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Everything posted by blizzy78

  1. sumghai, that tutorial is a good idea, I think. I also had problems with emissives before I read somewhere that it's better to use 4.2.2 - so of course I had to download the older version again and install that :-/
  2. Just sort by number of replies: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/35-Add-on-Releases-and-Projects-Showcase?sort=replycount&order=desc
  3. Oops, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention it. Yes I did - press B to start the box selection tool, then just click and drag a box. Or hit Escape if you want to cancel the selection tool. You might want to use keyboard shortcuts instead of the buttons: G - Grab - move things S - Scale - scale things up or down R - Rotate - well, yes Then, to restrict movement, scaling, or rotation to any axis, just press X, Y, or Z after the first shortcut. For example, to grab something and move it along only the Z axis, press G, then Z, and then move your mouse. To make more precise movements, you can also hold Shift while moving the mouse. I've been watching a lot of Andrew Price's tutorials and I can generally recommend them. He's more into making still shots rather than modeling that much, though, but you'll always learn a few bits and pieces from every good tutorial. Also, this other guy here I don't know the name of seems to explain his stuff in very fine detail, so I think it should be quite easy to follow his tutorials: Complex things tend to be overwhelming and frustrating at first. My advice would be to just keep banging your head against that wall if you really want to accomplish doing stuff. In the end, it's all about practice and routine. It can only get easier over time. Your Unity object might be missing the PartTools extension on it, or you might be using the wrong shader. KSP does not like Unity's default shaders, you must use a KSP shader.
  4. Nevermind the forum post formatting, I've seen the screenshot. It just seems to hang while trying to initialize the speech recognition engine. I'll try and come up with a version that does more debugging output so we can better see what's going on.
  5. If you're getting an exception, there should be a stack trace in your output_log.txt.
  6. That's because I wanted to get a grasp on what you were trying to do first. This is how I did it: Oh, and the software I use is Blender.
  7. Is this what you were trying to accomplish? At least that's how I understood it.
  8. Can you please exit KSP and voice server (if running), then start voiceserver.exe only, and then please post a screenshot of the voice server window. Just so that I'm on the same page.
  9. First, the "77.7%" is the confidence of the command recognition. It does not resemble your speech input. Second, I don't think you configured the command correctly. In your case, it looks like you've been missing the <percentNumber> macro. So to be able to say "Schubkraft 20 Prozent", you need to configure the command to "Schubkraft <percentNumber> Prozent". Please see http://bit.ly/1lnCdEv for a detailed list of commands and macros. This usually happens if it does not recognize what you said, probably because of misconfiguration like with the command above. It then tries to find a best match. For the vertical speed command, try configuring it to "Vertikal <plusMinus> <speedNumber>".
  10. Yes, it should output this quite immediately: Listening... Press Ctrl+C to exit, or close the window. You can say 'test 1 2 3' into your microphone to test now.
  11. I don't know, at least not an intentional one. What do you see there? Edit: Ah, so it should be the Up Goer Five. I don't regularly read XKCD, so I didn't have that memorized. I actually got the term off the KSP forums.
  12. This seems to happen on occasion, but I haven't been able to figure out why yet. Please try this: - Make a copy of the GameData\blizzy\VoiceCommander\ folder somewhere outside of your KSP folder. - Start voiceserver.exe from that copy. - Start KSP.
  13. I wish you had explained it such that it's not the altitude that is relevant, but the actual velocity your vessel is currently having. Of course that velocity is higher the lower your altitude is.
  14. Good to know you're still on it. Looking forward to new stuff.
  15. I've updated the OP to provide a new download location.
  16. I have updated the OP to provide a new download location.
  17. I have updated the OP to provide a new download location.
  18. Are you sure this is your output_log.txt? It is missing the complete stack traces for the exceptions.
  19. Ugh, please do note that I don't have anything to do with recent moderator actions in this thread
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