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Everything posted by blizzy78

  1. The source code to the IRC Plugin is now available on GitHub: https://github.com/blizzy78/ksp_irc Feel free to fork, send pull requests, or create issues on the bug tracker.
  2. Works fine for me, what exactly are you typing to join channels?
  3. Internet Relay Chat Plugin 0.6.0 is now available for download, with clicking on links and reconnecting upon server connection loss.
  4. I use the Stretchy Tanks mod to create proofing weights. Usually I modify the tank to contain monopropellant to make sure it won't get used in the ascent.
  5. Internet Relay Chat Plugin 0.5.0 is now available for download, with user names TAB completion in the input text field.
  6. By "not being sent," do you mean the text stays in the input field, and the input field does not get cleared?
  7. I'll add a debug parameter to the config file for the next version. That way you can see what the server responds with when you're sending the JOIN command.
  8. Internet Relay Chat Plugin 0.4.0 is now available for download. Known bugs: The indicator line that is drawn to see what messages are new is not visible sometimes. Not sure why yet.
  9. That is really odd, because that works fine for me and other users who patiently tested things out yesterday.
  10. Heh, I found the problem. It is actually quite funny. You see, when connecting to an IRC server, I show the server's NOTICE commands in a new tab. Each tab has an input text fields where you can type commands, such as /JOIN #mychannel. But in the case of Twitch, they don't send any commands, hence no tabs at all. The reason why it worked for me yesterday was because I had an internal debugging tab open, so I could type commands just fine. So even when there were no tabs visible at all, it made the connection just fine. I will make it so that there will always be a tab open when connecting
  11. Yes, I did, and I was able to join #ksptv just fine. But interestingly, it stopped working later on when I was resuming work on the plugin again, not having changed anything yet. I got the same completely empty IRC window that you saw. No text, no nothing. Not sure what is going on there yet. I hope to figure it out over the weekend.
  12. Internet Relay Chat Plugin 0.3.0 is now available for download. The tabs are now highlighted when new messages appear, and the window is resizable now.
  13. Interesting, it doesn't work with KSPIRC 0.2.0. But, I can happily confirm that it does work with 0.3.0, although I didn't change any code relevant to the server password. I just logged in to Twitch.
  14. That is actually no longer necessary. I've just released version 0.2.0 (see above post), where I've modified the default irc.cfg so that it shouldn't pose a problem anymore. You still need to configure by editing that file if you want to use the plugin, though
  15. Internet Relay Chat Plugin 0.2.0 is now available for download.
  16. Note to players that experience a hang when starting KSP with the IRC mod installed: If your KSP hangs during startup with the IRC mod installed, it means you didn't configure the IRC mod as outline in the OP. The problem will go away when you do, then restart KSP. Please note that this is not a bug in the IRC mod. It's rather a bug in KSP itself, triggered by the IRC mod's config file in combination with the ModuleManager mod.
  17. Do you have ModuleManager.dll installed by any chance? Also, did you edit the irc.cfg file to configure the IRC mod? In any case, it would be helpful if you could upload your output_log.txt file for me. Edit: Nevermind, see next post.
  18. Jet let the engine burn once on little thrust for 1-2 sec before coasting to your maneuver node.
  19. If you count "they look cool" as "useless," then yes, they're useless.
  20. Perhaps a picture would help here, so that we can see in what way you're trying to connect things.
  21. Not sure if serious Yup, these are all on my list. The initial list of users should be correct, I'm just showing all names the server transmits when first joining the channel. Also, it should update names correctly when users join, leave, quit, or get kicked. It just doesn't update their op/voice status yet, as you correctly pointed out. It's much too early to say that. I don't have any plans for it, though.
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