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Secret Squirrel

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Everything posted by Secret Squirrel

  1. I see .1569 of the pre-release changed something about the wheels, would that affect the wheels from here? The Akita wheels moving up and down when I steer left and right and they just spin when I drive forward but the PAL seem to be working. Edit: Well the steering was because they were rotated wrong when I put them on but I'm still just spinning the wheels and not going anywhere.
  2. Oh ok, didn't even realise they were different haha. Thank you.
  3. Just stumbled into this mod thanks to Kerbal Engineer not working on 1.2 Pre. I am in dire need to find a way to calculate my orbital period. Trying to get Orbital Period outputted n minutes using this in: Pe "Periapsis" in: Ap "Apoapsis" out: T "Orbital Period" M = Parent.M R = Parent.R r_min = R + Pe r_max = R + Ap μ = M*G a = (r_min + r_max) / 2 T = (2 * π * √ (a∧3) / μ) / 60 But I am not getting an output that seems even remotely right. Any help would be much appreciated! Ps. This is now going to be one of my go to mods (may even replace KER), I am loving it so far.
  4. Thank you that is exactly what I was looking for and couldn't find it.
  5. I have been playing DayZ a lot since the standalone came out. I have left my space program on hold and would like to know what new mods have been put out as well as which ones are updated and work with .23. What are your suggestions right now with whats out there? Edit: Been gone so long I put this in general but I think it might be better off in General Add-on Affairs. Movie it maybe? Please and thank you.
  6. Just a stab in the dark here but do the KAS pipes work like stock fuel lines? I think with kethane converters you need lines from tanks to converters. Unless something changed. Not sure if the KAS pipes work for that. Again not sure but that's my idea. EDIT: Ok looking at your picture harder I see that's what you did with the KAS pipes, so it might be that they don't work like the stock fuel lines, but like I said not sure, it might be the converter needs to be connected to the kethane tank. EDIT Again: Ok now I know I need some sleep .... I see you did that as well with the KAS pipes. So long story short... Not sure if they work like stock lines.
  7. That would be nice, I find myself getting board with the other probe cores and something like that would be fun to play with. It was scanning and the animation worked, although the gui did say retract when it was AND wasn't retracted. The track on my SCANsat map was just grayed out with no data there. Like I said your part was the only one I had on the probe. Rather than rebuild I added the maptracker module to it in your cfg. file and reloaded then it was working fine. I didn't think to try using the SCANsat part with out the maptracker part to see if it would do the same thing until just now and its getting late here, I will try that tomorrow. After I added the module from the maptracker part it worked like a charm.
  8. Yep love it, have you gotten in touch with Danmy? I think he was looking for someone to make models for him as he works on the plugin. If you teamed up I'm sure he could integrating the animation. I did notice it was scanning a blank line, but that might have been because I didn't have the MapTraq on the probe. I added it into the config (It was the one that said "sensorType = 0) and works fine now. I just wish I had better solar panels unlocked in my career game, guess I will have to play more oh and I wanted to ask, I didn't see a download for the core you made. Is there one and I missed it or is it still being worked on? I would love to get my hands on that too
  9. Sounds so ominous..... Any way, I haven't tried the ones without the ports, but played around with the others. Don't have any pics yet but next time I hop on to play I'll try to remember to grab some. I love the parts they look awesome and my brain hurts thinking about how I'm gonna use ALL of them lol!!
  10. WOO, it looks so good I think I'm going to skip doing other things I should be doing to play around with this and SCANsat!!! If I get in trouble I'm gonna blame you! lol
  11. you have to set the stage to AG. So your first stage decouplers are on AG1, and when you want to stage you activate AG1 in your script, not stage. Its a KSP limitation you can only "STAGE" active vessel. Also I think 2 vessels are as many as you can use, it sounds like you have a third, the rover. Might not work right. Like it says it doesn't actually "NEVER" unload it just ups the distance it has to be to unload so the 20k thing might be that although I think it's set to something insane like 300k so more than likely its the three ship thing.
  12. I am running a slew and haven't seen any conflicts yet. I have SCANsat, KAC, TACfuelbalancer, Steam gauges, VOID not to mention a whole bunch of part packs and other stuff. No problems, No conflicts, just my Big map wont re-render when open. I have to close and reopen. Its fine on the small one though, and I am sure that's not a conflict (ok, mostly sure )
  13. Those are just his preset names, look at the values for RED GREEN and BLUE. Use a setting close to that, with all three down at 0 the light is almost black, off ish like kinda.....
  14. WOW this is awesome!! The only thing I have to complain about and I am sure you know already is the flex tubes don't save. When I come back to the ship the animation resets while the menu knows where it's suppose to be. I can just use the regular tubes for now though so all in all nothing to complain about!!
  15. Sorry thought I saw a download link in OP. First thing after making coffee in the morning is browsing the forums. I go through, open a bunch of tabs and flip through them. Must have just missed it completely. Anyway looks cool and I will be checking often to see those pics at some point.
  16. Could someone post some pics using the parts here? I want to see what can be done before I think about removing some of my mods seeing as how I have no idea how I'm not hitting the memory limit with them all as is.
  17. I think a quick save and reload solves that problem, could be wrong but I think last time I tried it worked. Deep in the carrier mode so haven't messed with too many KAS parts recently.
  18. ok thanks now I feel really stupid I thought I looked everywhere so about 50 hours after start for the alarm got ya thanks again.
  19. Launch rockets.... Check(as long as blowing them up is launching them... I think I need moor booster) Bomb through solar panels ... Check (although not while docking it was because I like to.) Go all Top Gun on RnD .... Check ( Did he fly in to the tower in that? oh well did that too) Still no weekly !!!
  20. So I have one more quistion. What is the rate you generate Eurekas? I want to set an alarm to remind me to finalize my plant growth experiment when its done. edit: I see it says rate of 1.0 in the confg for the science lab. Is that 1 per minute?
  21. Just a quick thank you for locking some of the features in career mode. Tried docking a few times, rage quit and used the autopilot. Well now the autopilot is disabled and I found myself needing to dock. I sucked it up and attempted it again and surprise!! first try got it. If it wasn't locked I would never have found out I know how to dock without it lol
  22. That makes sense thanks for the info. As far as the quicksave, it was before undocking.
  23. That's everything I wanted and more this is AWESOME!! Thank you for this!
  24. I had it happen too, did quicksave and reload it worked fine the second time. Not sure what I did/n't do different and can't help pin it down other than to say it's not just one person. I am thinking it had something to do with MASSIVE amount of mods I am running, I will keep an eye out and try to record/recreate problem to see if I can be any help. I did notice with my test station I used to get a handle on how it works I had all the small experiment pods docked to station with the science bay and when doing the experiments my Kuarqs production stalled on two of the three that required them. I went to the dark side of kerban and it drained my EC then Kuarqs. Worked fine with just one experiment running though. Kind of rambling but I guess what I am trying to say is I am a little lost on HOW this works, basic idea I get but a little more in depth instructions would be nice.
  25. Awesome, I just found your Box deployable lollipop light yesterday and the KAS integration is awesome, downloading this now and cant wait to try it out!
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