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Everything posted by inigma

  1. lol. I have to come up with some standard to list Epic Engineers of the likes of Wackjob and Mulbin. If you guys have better ideas, I'm open to it. For now I figured that epic builders are those who have designs posted in the main Spacecraft Exchange forum which garner over 100 responses. Yes someone could pad responses, but it would look really clammy if they did. Most people won't. At the very least we can list rocket building company catalogs no matter the popularity! Majorjim, do you want me to list http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81526-Stock-craft-repository-*WIP*-please-check-back-later in the Catalog listing? Zekes, do you want me to list http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96093-Zokesia-Skunkworks!-STOCK-CRAFT in the Catalog listing? If the community realy wants Zekes and Majorjim listed as Epic engineers, I'm all for it too. I just don't want to see the list turn into a "why did you list him and not me" contest of spite. Would really get nasty. At the very least we all agree that Wackjob and Mulbin are epic engineers, or I would at least hope. Now what standard do you think would be required? I thought 100 posts for a design thread in Spacecraft Exchange would be sufficient, though not perfect (there isn't really a perfect standard), would at least give a baseline to being considered for the Epic Engineer listing. Thoughts? I'll add you guys in a heartbeat once you guys decide on the best means to approach this. Should I instead accept nominations for Epic engineer instead? I want to keep it simple.
  2. Mulbin, MunBug needs a version XIII, or else some fixes. 1. Launch clamps need to be designed for it. It breaks the pad otherwise. 2. Launch clamps need to be in the same stage as the main engines, else static warm up of the engines also breaks pad. 3. RCS is bugged somehow, specifically when switching off LEM RCS to have the CSM pull it out of the launch vehicle. When in Munar orbit, the LEM's RCS fails to re-engage, even with full propellant. 4. You need an action group to toggle the LEM's fuel tanks to feed the engines for ascent, or else hapless pilots will wonder why they only got 300m off the ground only to plummet back to the surface for lack of fuel.
  3. Zekes, we already have Zokesia's catalog listed in the Rocket Builders Catalog list. To qualify as an epic engineer though, you will need to post here a link to any one of your personal craft design threads that have over 100 responses, as well as provide me a link to a thread listing all your personal designs for the listing.
  4. Majorjim, do you have a craft design thread with over 100 responses? If so post me a link so I can verify and then list your repository in the Epic Engineers list. If not, I can list your repository in the Rocket Building Company Catalog list.
  5. Thanks Rune, and yes. Your epicness rivals Jeb himself. You're the epitome of epic KSP engineering. They should make Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Rune the standard names in future game versions. - - - Updated - - - Working on it!
  6. Yea we got it stickied. Post here your showcase threads links as long as it meets the op reqs and ill add it to the op list.
  7. By popular request, we the regulars of Spacecraft Exchange request that a mod permanently sticky the Master Showcase Thread - the showcase thread to rule them all. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60744-SHOWCASE-SHOWCASE-MASTER-THREAD-All-Your-Showcases-in-One-Place! I will be happy to maintain it.
  8. Impressive. Rune. You. Are. Becoming. Living. Legend. In. Fact. actually you are a living legend. this post in this thread is just a testament to your legendness. great job!
  9. its so cool looking it's SSI worthy! fly it on our server and/or upload it there. DMP is noninvasive.
  10. The SSI Neutron H2 is now published in our Craft Library! See our multiplayer server to get it. Please read our updated rocket builder forum thread OP for more info: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/41898-Shuttlecraft-Systems-Inc-%28SSI%29-Your-Auxiliary-Spacecraft-Company!-Now-Multiplayer! SSI has converted completely over to DarkMultiPlayer to become the first company to adopt a multiplayer server as its primary testing and publishing outlet! Come check out our universe!
  11. Ok guys, time for .25 transitions. SSI is calling for any good builder to submit .25 version shuttlecraft in our builder thread. Certification run for any SSI cataloged shuttlecraft is the capability of undocking from 120km, landing at KSC, and redocking at 120km without refueling. We are specifically interested in Minmus capable return shuttlecraft, since the dV requirements also permit one ways to the Mun.
  12. Rune, is this thing capable of SSI certification? 120km undock and land at KSC and return to 120km docked?
  13. Submit that thing to SSI. We need more minmus return capable shuttlecraft for our catalog!
  14. Utterly beautiful. Can you find a way to clip into a system capable of landing that thing on an airless body?
  15. You can download 1.6.1 here: DMP Client: www.kerbalcentral.com/mods/DMPClient.zip DMP Server: www.kerbalcentral.com/mods/DMPServer.zip
  16. Found a bug! Easy to duplicate. Reported on Github https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/issues/468 Screenshot says it all. Easy to duplicate. I might be blind, but in my initial search for others who have reported this I am surprised no one else has reported this bug yet. KSP .25, MJ is the only mod. 32 bit. Two octo cores, MJ for each, separated by a separator. On launch, separate. Instant dual MJ buttons in the toolbar at the top right. Also happens when loading from save, switching between multiple MJ vessels will keep duplicating an MJ button - one for each vessel but no more. But if you have 5 MJ vessels in the area and you switch between them all, eventually you will get 5 MJ buttons in the KSP toolbar.
  17. Hey DD, if you find a mod that allows more than 2.4 km physics load, let me know. Air drops are such a pain if I want to retain both craft. gdl - most excellent release! I'll be updating a new modpack this weekend and rolling my gaming group's private server to 1.6, and I hope to also put SSI back on the server list.
  18. So mods, we gonna get that sticky anytime soon? And if anyone has a showcase meeting the OP requirements, post a link and I'll add it per usual. Happy surfing.
  19. @Frank - hey check out Shuttlecraft Systems Inc. - we could use you!
  20. Anyone make a mod that allows one to tweak with the EVA GUI the orientation of a planted flag?
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