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Everything posted by Matt77

  1. That worked, thankyou. It felt a bit cheaty but I got a nice clean launch even from the dirt runway. But now I know how to build it I can redesign something more practical... or not!
  2. Sorry for the slow reply, I think my notifications are off. Yes, I was unable to stick the two vehicles together, but @cantab jogged my memory by mentioning cubic octagonals so now I've got a proof of concept. I wanted the decoupler on the trolley so as to leave as much behind as possible, but it did not work - even using "Control from here" on the fliers' probe core, focus switches to the trolley on separation. You need the decoupler on the probe, and a cubic octagonal on the decoupler. Make the cube Root, then you can attach the probe to the trolley. I used the Offset tool to hide the cubic inside an octagonal. I've been able to launch the thing, but no real flight as yet, the trolley starts to wobble a lot before the probe has enough speed to launch.
  3. This one is exactly what the doctor ordered.
  4. I was just having a play in the SPH and found that I can't build this. I want to mount the tri-wing probe on the trolley, so when it reaches takeoff speed I can separate from the trolley and fly away... I've done similar before, but I used the "SelectRoot" mod, which doesn't seem to be available any more. I can't get it to work with the stock re-root function. A couple of pics of the trolley and the aircraft: It actually flies quite nicely for a thrown-together mess. Note the front fuel tank is empty for balance, not sure how it will fly as the fuel runs out... Just for fun, I know there are much easier ways to launch a probe core.
  5. No, I didn't know you've been "fielding" questions for him. If you do so then I'm not sure why you're complaining, just stop responding to questions directed at another user if it's an issue for you. I didn't ask for your advice, and I didn't "miss" any posts. If you intend to make an announcement to the community at large, please do so without directing them at myself.
  6. Welcome aboard. Print this if you need to... http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings
  7. I didn't know it was on CKAN against the authors will, but the same point stands (and I think we agree going by the emboldened part above). The condescending tone of your post isn't really necessary. I am aware of the etiquette regarding mods and support - I didn't ask for any support. No problem, but please note that CKAN users don't know they are using an unoffical source! That person should remove it from CKAN, I think. Thanks for the great mod, it's worth checking manually.
  8. Saying "download from Spacedock or Github" is no use to people who just tick a box in CKAN and expect it to work - why would people who use a mod manager read installation instructions? The OP actually says "Need help installing this? Then read the readme in the download or click a link for the wiki" (no advice not to use a mod manager). Perhaps a warning in the OP saying "Don't use CKAN" would help. I first installed it using CKAN, it looked crap and I only noticed by chance that if you install it manually, you can choose higher resolutions. This is an issue because CKAN automatically lists mods on Spacedock. If @Nhawks17doesn't want it on CKAN he might be thinking "how is this my problem?" - my answer would be, it installs the mod successfully but seems to use the minimum resolution, which looks almost as poor as stock - this doesn't present the mod in the best light an undoubtedly turns people off it - I was actually looking for another eyecandy mod when I noticed something about getting this from Github.
  9. This mod is excellent, without it I would probably have stopped playing KSP years ago. Recently the show/hide keybinding was removed. I've wanted it back for ages but it has taken me a long time to realise that the settings for KER are only available in the SPH/VAB. It's even more weird that when you click the KER icon on the toolbar, you get an options screen instead of the actual data you wanted - but again no access to options such as keybindings. I'd like to suggest that it's made more obvious that KER's settings can only be changed in certain scenes - or preferably - that the settings are made available from any scene, or only from the KSC scene like some other mods.
  10. Sounds like a good plan, this is a mod I'd rather not play without but if an update takes a while it's not a huge issue. Could I table a motion to remove the Hex cans from this mod? I always forget to delete that folder after installing TACLS. Maybe add them to the Hexcans mod instead (radical, I know!!)
  11. Spot on, or close enough anyway! There are no gates in Elite to my knowledge but you have the concept - local thrusters for docking and combat, sublight for interplanetary (though frameshift is superluminal), and jump drive for interstellar. Slightly less handholdy than your example but that's by the by. Hoping the OP will let us know his ideas because I can't see it working in a single star system.
  12. The speed control is a good point, it helps with Elite's sense of scale even when travelling faster than light. NLI, I think the op is referring to the way Elite varies your "speed" depending on proximity to masses (planets, stations etc). It's hard to explain but you feel a "drag", slowing you down when you're in a gravity well. The light-tube instantaneous travel is different (in Elite, anyway!)
  13. Maybe if you say how it should work, since my first thought was why would anybody want that? I play Elite and if I want to visit beautiful worlds, that's what I load. If I want to build ships and visit ugly worlds in a realistic fashion, I load KSP. Sorry Squad, it's true. I play KSP a lot more than Elite btw Is the Alcubierre warp drive mod not much the same as frameshift?
  14. Second that. Thanks for the quick update. As others have said, and I think I have also, I cannot play the game without this mod - instantly building rockets just seems ridiculous.
  15. Which is why I questioned the wording of the topic. It's all massively subjective.
  16. This thread is a good example of why devs don't include or even communicate with their users. SQUAD made mistakes in the past by releasing updates as fast as possible, and when the users found bugs, the users slammed SQUAD. SQUAD backed it down a bit, released updates more carefully, got slammed for the inevitable bugs, and released hotfixes. The users again, slammed SQUAD. SQUAD tried including the users in the testing process, but because this would cause massive amounts of bandwidth use and because nobody wants them wasting valuable dev time on a pointless updater, they outsourced it to Steam - a platform designed to provide a lot of bandwidth. Guess who's getting slammed? I doubt we'll be asked to help beta test the next update, so thank you to all the complainers.
  17. I'm surprised at the results so far but maybe it's because of the wording? The forum is full of people complaining about performance so it's weird that over half the respondents are happy with a slideshow... I allow whatever frame rates are necessary, for example docking at my LKO waystation to refuel can be single digits if there are other missions waiting there. I try to limit my designs to a flickering clock, so that's what I voted for.
  18. Welcome gonsy. It's a good idea, my list is very long and I keep hoping for it to be sortable. I'd also like more categories to filter with, as "ship", "probe" etc isn't very specific. "Custom 1...4" would be handy so my commsats and scansat can be hidden but other probes still visible.
  19. If I built planes more then a joystick makes a world of difference. The AFBW mod is pretty much a requirement. I also noticed you can link wheel throttle to the joystick, and also kerbal movement, great for those long walks...
  20. Adjustable suspension would be handy too, on legs as well as wheels.
  21. Modern lighting? The existing stock lights are extremely dated and much too large. Customisable leds would be great.
  22. Scatterer, Planet shine, Windowshine, Endraxiels Planets and Moons, a hi-res skybox, TextureReplacer, CollisionFX, Distant Object Enhancement, EngineLight, NavHUD, Surface Mounted Lights. Should get you started ;-) Don't forget Chatterer, Rover Wheel Sounds, and RCS Sounds. You will need 64 bit to use all of these.
  23. I like the sound of this mod, mainly for maintaining Remotetech networks. I've had a related idea in mind, when constructing large missions my construction fleets drift away from each other over time (even a few minutes while manoeuvring other vessels). I was thinking about a "station-keeping" SAS mode which would hold zero velocity relative to the target, but the proposed mod here might be more appropriate.
  24. Are you serious? A trivial fix which would benefit almost anybody who has ever built a rover using a probe core is not worth bothering with? I agree with the OP, a probes reference frame should be configurable in the VAB / SPH, as different designs have different orientations.
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