does not lead to an unbalanced trust, taking into account the correction is only done in a 2s plain perpendicular to the direction of flight were all engines are assumed to face backwards. If you have SSMEs which have sufficient gimbal range to keep the center of mass in there center, deactivating the mod at this moment should allow you to continue your flight. What I will try to do is at an event which can linked to the staging so you can have the mod deactivate automatically once a certain stage is reached. It does seem like an issue of that nature. I will push out a new recompiled version.
  17. Just tested it the 1.1.2 version works in 1.1.3. Found a single issue where I could cut the engines of a craft which had lost it's command pod. It's fairly specific and excotic will take a look at it.
  18. Upadate version 020: -made directory path logic more os indepedent -compiled against KSP version 1.1.3
  19. Hi All, For one of my mods I store and read data from the mod folder I'm currently using this to get the gamepath GamePath = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(Application.dataPath); This is appended with the path to the game folder: string CommercialOfferingsPath = "/GameData/RoutineMissionManager/"; However this apparently does not work on a mac. I've tried something like GamePath = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(Application.dataPath); if (GamePath.Name.Length > 7 && GamePath.Name.Substring(GamePath.Name.Length - 8) == "KSP.app") GamePath = GamePath.Parent; apparently this does not work. Since I don't own a mac, this is hard for me to test. According to Unity site "Application.dataPath" refers to the <path to player app bundle>/<AppName.app>/Data. So I'm inclined to try something along the lines "GamePath.Parent.Parent" For mac. Would this work? Could anyone give me some quick tips on how to handle this?
  20. Sorry for the late responds, I will take another look at this. I'm now installing 1.1.3 to see if that broke something. EDIT: could not reproduce this. I tried this also on 1.1.3. 64 bit Windows 7. Method "Vessel.SetPosition" is an method of the game itself. Maybe the ship fails to load, I'll have to investigate this further.
  21. The One of the restrictions is that the craft is in orbit around Kerbin. From what I gather the cycler will be on what would be on an escape trajectory as it passes kerbin, preventing a resupply mission from being ordered.
  22. Which life support mod do you use? You're welcome! Thank you both for reporting the issues.
  23. latest version might fix this. Could you let me know either way? Thank you for reporting this. For some reason unmanned rockets are registered as "landed" when brought to the launchpad instead of "prelaunch" which makes the vessel fail a check to allow the start of check. I altered this check to accomodate this behaviour. Sorry to hear that. I don't use those mods myself but they are pretty popular. Compatibility is always an issue when dealing with multiple mods. To be honest, I'm somewhat reluctant to invest a lot of effort into these type of issues. There is a file "AllowedBodies.txt" in the mod folder which is used to determine for which planets the mod is enabled. If RSS also renames planets, under the hood, from say "Kerbin" to "earth", you could try finding the names RSS uses and adding these names to the file. Update version 019 -fixed bug where unmanned probes could not start tracking on launchpad -possible fix for issues using mod on mac
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