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Everything posted by blizzy78

  1. Uh-oh. I guess I'll have to change some things around in my Achievements and Toolbar plugins.
  2. I wonder how many of you would end up installing four mods instead of the required three. *cough* looks at sig *cough* Also, post #1818.
  3. I think you are very wrong here.
  4. Look at it this way: Just because you decreased your lateral velocity over the surface to zero, it doesn't mean you stop being in an orbit. From the mathematical standpoint, you're still in orbit around a single point (the center of the body.) And thus, you will get faster when approaching that point, and get slower when getting away from it. Your previous action of "stopping" does not change that.
  5. Because you're falling towards the planet/moon and go faster at the same time due to gravity.
  6. So, Majiir kindly provided me with a data dump consisting of 6959 anonymized reports (users providing multiple reports still recognizable). I've split up the dump into single reports, then fed everything into Splunk. I then ran the following command (*) to display exactly the chart that is currently disabled on Majiir's site: index=modstats_test | spath output=user_id path=id | dedup 1 user_id sortby -_time | spath output=ass_name path=assemblies{}.name | stats distinct_count(ass_name) as count by ass_name | sort -count (all on one line) This resulted in the following table (shown here as a CSV export): JsonFx,414 Kethane,410 Toolbar,397 KethaneToolbar,390 "ModStatistics-1.0.2",389 KAS,387 Firespitter,386 MechJeb2,380 ModStatistics,362 ActiveTextureManagement,361 "ModuleManager.2.1.5",359 InfernalRobotics,357 "ModStatistics-1.0.1",356 KineTechAnimation,353 OverlayMgr,352 Clouds,350 CityLights,349 Terrain,348 Geometry,347 ProceduralFairings,345 Engineer,343 KSPAPIExtensions,343 EngineerToolbar,339 RasterPropMonitor,338 KerbalJointReinforcement,336 FerramAerospaceResearch,330 ferramGraph,330 ExsurgentEngineering,328 BDAnimationModules,322 EnhancedNavBall,315 OpenResourceSystem,314 DeadlyReentry,311 DistantObject,310 Chatterer,309 DMagic,303 DockingPortAlignment,301 EditorExtensions,300 Launchpad,299 HyperEdit,298 KerbalAlarmClock,298 CrewManifest,296 CLSInterfaces,295 SCANsat,292 LaunchpadToolbar,291 ResGen,289 MechJebRPM,288 CritterCrawler,281 HullCamera,281 "km_Lib",280 TreeLoader,278 Habitat,276 AviationLights,273 CrossFeedEnabler,273 ConnectedLivingSpace,271 RealChute,271 "ModuleManager.2.1.0",268 TacLifeSupport,263 "km_Gimbal_2.0",261 QuantumStrut,260 SmokeScreen,260 "ModuleManager_1_5_6",259 FinalFrontier,254 CustomBiomes,252 Romfarer,250 AdvancedAnimator,245 NearFutureElectrical,244 ResearchThemAll,242 ActionGroupManager,241 DYJlibrary,241 NearFuturePropulsion,240 NearFutureSolar,239 RealSolarSystem,239 Scale,236 TacFuelBalancer,235 KSPInterstellar,234 RemoteTech2,232 Fusebox,230 modularFuelTanks,227 InterstellarToolbar,226 "km_SmartParts",225 Achievements,223 HLAirship,223 "km_Asteroid",223 TextureReplacer,221 ReflectionPlugin,218 RCSBuildAid,217 KolonyTools,216 AtmosphericSoundEnhancement,212 KSPScienceLibrary,212 CrewXfer,210 "ModuleManager.2.0.5",206 ProceduralParts,206 RCSBuildAidToolbar,204 KSPAlternateResourcePanel,203 PreciseNode,203 CustomAsteroids,201 ShipManifest,201 AGExt,200 ToadicusTools,200 PartCatalog,198 "km_Tools",197 MissionController,195 SafeChute,195 StationScience,192 LtScience,191 ScienceAlert,191 FrementGUILib,190 NLua,190 SCANsatRPM,187 GlowStrips,186 MissionLibrary,186 "ModuleManager.2.1.4",186 SelectRoot,182 VanguardTechnologies,180 AdaptiveDockingNode,179 "ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib",179 "ModuleManager.2.0.7",179 ImprovedChaseCamera,177 NavBallTextureExport,176 "KSP-BioMass",174 EVAParachutes,172 Modulefixer,172 Pump,172 FShangarExtender,171 NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator,170 sfrPartModules1,170 Tracks,167 LifeSupport,166 protractor,166 ModuleDB,165 RealTimeModules,165 HLBallast,164 "HL_SQUID",164 kOS,164 AutoAsparagus,163 DynamicTanks,163 "CET_FSanimateGeneric",162 KASResizeFix,162 KerbPaint,162 "ModuleManager_1_5",162 TextureCompressor,160 Kerbtown,158 PFUtilityAddon,158 AmbientLightAdjustment,155 CactEyeTelescope,155 DavonRestrictedResourceSupplyModule,155 KerbQuake,155 "ModuleManager.2.0.3",155 NRAP,155 AntennaRange,153 FloorIt,153 TWR1,153 UnityGUIFramework,153 BurnTogether,152 DarkMultiPlayer,152 "DarkMultiPlayer-Common",152 MessageWriter,152 SimplePartOrganizer,152 CleverBobCat,151 IDWeapons,151 MapShowNavBall,149 "NE_Science",147 SCANsatKethane,147 FMRS,146 "Kerbal_Construction_Time",144 AJE,142 ForScience,140 RealFuels,140 LandingEngine,139 WorldCup2014,137 AntiLockBrakes,134 BOSS,132 RcsSounds,131 SoundtrackEditor,130 BoatInterface,129 KerbalIspDifficultyScaler,129 LandAssist,129 ModuleManager,129 shiplanded,129 GHud,128 "System.Drawing",128 AutoSave,126 "FusTek_Sumghai",124 TweakableAnimateGeneric,122 VesselView,122 VesselViewRPM,122 "ModuleManager_1_5_7",121 DifferentialThrust,120 EVAMechJeb,119 PartHighlighter,119 Ballshark,118 Basicpropscript,118 EngineIgnitor,118 ThrottleControlledAvionics,118 FloorItPro,117 StretchyTanks,117 RoverScience,115 HrmHaystack,114 LandingHeight,114 LoadOnDemand,114 PlanetFactory,113 Targetron,111 FScience,110 "ISA_MapSat",110 LaunchCountDown,110 "ModuleManager.2.0.8",110 SciFi,110 RomfarerHSTWlaser,109 TweakableWheels,108 TarsierSpaceTech,107 TweakableDecouplers,107 KerbalGPS,105 KSPTOTConnect,104 SensiblePumps,104 TweakableDockingNode,104 UniverseReplacer,104 KerbCam,103 OrbitalConstruction,102 MuMechLib,101 TweakableStaging,100 kalculator,100 RomfarerExamples,99 BobCatUtils,98 "ModuleManager.2.0.1",98 "Engineer.Extensions",96 Lacuna,96 TweakableEngineFairings,96 DockingStrut,94 ModuleRCSFX,94 kdata,93 GimbalAutoTrim,92 Multiwheels6,92 DevHelper,91 UbioWeldingLtd,91 EngineThrustController,89 ForceIVA,89 DangIt,88 notes,88 MultipleSavesDA,87 sceneJumper,87 MinAmbience,86 ProbeControlRoom,86 CommonUtils,85 NavHud,85 CostlyScience,84 TrimIndicators,84 AKSKineticEnergyWeapon,83 SwitchVessel,82 TimeControl,81 Equirectangular2Cubic,79 "ModuleManager.2.4.4",79 KspPlayers,78 ProbeControlRoomToolbar,78 VesselSimulator,78 BTSM,77 TweakableGimbals,77 TweakableLadders,77 TweakableRCS,77 TweakableReactionWheels,77 TweakableSolarPanels,77 AutoUnlockPartModels,75 "Assembly-CSharp-firstpass",74 JoystickPrecision,74 "Mono.Cecil",74 Reflaginator,74 KerbolRenamer,73 "MMI_Kethane",73 "KSP-AVC",72 LitJson,72 PersistentTrails,72 CiberXResearch,70 FlightDefFreeCam,70 FlightDefPrecision,70 Landertron,70 CustomExperiment,69 KerbalHotSeat,69 TacSelfDestruct,69 ChampagneBottle,68 IFILifeSupport,68 PartWizard,68 MechJebFARExt,67 SubassemblyManager,67 AlternisKerbol,66 GitCraft,66 "GitCraft_Toolbar",66 IoncrossCrewSupport,66 LibGit2Sharp,66 KerbalMultiPlayer,65 SpeedUnitChanger,65 SpeedUnitChangerToolbar,65 VOID,65 KerbalLiveFeed,64 Servers,62 TacLibGUI,62 Telemachus,62 USAFOrion,62 chatterer,62 jetpacks,62 Rotate,61 BossCams,60 ShipStatePlugin,59 "Mono.Security",58 TTPitchVector,58 UnityEngine,58 "AK_Construction",57 "ModStatistics-1.0.0",57 JumpDrive,56 NBody,56 WheelSounds,56 PowerTech,55 SteamGauges,55 Infinitech,54 PlanitronReloaded,54 EVAFirstPerson,53 NearFuture,53 TSAS,53 TacPartLister,53 ShowFPS,51 Kerbulator,49 "Modular Kolonization System Logistics",49 AHS,48 WarpPlugin,48 SeasicknessCure,47 Muffler,45 SmallPlane1,45 "Toolbar (2)",45 VesselViewPlugin,45 PartAngleDisplay,43 cBBp,42 ALoadOnDemand,41 ArcturusThrustCorrectorStrawberry,41 ClassLibrary3,41 EngineTorqueCompensationController,41 FlightRecorder,41 KerbalFlightIndicators,41 kesslerchaos,41 FuelTastic5L,40 KerbalFlightData,40 PWBKSPFuelBalancer,40 TreeEdit,40 "img_viewer",40 CekoLabs,39 Foundations,39 Moveksc,39 PWBFuelBalancer,39 QuantumFuelTransferSystem,39 actionsOnTheFly,39 olexlib,39 Atmosphere,38 DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric,38 EveManager,38 PAPIPlugin,38 PQSManager,38 TTSeatFixer,38 TacAtomicClock,38 Utils,38 KSPClock,37 LandingStrut,37 SimpleResourceGenerator,37 "TDx.TDxInput",37 "km_Lib (2)",37 AsteroidResources,36 CCPConnector,36 DynamicWarp,36 EngineIgnitorRPM,36 "Ionic.Zip",36 "KerbalJointReinforcement (2)",36 "ModuleManager.2.1.3",36 PartGroupsFilter,36 cacteyetelescope,36 hullcamera,36 FairingLink,35 Trackar,35 DummyPartModule,34 KerbalEconomy,34 KerbalEconomyAPI,34 WernherChecker,34 cart,34 texturereplacer,34 "HydroTech_FC",33 "HydroTech_RCS",33 MaximumWarp,33 ScaledSpaceDumper,33 SmartStage,32 DYJguns,31 GPWSKerbal,31 HSHModules,31 MissionPack,31 Hud,30 SpaceIndustry,30 "PowerTech_MuMech",29 Zoxygene,29 zKreuzung,29 CompressRAM,28 majiirtruth,27 "IR_TweakScale",26 FuelPanel,23 "Firespitter (2)",22 KerbTrack,21 ORDA,21 ScienceExperiments,21 HyperjumpSystem,20 ARGravitatingParts,19 ActionOnTheFly,19 EdTools,19 KerbTownModules,19 AutoStrut,18 ProteonFutureTech,16 ScienceRedefined,16 "QuantumStrut (2)",15 TTRoverPilot,14 "ExsurgentEngineering (1)",9 "ModuleManager_1_5_5",8 Autopilot,6 WarpUnlocker,4 This report took only a few seconds to generate. I really wonder how long it would take with the full data set. (*) I'll happily explain what it does if anyone is interested.
  7. Would it be possible to provide those 40k reports for testing purposes? I'd like to feed them into Splunk. You can send a PM if you don't want a public download.
  8. Open output_log.txt and see if there is an error or exception there. Also, what sumghai said, try removing the offending part.
  9. It is not a requirement. If you don't have it installed, the achievements plugin works regardless. Those achievements will still be displayed.
  10. It depends on those third-party plugins. Some of their buttons are only visible in certain game scenes, such as flight. The button configuration window reflects that. Other than that, there might be other errors or bugs that could show up in your output_log.txt.
  11. In reality it isn't perfect. With the way current CPUs/software/... handle floating point numbers, there is no "perfect" way to just subtract "exactly 1", then add "exactly 1" again. The result may be different than what you started out with. Also, the game tends to bug out when displaying encounters. Like, your encounter shows you clearly miss the planet. Then you modify your maneuver node, getting closer and closer, and all of a sudden, it just doesn't display any encounter at all. But of course you know that you just got ever closer, maybe even an impact with the surface. It's just a bug.
  12. Sweet. Would it be possible to add a feature so that it can load the thrust curves (or whatever they are called) from existing engine parts? Like, say I wanted it to show the curves of the Mainsail, so I'd like to pick the Mainsail from a list of all engines in my game. Edit: Whoops. Looks like it is not an in-game plugin. But nonetheless, perhaps my feature can be added in some way regardless.
  13. Please also keep in mind that putting more weight on seasoned mods can be pretty bad for new mods, in that they become invisible.
  14. I have now added a button to fill in any empty text fields in the settings window with default texts.
  15. I'm afraid there is no solution to be had from me here when it comes to permissions.
  16. I have updated the OP with a new video to demonstrate commands that can be used to keep vertical velocity relative to the surface, ie. Grasshoppering around.
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