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Everything posted by Matt77

  1. I really enjoyed it and was constantly reminded of KSP all the way through :-)
  2. Ok, thanks. They actually disagree by a day or more at the mo, but I'm not sure if that's significant in the grand scheme of things...
  3. Hello My space program has recently gone interplanetary having "mastered" the Kerbin system with stations, rovers and manned flights just about everywhere. Currently a slightly flawed Duna mission is arriving at the red planet and a few probes are in LKO awaiting their transfer windows. The Kerbal Alarm Clock is saying the windows are different to what Protractor thinks, by quite a large margin Which one should I trust?
  4. Congrats My first mission to Duna is manned, and still a few days out. I didn't want to waste the first launch window on a probe so I gambled with a modified version of my Mun lander and Mun Rover Skycrane. Docked them together on in LKO and boosted for Mars. Couple of flaws so far but I hope to at least land, if not also return the Kerbals home...
  5. Hello 2001 is an obvious one. I recently saw a movie called The Europa Report. All the way through, I was constantly reminded of KSP.
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