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Everything posted by Raptor831

  1. I like this idea as well. This'd be useful on a station. (Both Project Gateway and Project Odyssey - which is a follow on to Gateway - are great series to watch, BTW)
  2. I never get more than 20 degrees AOA in any kind of atmosphere below the upper wisps, and usually closer to 10 overall. That said, I don't play with 10x scale RSS, so you may be able to skip around in the upper atmosphere a bit better there. Playing Orbiter I know that's the proper reentry profile for a spaceplane, but KSP's aero model (even with FAR) is not conducive for that.
  3. Config is updated, and the KSLO is added to the list of supported mods. And thanks for the tip, I really like those engines! Also, the KSLO is considered a "NASA"-type manufacturer in my matrix, just like Aerojet Kerbodyne (both of which are Blackheart's). Enjoy! As always, let me know if you find any bugs/oddities or have suggestions.
  4. The engines are in my personal config, and I was testing them last night. I should be able to package that up and release it tonight since they worked ok last night.
  5. It did break the included crafts when I posted mine. I don't know of another way to fix it offhand. Again, this was WAY back when the KSO was first released, so there may have been changes under the hood since then that I'm not aware of. I haven't been using KSO in a while.
  6. FAR uses the center of an object to determine shielding/lift. The way the nodes are (or were at least when I cooked up a FAR config for the V1 KSO) it tricks FAR into believing the wing is inside the bay, which it then declares shielded by the cargo bay, which causes the wing to generate absolutely no lift. In short: it makes it literally fly like a brick. The node/model offset is to un-trick FAR.
  7. Sometimes I'll make a comparison to the StretchyTank with the same dimensions and just steal the volume from that. I think technically the volume available should be a cylinder with half-sphere end-caps contained within the tank part, if you really feel like doing math. Which is V = (Pi*(d/2)^2*(h-d))+(4/3*Pi*(d/2)^3) where d = diameter and h = height. Pro tip: just use a spreadsheet and plug formulas in.
  8. One page back: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35043-0-23-5-FusTek-Station-Parts-%28X0-04-4-DEV-BUILD-5-June-2014%29?p=1236956&viewfull=1#post1236956 Save that as a .cfg file and you're golden.
  9. FYI, I've found a quirk if you're running this config and the HGR beta pack. The latest Real Fuels (6.2) comes with a HGR config bundled. This config has the engines inside as well, which will conflict with the ones in this config. It will double the engine configs, which basically makes the part have two engines at once. To rectify, you need to only have one config per part running. I removed the engine edits from the bundled config to make sure the stockalike ones were being applied properly. Tanks actually are pretty easy to add. Take a look at the tank configs in the /GameData/RealFuels/ folder and mimic those. The volume for a tank is generally the amount of LiquidFuel and Oxidizer combined times 5. So: (LF + O) * 5 = Volume I think MonoPropellant comes out to around the same formula. Xenon is a different story, though. Honestly to save RAM I dumped all of the FASA tanks, since I have Procedural Parts now anyway. The MM config should look like this: @PART[some_fasa_tank] { MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = 100 // = (LF + O) * 5 type = Default // or possibly ServiceModule if need be } } The Stockalike config is more for engines, so I'm not adding fuel tank configs to it.
  10. Anecdotally, it seems to help to remove the ModuleLight from the part. I had a ship in the VAB with 120 parts, 102 of them being the 1.25m IACBM. It was 17 nodes with 6 docking ports per node, with an extra part for MJ. It would lag when the whole ship was in frame, but it seemed better overall. Thanks Mihara! In normal usage, I probably won't have more than 30 ports or so (2-3 "Unity"-type nodes w/6 ports each, plus maybe 6-10 station modules with 2 ports per module). So, it'll probably be enough for me to use them without any worries. I haven't put up an actual station yet, so I might split usage between the IACBMs and the Clamp-o-tron, similar to the ISS, if it gets too laggy. For anyone interested, here's a MM config to remove the lights from the IACBMs: @PART[IACBM*] { !MODULE[ModuleLight]{} }
  11. Sounds reasonable. I'll see if I can comment that out of the config and maybe it will help.
  12. Question for everyone: is there any way to reduce lag for the IACBMs? If I have, say, 20 of the IACBMs on a craft my framerate takes a dive (in the VAB or otherwise). The other modules don't give me problems so much. I'm pretty sure it's just my machine/video card not liking the quality on these (it chokes on the NFP gigantic panels and the KOSMOS Balka wings too), but I didn't know if anyone had some insight on this one, or at least which element (animation, lights, model) is contributing the most to my Mac's pain.
  13. I've honestly never tried these on a full 10x scale RSS install. I would guess, it still being a kerbal-y game, that you can really max out your payload fraction, so while it does seem odd, it doesn't surprise me. On a full stock setup, I was always shooting for 10%+ payload fraction (1 ton payload for 10 ton rocket), but I know it's not too hard to get much better than that. The config is based on the "suggested" TWRs that are calculated in the XLS. That data was in Chestburster's original work, which I presume is the same in NathanKell's RftS XLS. They "feel" good to me, from a stock-ish perspective. With a 6.4x scale Kerbin, it's enough that you have to design a good rocket, but you can still launch the 2.5m capsule with 2.5m parts. Maybe kerbals just make darn good engines! You could grab the XLS and make some tweaks until you feel it's better. If you do, I'd be happy to hear what changes you made.
  14. Ah, it seems the magic is within the part models. Did not know that. Sweet!
  15. Just want to drop in and give my thumbs up on this one. Would love a fresh version of those parts, especially if it came with a docking adapter like the old THSS. Either way, good job so far!
  16. You can only have 1 docking node per part, which means you'll essentially need to create a docking "adapter" part if you want to have all three of those active. It's a KSP "limitation" I believe. And I'd love it if we could get this Kerbal-scale. Could always use options for trusses.
  17. I'd try and use the XLS if at all possible. There's a lot of details to remember, and using the XLS is much easier than changing it by hand. The XLS for the stockalike config has some spaces for you to add your own custom engines. You can fill that in and then copy just that MM config into a file and use that. Probably be a lot easier than trying to hunt for errors in the config itself.
  18. There's a column for EI Mode and for Ignitions. Set the EI Mode column for each engine you want to have infinite ignitions to "2". Then set the Ignitions column for those engines to 0. Anything you want to have limited ignitions for you can set the Ignitions column to whatever number you want. Instructions are also in the Docs tab in the XLS. You're welcome!
  19. The instructions are in the "Docs" tab in the XLS, but basically in the "Engines" tab you can select all of the MM Configs in it's column, copy, then paste into a text file. Remove the " characters and then save as somefile.cfg.
  20. As Nathan also pointed out, the fuels ignite, yes, but the "ignitions" in EI are really restarts. HoneyFox has some explanation on the EI thread as well, but basically every engine is rated for X number of restarts (hypergolic fuels or not) due to wear on the parts. This has been abstracted down in-game to "ignitions". Hypergolic engines *generally* are easier to restart because they don't need some kind of ignition source/spark, but (just like an automobile) you only have so long with an engine before it needs repairs or refurbishment. And since we're in space, it's not all that easy to swap out the spark plugs. EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention, you can grab the XLS and force then engines to have unlimited ignitions or not. If you se the EI mode to "2" and the ignitions to "0" you'll get unlimited ignitions. Just copy the configs out to a file and use that instead of the stockalike config. Oh, wow, I didn't realize that mod had new engines. ...downloading... I should be able to add those to the config. Next time I update it, be on the lookout for those.
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