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Everything posted by M83

  1. I'd have to say that the element to this game has to be its sheer versatility. Some out there like to explore the planets, some like to hone flying techniques, some like to do base RPG's, and it's all completely capable with a vast amount of skill that puts rocket science into the hands of someone who isn't exactly a tip-top engineer sort, but it still gives those people who care about real-life engineering and capabilities a run for their money.
  2. I've been trying to get better at actually flying crafts in more efficient ways and keeping the unrealistic, interplanetary missions on the backburner until .21.
  3. Err...getting back on-topic, I'm looking forward to .21 and the updates. The SAS fix and building remodeling is cool, along with the end flight sequence being changed, I'm hoping for a hitchhiker IVA and to have the thing filled at launch, along with maybe some other new parts. Glad to see it getting closer to release.
  4. I'm shocked as I don't get even close to this in reality.
  5. Granted, but he moves so fast that you can't move out of his way, running you over and killing you. I wish for more sleep.
  6. I'd hope for nuclear and solar but I don't see fossil fuels leaving the world energy stage anytime soon.
  7. I go with the hands, but that depends on what it is. If it's meat, then I can ditch the fork for hands, but if it's something like macaroni and cheese, then I'm sure as heck just getting a spoon.
  8. I plan on heading to college in the fall of 2014 for astronomy and KSP was a very helpful tool along the way.
  9. I'll stick to PC. I'm staying away from next-gen consoles, though I might re-buy a PS3 to check out Gran Turismo 6 later this year. As for the XBOX One, well, I didn't realise a black metal-and-plastic box could provide so much humour.
  10. My biggest fail in KSP had to be my failed Eve rover that missed landing by 2-3 units of liquid fuel. I'd set it up to just enter Eve's SOI and land but I could only get my periapsis down to 200,000m before the fuel ran out.
  11. Thing was is that I was operating the crewed science pod. I'd look into the mod but my computer isn't really built for KSP, so I try and stray away from too many mods. Plus I try and build as light as I can to maximize delta-v. Wasn't a huge issue (just turn the sampler off, let it charge, have another go) but it was a small thing that bothered me. Certainly not a make-it-or-break-it issue with this mod.
  12. I listen to a lot of Daft Punk, M83, or the Homestuck soundtracks. As if the second one wasn't a wee bit obvious.
  13. I was just curious, are there going to be any possible revisions to the quantity of electricity that it uses while collecting a sample? I was using 4 of the regular sized shielded solar panels and I had to recharge my craft about 4 times just to get a rock sample. I'm all for this mod, as it's very, very cool and makes landing a lot more versatile, but I'd hate to have to lug along a huge amount of generators just for one sample.
  14. I stick to the Mk1 Lander Can, as I prefer the lightness and I don't have a need for multiple Kerbals.
  15. Congrats to you, Copenhagen Suborbitals! That was well worth staying up all night for.
  16. Mine has to be NASA's Space Launch System. I feel like that there is a lot riding on this if the U.S. wants to keep pace with countries such as China, though I do worry about the 2016 election and the possibility of a Republican candidate following the cycle of canning the previous president's plan that started with Clinton. I'll be very upset if political agendas squash the SLS, I just want it to work so bad.
  17. Granted, you now have your very own Saturn V scale model. I wish I understood computer programming.
  18. I'll have to go with our own Earthly moon since it's the only one I've ever seen with my own eyes, and it's always been fascinating since it's the stepping stone to mankind's future in the cosmos.
  19. It's an .mp4 file, which I learned has some spotty support with Media Player. I've decided to just convert it to a .wmv and call it a night, many thanks for your assistance.
  20. It'll probably be obvious once I see it, but what's VLC? Edit: I also updated the driver.
  21. I figure this is the right place to drop this. So tonight I decided to download this free movie through FrostWire called 'The Cosmonaut'. The file is about 4GB, and for some reason when I try to play it through Windows Media Player, I get 2 error messages - 1 telling me that I don't have enough memory, and the other saying there's a problem with my video card. My laptop has a AMD Radeon HD 6310 graphics card. Anyone know what the issue might be?
  22. Just curious, what are some of you using to control some of these parallel designs as I'm not seeing a lot of winglets.
  23. I completely agree with that, considering where NASA's gone in the last decade or so and all the wonderful stuff that got ruined by bureaucracy and political garbage. All I'm trying to point out is that (and this doesn't apply so much to you, since you're not American) is that at the end of the day, American citizens are still operating in a democracy where we as citizens can change the representative should we not like their stance on things like space exploration, and I just hope overall that people like us who love space realize that we have the power to make these decisions when it comes election time. It'd warm my heart to see people like us KSP players work together in contacting the people in charge instead of just complaining about politicians, which achieves very little.
  24. I find it a bit too much of a hasty generalization to say that politicians don't understand space. Do they understand it on say, people like us' magnitude? Doubtful for most of them. But they're not completely daft just because they went into civil service and not a scientific field. I think if anything, all of us Americans who are interested in space should start talking to our representatives instead of complaining about it all. I'd love to see us band together instead of having political bickerings.
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