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Everything posted by RussaX

  1. Seems like a great masterpiece of work. 7.516 t 752 mass points 150 mission points for using stock parts 100 mission points for not using autopilot 50 mission points for landing in range of 1km to the easter egg 50 mission points for rocket design =350 mission points overall score = 402
  2. Nice strategy, try and leave your flag. Edited rules, so now it is clear that lander must have landing gear (legs).
  3. I was thinking about sending 2 or 3 kerbals but then I would need very big pod and challenge is about to make it as light and as small as possible so there would be 1 big pod and then everything very small around. For now challenge is like that but if you have good idea you can do it, just tell me how do you plan to transport kerbals? if idea is good enough I will put as choice for extra scoring
  4. no, challenge is to dock with command module and come back and land with mk1 pod.
  5. 129,380 mass 12.938 mass points 150 using stock parts 60 landed on launch pad 40 used rcs 30 design rating overall score = 12658 points You should have dropped legs from your lander as it is said in rules to drop legs or even fuel tanks.
  6. 1. yes as lower your overall score is you are better. I fixed scoring to make it more clear. 2. you can usemechjeb or vessel info anything that is correct and in tonage. 3. You won't land 3 times, you are landing once, choose any. 4. no bonus for not using rcs because it is not very complicated to dock without it and here is point to make vessel as light as possible so you can decide will you use rcs or not.
  7. read again. as heavier your ship is you will have more mass points, as much things you do you earn mission points. take mission points from mass points and this is your overall score, as less it is you are better.
  8. Simple and short challenge for competition. Challenge: Create rocket which can carry 1 kerbal, fly in Mün's orbit and detach lander from orbit module and land with kerbal, go eva and set flag on surface. launch lander module with seperating landing gear and dock again with orbital module and return to Kerbin. Rules: orbital module has to contain mk1 pod lander has to contain mk1 lander can Lander need to have landing gear (legs) and has to land on them. On Mün takeoff make seperation and leave landing legs (leaving fuel tanks or other things are your choice). use mechjeb or ship info to measure vessel mass before flight unlimited fuel is not allowed Mk1 pod and kerbal has to survive Kerbin return landing You are allowed to use any custom parts from kerbal port Make some pics or video, present us your flight a little bit Scoring: Scoring is based on vessel mass. Try to make it as light as possible. 1 t = 100 mass points. Doing special things you can earn mission points. (mass points - mission points = overall score) After you take mission points from mass points this will be your overall scoring, as lower it is you are better. Use only stock parts and gain 150 mission points. Do not use any guidance or autopilot and gain 100 mission points. Do not use SAS and gain 80 mission points. ( this one is not counting if you are using autopilot) Land in range of 1km to the easter egg on Mün and gain 50 mission points. (not counting if using autopilot) On return back land on launch ramp and gain 60 mission points. (not counting if using autopilot) Use rcs for docking and gain 40 points. All challengers will be final rated so make nice looking moduls and good aerodinamicly looking rocket and gain up to 80 points Classification: In this challenge exist 2 type of classifications in design, main one from where did this challenge started is combined classification and later added rocket powered classification. Combined classification contain using all kinds of engines and propellants including the jet, electric ion or rcs. Rocket powered classification contain using only rocket engines which are using liquid fuel and oxidizer. Jet engines and boosters are not allowed. All non stock mod engines will be reviewed. Challenge edit log: 11/11/2014 - added classifications on challenge ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mün returners scoring list -Classification: Combined Honorable mention to the Pecan for design invention that is proven to be the best one. 1. kookoo_gr 4,192 t 419 mass points 150 mission points for using stock parts 100 mission points for not using autopilot 40 mission points for using RCS 50 mission points for landing in range of 1km to the easter egg 70 mission points for rocket design =410 mission points overall score = 9 2. Bill Zarr 4.371 t 437 mass points 150 mission points for using stock parts 100 mission points for not using autopilot 40 mission points for using RCS 50 mission points for landing in range of 1km to the easter egg 70 mission points for rocket design =410 mission points overall score = 27 3. Pecan 4.673 t 467 mass points 150 mission points for using stock parts 100 mission points for not using autopilot 40 mission points for using RCS 60 mission points for rocket design =350 mission points overall score = 117 _____ 4. 5thHorseman , 752 mass points , 150+100+50+50= 350 mission points , overall score = 402 ______________________________________ -Classification: Rocket powered 1. a10t2 23.049 t 2305 mass points 150 mission points for using stock parts 100 mission points for not using autopilot 40 mission points for using RCS 60 mission points for rocket design = 350 mission points overall score = 1955 2. antbin 24.97t t 22497 mass points 150 mission points for using stock parts 100 mission points for not using autopilot 40 mission points for using RCS 50 mission points for landing in range of 1km to the easter egg 60 60 mission points for landing on the launch ramp 45 mission points for rocket design = 445 mission points overall score = 2052 3. purpleivan 26.009 t 2600 mass points 150 mission points for using stock parts 100 mission points for not using autopilot 40 mission points for using RCS 50 mission points for landing in range of 1km to the Easter egg 55 mission points for rocket design = 445 mission points overall score = 2205 ______ 4. Jasonden , 2690 mass points , 150+100+40+60+50= 400 mission points , overall score = 2290 ______________________________________ If you have any suggestion for a change tell me.
  9. why do I see only white squares? http://gyazo.com/7bd5f68db104f842645c3ffc9c505323 it is like other mods just zooming so it is very lq. probbably it is not compatibile I have 0.25 version?
  10. Sorry dude I have very big screen so everything seems small to me, I fixed problem. Scoring is fixed too.
  11. In this challenge I'm offering you to create most successfull submarine. I didnt saw any submarine challenges or submarine vessels so I'm offering to design the most cool and most successfull submarine. What that mean? Create Submarine that is easy to manevour, move and dive. Rules 1.Only stock parts 2.One stage vessel (no dropping parts) Score Score will be taken on -how fast submarine can move surface/submarged - stability and how fast can dive to deeper spots - how deep you can bring it - how much time submarine can run with fuel (how economic it is) - how submarine big it is (enought small to be easy to manevour) That is one of the most important points Rating Additional points Create something that is easy to manevour and have good possibilitys for diving, that will mean economic with small fuel usage and fast. + if submarine is very fuel economic + if submarine have cool stuff + if submarine is not easy breakable + if submarine can go with higher speeds + if submarine have some cool stuff and possibilitys + submarine can go over land + submarine can fly Take your time and have a fun building kerbal submarine. Videos are welcome! my creations:
  12. Winner will be chosen 4 weeks after opening this thread or after 1 week inactive thread.
  13. Winner will be chosen 4 weeks after opening this thread or after 1 week of thread inactivity. Mission Mission is to create best design for vehicle and try to gain higher speed as possible. Speed test will be tested from the spawn position to the end of the runway. Vehicle does not need to stop at the end of the runway. Rules 1. Only stock parts. 2. No SAS control modules or any other help tools. 3. Vehicle must use: Command pod MK1, 4 stock wheels, FL-T400 and FL-T200 fuel tank. 4. Vehicle can use only 1 engine which will use only liquid fuel from FL-T400 and FL-T200 fuel tank (no boosters and solid fuel powered engines) 5. Command pod MK1 with kerbal must be saved and stopped before runway end. 6. Vehicle should not fly at any moment before command pod is not safely saved. (command pod can be launched into air only after reaching top speed for rescue) 7. Only 1 decoupler/seperator are allowed. 8. All stock parts are allowed expect disallowed/stricted parts in rules For all questions or opinions post here. I will take part in this challenge too. Try to not make copy cat vehicle from others but I'm sure all vehicles will be very similar. Videos are very welcome and I suggest free D3D Gear video recorder. if not then create good gallery and dont forget to click f3 at the end for flight results. Results
  14. seems a bit boring mission to transport 200 kerbals to another planets. Even if is nessecary to hold all of them on the same place with housing that will be laggy stuff.
  15. Yeah you are right. good job, now you are leading the competition I'm trying to make work something different it actully can go with speed over 400m/s but have some problems with handling and also weakes point is breaking.
  16. Very interesting. I'm not very good with flying in this game because of some strange physics and bugs. Also this is one of strange stuff.
  17. Vehicle must use only 1 FL-T400 Fuel tank That mean you can use only that fuel.
  18. You are welcome. This challenge is to test speed and vehicle designs with limited resources!
  19. I decided to create drag race challenge to make challenge in top speed. Rules Stock parts only Race starts on runway from the loading position. Vehicle must stop before runway end Vehicle SHOULD NOT fly at any moment Vehicle must have 4 wheels Vehicle must have Command Pod Mk1 Vehicle must use only 1 FL-T400 Fuel tank - engines can use only that fuel (no solid fuel) Vehicle SHOULD NOT use any SAS module No boosters --- Vehicle can use any engine and parts expect above restricted parts rule Vehicle can use maximum 2 engines. Make a screenshot of your vehicle on track before start, with the top speed and stop point. Videos are welcome. Top 5 will members will be typed here. TheElt RussaX 4. 5. I made top speed of ~350m/s
  20. mux you did a great time. Congratulation. Let's seeeven etter designs and even better orbit flight lines! Who is the fastest?
  21. Nice little challenge! Great time. I think my can set better time than yours I just didnt use decouplers in the right time and great line. Let's see where is limit. Who can faster?
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