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Everything posted by steve_v

  1. I have a rather peculiar bug to report... If I build anything with this cockpit (root part or not), I am unable to gather any science from experiments on the craft - animations play, but the results dialogue does not appear and the following exception is logged: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ExperimentResultDialogPage..ctor (.Part host, .ScienceData experimentData, Single xmitBase, Single xmitBonus, Boolean showTransmitWarning, System.String transmitWarningMessage, Boolean showResetOption, .ScienceLabSearch labSearch, .Callback`1 onDiscardData, .Callback`1 onKeepData, .Callback`1 onTransmitData, .Callback`1 onSendToLab) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ModuleScienceExperiment.reviewData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ModuleScienceExperiment+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Any idea what's going on here? The stock command chair works as expected, and replacing the cockpit with anything else (stock or otherwise) resolves the issue, but this thing is so cute that I'm a bit gutted I can't use on my early career planes Mod list (CKAN): Spoilers are bung.
  2. Forum currently has issues. Again. Apparently being worked on. Not sure if that includes the spoiler functionality, but I'd say it's probable.
  3. That laptop is probably going to perform better for KSP, as it has a faster CPU. KSP won't benefit from a dual-CPU rig at all. In practice, I expect the difference will be small. My guess is that the xeon desktop workstation is the older of the two, though it's still going to be pretty quick - especially for multithreaded workloads and multitasking, with twice as many CPUs as the laptop. The Quadro should be nice for professional CAD and modelling too, but it's not really a gaming GPU. Alternatively, it'd make a very decent home server, and probably supports nice things like ECC RAM and SAS, which the laptop will not. Why does my workplace not give me nice SMP Xeon boxes?
  4. Everything be borked. This new forum solution is garbage. It's especially borked right now, but this kind of thing has been happening regularly since it was installed. My complaint: This forum takes forever to render on my phone, and regularly hangs my browser (on every device I own) invoking the "unresponsive script" window. The ridiculous JavaScript editor is also stupid slow, and doesn't support BBCode properly. And it's still completely broken on mobile. Ed. On further poking about, looks like a bunch of things are broken at the moment, including the krakens JS on the activity feed... that same lousy JS that's been hanging my browser. Please leave it this way, it loads in a reasonable amount of time now, and the pointless fading effect and background updates have stopped hogging my CPU and bandwidth. Dog knows how Squad managed to find forum software that performs better when it's broken, but the proof is in the seeing. AFAIK, it's not free. And several solutions spring to mind that are not only that, but better IMO.
  5. Squad can make this right at any time, by refunding those who purchased the broken port. It's that simple. They haven't. I could justify not doing so if a fix was just around the corner, but it's been over a year now. It's pretty straight forward really: Provide the product people paid for, or return their money. Stringing your customers along for this length of time is not acceptable. There's no legal compulsion to do either (If there was, I'd be all over it), but leaving people with a broken mess is a clear violation of Wheaton's Law, and those people have every right to be angry about it.
  6. If by "current version" you mean 1.3.0, then yes, there are several. EVE, Scatterer, SVE, SVT, AVP, spring to mind. All listed in this thread, and indexed on CKAN too. I can personally confirm that the first four I mentioned work perfectly, as I am using them myself. As far as I am aware AVP is fully functional too, at least it was the last time I tried it out.
  7. Irrelevant. Squad is the company with the big fat logo on the box, Squad is the company making money from sales, Squad is the company that decided to take a risk on Flailing Tiger Entertainment. I don't care who is holding up the works here, or who is to blame for this mess. It's Squads product, so Squad needs to suck it up and get people what they paid for, in a reasonable timeframe. The clock is still ticking, and it's now well beyond reasonable.
  8. If this is what I think it is, and mods are not involved, then there are a bunch of bug reports for it already- going way back to the earliest KSP releases. The physics engine is janky as hell, and goes berserk with certain combinations of heavy parts attached to light parts. Like all the other game engine related glitches, it's squarely in the "too hard" basket and nobody is interested in fixing it. The only workarounds I am aware of are to either change the craft geometry or add more struts. Alternatively, try KJR. It may help, it may not.
  9. I don't even own a console, but the way those who purchased the console version have been treated so far instils exactly zero faith in me. Neither in SQUADs motives, nor the likelihood of this port turning out any different to the last one. We've been hearing "soon" and "we're working on it" for a long time now, and this after a not-inconsiderable period of "silence". Now, after all this waiting, we're hearing "we fixed another totally game breaking bug, yay". Meanwhile, two "more customers, more money" initiatives have taken flight for the PC version... All hands on deck to fix our screwup this is not. SQUAD sold a broken product, and putting it right is still pending. Until that happens, I vote no confidence.
  10. That's my take on this too. Step one to dehumanise your bad guy: Obscure the face... Hence the new makeup, I presume. Right through TOS & TNG Klingons were portrayed as a warlike and somewhat savage race... but not without honour, and not unreasonable. A reminder perhaps, of tendencies the glorious federation had learned to overcome, and a way to explore understanding of alien cultures. War with the Klingons was the last thing the federation wanted. This new show seems to be setting them up as a punching bag. [snip] ST aged so well because the issues it tackles are timeless and universal. If this new show survives we'll look back on it and ask: What was all that about? It's barely coherent now, it'll make no sense at all in 20 years time. Besides, using Star Trek as a vehicle for a p........ crusade is sacrilege. --- Unfortunately, I can only like this post once... Hole in one, my good sir.
  11. Ep3: Bleh. Don't know what else to say, this show is clearly not for me. Pretty glad I didn't pay for it.
  12. If we did that, it'd have to include the "magic" jet engines too. There are mods to nerf these things if anyone feels the need for more realism, play however you like. Personally, I'd like to see a real stock rotator. It's an incredibly obvious thing missing from the game. Reaction wheel powered motors, hinges and bearings made from parts not meant for it, they are ingenious and the effort involved in making them gets my respect... But I wish we didn't have to do this to get something as simple as rotating parts. The community has wanted them forever.
  13. That's the log from a different Unity game. Jalopy, to be precise. You still haven't followed the support instructions. I give up.
  14. Rivatuner is known to crash KSP, it messes with directx to insert it's overlay. The only workaround I know of is not running rivatuner.
  15. Eh, guess it really isn't Star Trek then. Breaking continuity, tampering with cannon, discarding the very things that made Star Trek special... Let's just call it "A show set in a Star Trek-ish universe" and be done with it.
  16. On the DirectX note, also make sure you don't have anything running that hooks or overrides directx dlls, such as shader injectors, GPU overclocking utilities or framerate overlays.
  17. Probably because you have "Hide file extensions for known file types" turned on, possibly the most idiotic default Microsoft has come up with yet. Upload that file. As for the instructions not making sense... Sure looks fine to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. No imagination required, that's what happened with the first console port, no? Imagine if SQUAD had listened when so many of us pointed out Flying Tigers (non-existent) track record... Imagine if SQUAD had put quality before cost, and hired an experienced porting house... Imagine if this was done properly to begin with, instead of rushing out a half-baked pile of garbage and having to start from scratch to fix it... Those who gave SQUAD their money would have a working product right now. If freezing when menus are opened and crashing when going to kerbin orbit are only being found now, after all this time supposedly working on the new port, either we're still in early development and looking at a long wait... or nothing was learned from last time. These don't sound like obscure, hard to trigger bugs that require months of QA to isolate to me, more issues that would be encountered in even cursory playtesting. Granted I don't know all the details, but this is not particularly encouraging. I'm still waiting to see that sincere apology, admission that it was a screwup, and refund for everyone that purchased this disaster in good faith. Until such time, I'll continue ragging on this money-grab console-port debacle. I'm still not seeing anything to convince me it was anything else.
  19. What Klingons look like doesn't really bother me. Changing what Klingons look like, and changing their culture, again, that's what grinds my gears. Once was enough, and "that's what they were supposed to be like, but we didn't have the budget" only works the first time. Want new aliens to show off your cool new makeup? Fine. Introduce a new species then. Set the thing after DS9 / Voyager and you can do whatever you want. ST (TOS & TNG anyway) was set in a fairly utopian future, clean, shiny, high tech. No money, no political infighting. A couple of aggressive alien races in there, but mostly it was about exploration and painting a picture of what humanity could be when it worked together. Even the Klingons weren't particularly evil, or very scary looking. For some bizarre reason all new sci-fi needs to be "gritty", full of conflict, politics and blood. Closer to home perhaps. And the Big Bad needs to look really evil. Perhaps the original Klingons were too human to make a decent antagonist. Apparently, this means setting all new star trek before the original series. IMO, capital mistake - it's what was wrong with enterprise, and it's what's wrong with discovery. If you don't want to annoy the fan base, you either: a) Respect the original and don't stomp all over established lore, or: b) Set it in the relative future and create something new. Really, I'd be happy with something properly new, rather than trying over and over to "reinvent" the original. Constantly screwing with continuity really irritates me. New aliens, cool. Just don't call them Klingons. I'm not even sure this new show deserves the "Star Trek" title TBH... Call it something else and I'll be far more inclined to take it on it's own merits.
  20. This ^ And actual hard sci-fi concepts, as well as a lack of shameless attempts to inject real-world politics and gratuitous fighting. ST is space opera, sure... but I do like some sci--fi in my sci-fi. STD is everything I expected, and nothing I wanted. Wake me up when it grows a beard.
  21. Ay, caramba. Notepad has nothing to do with anything, and the Windows "crash log" is irrelevant. KSP generates a text file named output_log.txt (or Player.log on unix), and the link I posted explains where to find it. If you want help, get us that file. Put it on pastebin or something and post a link to it here. While you're at it, read that post I linked, it's titled "How To Get Support (READ FIRST)" for a reason. Nobody can help if you don't provide the requested information, such as system specifications and log files.
  22. Since this old, long dead argument appears to have been reanimated, I'll add my voice to the "Hell no" crowd. I like the idea of more tiers to the facility upgrades, but the barn was just horrid. Add sloppy, amateurish models and texturing to a generally repulsive "Lolz kerbals make rockets from trash" aesthetic, and you have the abomination that was the barn "preview". I really don't like the "found lying by the side of the road" aesthetic at all, the part descriptions are bad enough without having it fullscreen as soon as you start the game. It's infantile, unnecessary, and unrealistic. One simply does not build manned spacecraft in a barn, surrounded by garbage and rusting car bodies. It's neither cute nor funny, it's trashy. If the execution had some polish and was integrated into the game progression properly, perhaps the barn could have been redeemed. Maybe. But the final nail in the coffin was that it also looked butt-ugly from any angle.
  23. That's not output_log.txt. Read this, then upload the whole file somewhere and post a link.
  24. From your log: d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=4499 w=4096 h=2048 mips=1 d3dfmt=894720068 [out of memory] DontDestroyOnLoad only work for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects. (Filename: Line: 386) DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 1 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 8388608. DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 2 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 8388608. DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 3 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 8388608. DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 4 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 8388608. DynamicHeapAllocator out of memory - Could not get memory for large allocation 8388608! Could not allocate memory: System out of memory! Pretty self-explanatory, no? Probably because: Environment Info Win32NT FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Args: KSP.exe You are running the 32bit executable (which is limited to ~3GB RAM). Try KSP_x64.exe instead.
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