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Klingon Admiral

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Everything posted by Klingon Admiral

  1. Which are, arguably, also huge, expensive and vulnerable.
  2. Might be hard with a probe that doesn't really have a way to move itself.
  3. "Philae, you didn't fire your harpoons! What's wrong?" "Nothing, I'm alright." I hope.
  4. I built a plane: Takeoff: Check! Flying (short-range): Check! Flying (long-range): so far untested Slowing down: not check
  5. In my headcanon, Kerbals simply don't posess any sexual dimoprhism. Also, female Kerbals are already in the game, their names just don't sound very feminine to us.
  6. Am I the only one having real problems with downright ....... control surfaces? The issues with them not properly settling down during ascent are nothing new, and while annoying not very serious, randomly deciding that a 90° roll angle would be pretty cool 300m away from the runway is absolutely game-breaking. Is FAR to blame or did Squad break SAS again? (Possibly the later, I also encountered some weird "ghost"-forces in orbit)
  7. Keyboard, SAS on, although I should probably hook up my ancient joystick, because analog controls aren't great at all.
  8. "No, I must destroy the Kraken", Jeb shouted. The radio said "No Jeb. You are the Kraken." And then Jeb was a squid.
  9. Time to bring the Rods from the Gods mod back from the dead.
  10. The tundra close to KSC has been there for quite some time, 0.22 at least if I remember correctly when I encountered it.
  11. I find it quite hard now to judge my distance to the runway, I had developed a pretty good eyeball judging the height of the plateau KSC is built upon and thus adjusting my glide slope. Time to place a few navigation markers, I guess.
  12. Were the ground textures at KSC changed? It is now, for me at least, impossible to tell the base of the KSC and the meadows around it apart, making (exact) landings quite difficult again.
  13. Which I haven't encountered with any stock part, nor with non-changeable B9 parts, in the last 1 1/2 years, give or take, that I have been playing this game.
  14. Symmetry should be an issue when ataching parts along the main axis of the craft. I might add that the part was a cylinder and did not fit in with the HL system.
  15. How can I have more than one object in the same place when I attached only one part?
  16. Given the size the mod has now reached, may I humbly suggest that a modular system might be preferable to a large monolithic download going forward?
  17. Country A goes to the Moon. Country B goes to an asteroid. Who do you think will win in the long term?
  18. What are the dimensions of the octo parts? Will they fit into a non-procedural fairing? Are the prices adjusted to .24? WOuld be nice to know this, especially the second question. Also, if I may suggest a part, a Tri-Hex <-> Tri-Hex Docking port might be quite useful, if it is possible.
  19. Although I'll continue to use far, +rep for spreading the aerodynamics love.
  20. Ehm, Steam says KSP DL is queued, but KSP doesn't appear in my DL-Queue Edit: Nvm, restarting Steam fixed it.
  21. Once again I feel myself supported in my oppinion that KSP has the sad effect of downplaying the challenges of actual space travel.
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