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Everything posted by steve_v

  1. Clipping to achieve unrealistic or un-kerbal levels of performance, like intake/wing/tank stacking, I wouldn't do. But reasonable levels of clipping for aesthetics/aerodynamics is almost required with the limited part selection, especially if you build planes with the new FAR. That's just me though, make up your own rules
  2. Odd. Engine gimbals got a buff in 1.0, Does locking them make any difference? How's your COM/COT alignment? Bah, dang Ninjas
  3. Yeah, non-crazy water should be stock. In the mean time, Ferram4 has you covered
  4. Well that's bizarre, I get only garbage in that file... what encoding/language are you using? Can you open it and read the text inside? If so, can you save it as some standard encoding, like UTF-8? You can also bring up the log in-game with, IIRC, <mod>+F2. You could try causing the issue with that open and see what turns up.
  5. I see no log... where did you post it to? I never claimed to be able to 'read' it, and most of it will be irrelevant anyway, but it's the best place to start. Also, there are far sharper eyes than mine around here - someone who can read it may well stop by.
  6. Excellent! I did not realise USI-LS had gained such widespread support. Maybe, just maybe, time to have a play without TAC-LS for a change @Mighty1: There is a stable 64bit build you know, just not for your OS of choice. But I must resist shameless plugs for FOSS... and derailing threads.
  7. Uh huh, and what is one supposed to do with that scant information? I assume the 'scrips' you refer to is in fact the bash script in the OP? Works fine for me. Does it produce anything on STDOUT? Do you have taskset? 'which taskset' in a terminal will tell you. - - - Updated - - - KSP needs OpenGL with shaders, which you won't get with remote X, over ssh or otherwise. KSP will run with VirtualGL, but bandwidth constraints and the performance of your graphical transport will limit framerate. VGL transport or TurboVNC over a LAN is your best bet in that regard, probably best to exclude the SSH overhead if you can too. No promises on playability, but it does run. isn't KSP, but it's a reasonable comparison of X11/GLX vs VGL. Performance can be surprisingly good KSP even runs with VGL + X2go, but the only testing I have done is over a rather pathetic ADSL connection, so no comment on the performance of this configuration.
  8. I really don't care about RAM usage (lemme see, VmRSS: 4561784kB ) & the parts look awesome A bunch of KAS swappable storage modules? hell yes. Also more compact, better looking science experiments. Beats a bunch of random junk in a service bay any day. My landers would be 200% more hideous without it. The real question is: Why wouldn't you install this mod?
  9. Default binding is 'r' to toggle VAB/SPH symmetry. Introduced in 0.90.
  10. Sweeeet! that dev build squashed it Thanks muchly. On a less positive note, I'm now having issues with AntennaRange (1.8a release): Science doesn't transmit from the experiment dialog, logs are spamming: "Missing method ToadicusTools.Tools::getModulesOfType<[1]>(Vessel) in assembly /home/steve/KSP_linux-1002/GameData/ToadicusTools/ToadicusTools.dll, referenced in assembly /home/steve/KSP_linux-1002/GameData/AntennaRange/AntennaRange.dll". Selecting "transmit data" from the antenna right-click menu works ok. Do I need a more recent AntennaRange build to play nice with this?
  11. * ~20KM pe works for me. * I've been re-entering direct from Mun return, a mk.1 pod uses all its ablator & gets pretty hot. But it's survivable... and my re-entry profile probably isn't ideal.
  12. Up your logs, or grep them yourself - if it's out of memory it should be fairly obvious. Either way, no logs no clues. I know some of those mods have been updated in the last few of days, and at least one has had physics-breaking issues So: Mod versions? Installation method? If this has just started happening, what has changed? If nothing sticks out in your logs, you might have to start rolling back mod updates or removing them altogether... at least until you can isolate the culprit.
  13. Pro tip: go see if your issue's been worked on, then test it. Gotta be quicker than asking and waiting around for a reply
  14. ^Yup, this really messes with the game too SAS on = instant Armageddon. Kinda entertaining though.
  15. Pilot Assistant does much better than MechJeb for aircraft. With the flag trick it makes for a pretty decent ad-hoc landing autopilot too
  16. Install GCmonitor and see if the freezes coincide with the garbage collection runs. If this is the case, it's almost certainly the GC 'stopping the world' while it runs, and there aren't that many options... * Find and fix all the leaks and short-lived objects that are creating garbage, both in Squads code and in any mods you run. * Wait for unity to replace the ancient, single-threaded GC code with something more modern - e.g. by updating to a version of Mono that isn't dead and decomposing. Unity 5 might improve matters, but we shall see. I tend to agree, it's better. But I'm still seeing that MET clock flicker yellow in time with the GC runs, so it's not fixed. From my experiments with 0.90, breaking the GC (by recompiling mono with 'experimental' features ) results in massive memory leaks (as expected) but sorts the stutter (for me, YMMV)... Until the KSP process eats all my RAM and OOMs that is In any case, I'd be curious as to whether it is truly GC spikes you guys are seeing, or something else entirely - hopefully something we can actually fix. 'Cause this annoys the hell outa me too. The pervasive performance problems with this game are almost enough to drive me away... Just sayin'.
  17. Yup, IIRC it's one of the last MJ functions unlocked, so it's pretty high up the tree.
  18. The reactor creates far less environmental damage?Wherever you put them, gen IV designs (molten salt reactors, gas coolant loops, thorium cycle breeders, etc.) make most of the problems with current fission power plants go away. The technology has been progressing quietly for some time now but nobody's buying. Because scary invisible death. And they're still bloody expensive. Probably still a bit big for a basement ATM though. SoonTM.
  19. Miniaturizing a reactor has the advantage of simplifying decay heat removal - the main 'problem' with large scale reactors in, e.g. a natural disaster where grid power is lost and/or the plant is damaged... but you loose the economies of scale & the security of a large plant. Fuel reprocessing, as mentioned earlier, is a workable thing. If the politics would just go away. The issue with spent fuel is that it's not being reprocessed, hence the transport and storage concerns. There are even technologies to transmute the nastier non-reusable products... admittedly only (AFAIK) one experimental plant, and that's not really getting anywhere at the moment for lack of funding and *politics*. The real elephant in the room is putting radioactive materials where Joe Public can get at them, not because he might make a bomb, but because he might irradiate himself and others trying. If a reactor is going to be installed without fences, guards & IDs, it would also have to be engineered in such a way that nobody can claim the Darwin Awards entry "Attempted to dismantle reactor with chisel" i.e. completely, provably idiot-proof. Yes we could make these, but I doubt the safety police or the tree-huggers would stand for it. And some fool would find a way to kill themselves with one sooner or later. All that is of course irrelevant, because the FUD is too strong. It doesn't matter how safe or economical you make 'em, the politics will stomp the idea - for some reason anything with nuclear in the name is really scary to those that don't understand the engineering involved. Of course, going against (mis)informed public opinion is political suicide. To me, the ideal mix with current technology is probably going to be centralised fission + decentralised renewables.
  20. I'm seeing an issue (regression?) regards the vessel axis for cross section graphs since git @ 18/05... 18/05: 19/05: 20/05: Curiously enough, adding a pair of drop tanks under the wings (in this case, rad. decoupler + MRS radial tank) 'fixes' the issue. Looks to be cosmetic only, craft flies fine. For a low-tech VTOL full of compromises that is
  21. 1) Environment variables: LC_ALL=C - needed for certain (non-english) system locales to avoid various 'numerical issues', mostly related to the use of ',' rather than '.' as a decimal separator. LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1" - preloads libpthread & libGL, preempting the dynamic linker. Probably not needed (unless buggy linker) but won't do any harm. __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 - Nvidia specific performance tweak, probably not needed but try it and see. 2) All these can be set environment wide with 'export' (in this case the environment is the script) or on the same command line as the executable. Take your pick. 3) I have no idea, 'shortcuts' are a desktop specific thing and I don't know what you're running. If Mint still runs MATE... I haven't used any version of GNOME/MATE/UNITY for years. If your 'desktop' is an old-skool folder in your home directory you can use an old-skool 'shortcut' aka. a symbolic link - e.g. 'ln -s /home/user/KSP_Linux/KSP.sh /home/user/Desktop/KSP' Personally I just put "alias ksp='cd ~/KSP_linux && LC_ALL=C __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=0 ./KSP.x86_64'" in my ~/.bash_aliases, that way I can just type 'ksp' in a terminal from anywhere (also disabling vsync for... reasons).
  22. FWIW, Tweakable Everything fix is live: Version 1.11.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.2 Released on 2015-05-19 TweakableSolarPanels: Fixed an issue that caused non-animated solar panels to unhinge reality.
  23. I've seen this several times in the past, it's usually a mod (interfering with krakensbane?) causing the problem. Recently TweakableEverything had this issue with solar panels - toadicus is working on it. Nobody has posted a list of installed mods, or any logs... so it's all guesswork. Make a clean install and add one mod at a time until you trigger it, or do a binary sort on your mod list to save some time tracking it down.
  24. Not again... stop now. If there is a 64bit windows build at the moment, it's an unsupported community hack and you sure won't get support here.
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