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Everything posted by mojobojo

  1. I would argue that mine does not count, as my kerbal left his seat while under acceleration so he had the least amount of mass possible.
  2. The challenge is simple, who can get the most height using stock parts and using only sepratrons as an engine. You can build any size, any number of stages, any number of parts, or even have a kerbal sitting in an External Command Seat. The goal is to get a Kerbal as high as you can. If you bring your kerbal back safely and had the same height as someone else who didnt, you beat them. I look forward to seeing what you guys can come up with. Manned cake>pie - 148,499m - Landed Safely robertordf - 73,880m - Landed Safely Godot - 57,427m - Landed Safley Warboy - 21,020m - Landed Safley Jodo42 - 20,932 - Landed Safely Mazlem - 10,634m - Landed Safely mojobojo - 9,676m - Died (fell off of seat so does not count) ShachonianX - 4,461m - Landed Safely Unmanned cake>pie -3,330,622m Ninety-Three - 2,387,164m metaphor - 862,540m Kolt - 198,936m ShachonianX - 169,331m Here is mine, my kerbal was ejected from the seat when the boosters ran out, so alot of the height was achieved without anything under me so I don't think it counts (Tell me what you think). Max height 9,676m
  3. Of what I mean anything besides anything on Earth. We found a half decent telescope at Good Will and bought it. It was good, but I couldn't share the experience with people so I figured out how to mount a camera onto it so I can take some pictures. Here are the pictures
  4. If you are interested I uploaded the ship. Or at least I think it is, it was in "KSP_win\saves\Engineering Disasters\Ships\VAB"
  5. I thought it would be fun to launch a kerbal on an ejectable seat covered in serperatrons on top of a solid rocket booster. Also I just bought the game and I really freaking love it.
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