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Everything posted by Matt77

  1. Sorry for the slow reply, I was doing the "other things" ie building a large ship in orbit. Log here. The nearest save I could find here. You'll need KER, TAC LS and Scansat to load it I think. The minmus rover was a re-purpose contract for an existing rover, and the mun contract was a fresh one requiring a new rover (although the "new" rover was already under construction via Kerbal Construction Time, it was an opportunity contract...)
  2. That's the point, it didn't expire - 49 days left. The instant I launch the other rover, I fail the existing contract.
  3. I have the "Benchmark" contract for my Minmus rover. It expires in 49 days and I have other things to do so I was going to come back to it. As I launch another unrelated rover, I get a message that I've failed the Benchmark contract and been penalised 90k funds. Sorry, but I had to uninstall.
  4. It's affecting me too, log file here. I don't use USI Life Support, but I do use TAC Life Support and a lot of other mods. The logs keep getting spammed with an file not found error, referring to KIS. I don't use KIS, but I noticed KKS contains some KIS-specific files. As soon as I deleted KKS the boarding went as expected so... I'll keep an eye on this amazing mod, and reinstall when it's more mature.
  5. I agree. I keep a piece of paper next to my keyboard which lists the action groups I use on rockets, aircraft and rovers. It shouldn't be necessary.
  6. Some of Astronomers Visual Pack Chatterer CollisionFX Distant Object Enhancement Docking Sounds Endraxials Planets and Moons (HD versions of stock planet textures) Engine Lighting Environmental Visual Enhancements Kerbal Krash System (crumpling damage effects and partially damaged parts, instead of just exploding). Navhud (superimposes the navball in the world, very useful for landing) PersistentRotation (stops me from cancelling rotation by hitting time advance for a second) Planetshine RCS Sounds RealPlume Rover Wheel Sounds Scatterer (new water doesn't seem to work in opengl though, very glitchy) Some of Stock Visual Enhancements Surface Mounted Lights TextureReplacer WindowShine I installed Linux to get a reliable 64-bit KSP. Last time I checked memory usage it was about 7.5GB. I'm looking forward to 1.1 as opengl isn't as good looking as DX.
  7. Yes. I usually build a rover with aircraft landing gear and a jet engine for propulsion to grab some early science. Pretty sure we should have self-propelled ground vehicles before jet aircraft.
  8. I suggested a similar idea in a similar thread I started. I suggested an Alpha Centauri (the game) style system where you can spend as much science as exists, with diminishing returns. To expand on the example in your post, you could cut another 50kg off that engine, but you'll need 3600 points this time. Then if you still aren't satisfied you can cut another 25kg off, but it'll cost you 7200 science. Perhaps it could be divvied up so you could aim for weight savings, fuel efficiency or thrust. Obviously it extends to other parts too. Not sure how it would be implemented. As you said, I started that thread because completing the tech tree is usually my aim, and the couple of times I did so I just stopped playing til the next update. Another comment above made me wonder if science is just too easy to get on Mun and Minmus. My last career, as soon as I got the Science Lab I sent one each to Mun and Minmus, together with a lander for each moon and a shuttle to return the science. A tanker and a cheap orbiter to get the science back from LKO to the ground, and I walked the tech tree with early game tech, each time a pod returned with science it was in the thousands. So maybe science should be a lot lower on the moons, or again have diminishing returns. I mean is the regolith in the Midlands really all that different from the regolith in the canyon?
  9. Could be worth mentioning if things such as kerbals awaiting rescue are going prograde or retro too. Or polar, not sure if those exist though.
  10. I was going to post something along those lines. I see KSP as a core "engine", and I add a shedload of features with mods to make it into a game. The game I play is specific to me, and my preferences are a niche. That being said, I think stock KSP lacks certain necessities. Yep. Stock toolbar is horrible to use, and inconsistent. The icons are too big, and you can't customise it in any way. Why is it in the top right in some scenes and bottom right in others? Every mod that supports Blizzy's toolbar, lives in Blizzy's toolbar. The "new" atmosphere. I tried it, found it to be inconsistent, a bit hacky, and not very realistic (best example is radially attached parts not being shielded, I think). Not really sure what they were aiming for but lets face it FAR was already a good, intuitive model where things behaved realistically. It's improved even more since while stock has just been tweaked and hacked about some more. Fairings are a joke. Procedural Fairings looks like stock and are simple to use. Stock fairings have one good aspect - the "drawing" of the shape. I used them once, reverted to VAB, and reinstalled Procedural Fairings. I'd say keep KSP as a core, and let the mods make it the game for you. Maybe Squad should concentrate on that core, implement 64-bit on Windows, optimise the hell out of the physics, and work on key features like the UI, the stock graphics and finishing the half-implemented bits like the contracts, policies, tech tree, building upgrades, kerbal experience, BALANCE (why does a rocket cost 10k funds, simple mission rewards 60k funds, and a building upgrade cost 1.3 million??)
  11. I've also tried deleting all visual mods and installing only the SVE or KSRPC. Again, only one hemisphere has clouds. It would help if you clarified what you are running exactly? Since the common denominator seems to be 64-bit. Complete words would also improve readability. What would screens of a "clen" gamedata folder achieve? Logs have already been posted - until we find someone qualified and willing to actually look at them, there is no point posting logs again and again. According to CKAN I'm running 64 mods, plus a couple that aren't on CKAN. Not sure what this is supposed to signify, but only one of them is causing a slight problem.
  12. Hello, I think you were referring to my thread. I and another couple of people posted screenshots and logs in the EVE thread, but the author doesn't seem interested. Makes me think it's a different problem. I clean reinstalled KSP yesterday. When I installed the graphics mods, I added EVE, TextureReplacer etc, but not Astronomers Visual Pack which I was using before, and loaded the game. Clouds were fine. Then I added Stock Visual Enhancements, only half clouds again. I am using Linux so also 64bit, maybe that's why the problem is being ignored.
  13. I have got into the habit of limiting the gimbal range to 15%, if I hope to stay on the node vector. They massively overcorrect.
  14. Oh my bad. For some reason I thought upgrade points came when you accumulated a certain number of build points. So it's based on science spent, not construction completed. Got it. Thanks for the mod btw, while I've got your attention. It's one of several mods that transform KSP from a good concept to an amazing game.
  15. Early game I build each rocket for it's mission. Then begin to re-use designs although every new tech node changes those designs. In the end-game I save successful designs as sub-assemblies, noting the maximum payload to orbit or to Mun or wherever.
  16. That was my plan, except I'm going to use drones to latch on and de-orbit them. It'll be a while, I'm still only just starting the 160-science level of the tech tree (my career is slowed down by certain mods). Just wondered really.
  17. I'm at a point in my career where I badly need to upgrade my stuff, but upgrade points are coming quite slowly - so I'm checking every few scene changes to see if I've got a point yet. Could we get a notification when points become available? Maybe even visualise the progress toward a new upgrade point? I find the current system slightly opaque.
  18. Thanks guys, I've been playing this game since 0.17 I think, and never knew that was a clickable item! My maps a lot tidier now. So what do others do with all these pods? Just terminate them?
  19. It's a self-imposed rule. Most of my rockets are designed so everything I jettison falls back down, if possible. I'll try what you suggested shortly, I think I did once change a pod to scrap but couldn't last time I tried, I thought maybe the Kerbal still needs to be aboard.
  20. What do people do with the leftover pods? I've got quite a few of them cluttering up the place. I can't seem to designate them as scrap, and I only terminate flights that have a Pe inside the atmosphere. ventually I'm going to build a garbage collector, possibly a drone carrier with as many drones as possible. They'll each have a claw and maybe parachutes.
  21. I agree ground scatters need collisions. I drive my rovers around rocks and trees because clipping through them is so ridiculous. I agree in principle with your scatter removal idea, but not for all types. Trees and cacti should be vulnerable to heat, which could be applied in various ways. Rocks would need a bulldozer, not a spray. I think this is probably mod territory, because it's definitely not happening in stock. The whole scatter feature is still WIP.
  22. The last time I tried a custom flag (right when flags were introduced, so things may have changed), I made my own which was way larger resolution than the ones that come with the game. I think it was displayed on the interior VAB wall at full resolution. Might be wrong. I stopped using custom flags straight away. Flags make good nav beacons, and they give experience to Kerbals. I never actually look at them. So I voted against wasting dev time on this just yet. I'd rather have an option to set flags on pods to "off" by default, it would save me a couple of mouse clicks every time I add a pod. As an aside, what's the reasoning behind the flag in the linked photo having the stars in the wrong corner? Aesthetics?
  23. I hope it was useful info, it happened again today in a normal equatorial launch, so I thought it was something in my install which you mentioned is slightly modded ;-)
  24. No, I also posted in the Environmental Visual Enhancements thread along with a few other people with the same issue - the author doesn't acknowledge these posts, despite being very active on the forum. One person posted a video and a couple of us posted logs and screenshots, no response at all. Perhaps we were posting on the wrong thread.
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