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Everything posted by blizzy78

  1. This topic is new. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25123-Game-only-19-done http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54755-Thirteen-years
  2. The spaceplane hangar has only two symmetry modes, while the vehicle assembly building can go up to eight-times symmetry.
  3. You need to close the maneuver node editors for all maneuver nodes first (=hide all the handles) by clicking somewhere in empty space. Then, simply hover over all the maneuver nodes. No need to delete nodes first.
  4. I have now modified the calculator to consider A LOT more possible combinations now. It is now possible to get stack layouts where there is no center engine, or where there are only radial engines. Unfortunately, the change does make the calculator a whole lot slower, too. This is most noticeable when activating one of the larger engine packs.
  5. It's not a cheat to get more information displayed.
  6. Sooo... I wonder how many achievements everyone has earned so far?
  7. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56005-KMP-Public-Server-Collection
  8. This can be improved by quite some amount. In your craft I see you are making a few mistakes: - Too much fuel. This results in drastically lowering the TWR (and payload fraction), which will keep you in the atmosphere for too long. - To get that much fuel up, you added more thrust by adding engines than would otherwise be necessary. - Asparagus staging by using groups of 3 instead of 2. Using groups of 2 is better because you can ditch empty tanks sooner, but it's still balanced. (Using your staging, MechJeb reports a total vacuum dV of about 5100 m/s, whereas setting it up by using groups of 2, it reports 5300 m/s. Nice improvement for a simple rearrangement.) - Use of stack size matching decoupler where the smallest works perfectly, too. I've tried to improve your craft and came up with this: Craft file It now has the same payload mass (2.44 t), but the whole craft weighs only 14.91 t, resulting in a payload fraction of ~16.36%. Also, the TWR is improved from 1.24 to 1.57.
  9. I found a name = cl_radial_cylTankOxy in my install, it's from KSPX. Edit: Actually, the "cl" prefix kind of gives it away - it most probably stands for Claira Lyrae, the original maker of KSPX.
  10. Standard asparagus design using 8 boosters. Final stage had only 5 m/s left before decoupling. Note that although some engines do clip into each other, I did not enable part clipping as per the rules. Payload mass: 117.35 t Liftoff mass: 728.93 t Payload fraction: 117.35 t / 728.93 t ~= 16.10% Number of stages: 6 (including final stage decoupler) Craft file
  11. One could also argue that the last stage should always have some fuel left to deorbit itself.
  12. I've made an in-game rendezvous tutorial, perhaps you might want to give that a try. (see signature)
  13. So hey, does that mean we can close this subforum? At least try to be a little more helpful here.
  14. What's missing in your orbit is simply your circularization, that is, you didn't make a circle to actually stay in orbit. The fix is easy: At your apoapsis, that is your highest point in orbit, you need to burn prograde to widen your orbit.
  15. Not a clue what you are talking about. Perhaps a picture would help.
  16. I once had a "Danger Kerman". I wonder where he went...
  17. I have made an in-game docking tutorial, perhaps you might want to try this out. (see signature)
  18. Oh come on, it's been delayed by a mere 24 hours just yet.
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