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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. [X] Science is one of my favorite mods! I'd love to have a version available for the latest releases!
  2. Thanks for the reply man, do you have any hints about where I might go looking for it? I'm doing a lot of docking and undocking and it keeps killing my kerbals due to lack of life support It's probably out of my league (I'm a programmer but I don't know much about kerbal modding or Unity) but at least I could see if there's anything in the logs and get it documented as a git issue.
  3. Does anybody know if the bug that caused molten salt reactors to stop working when you undock has been squashed yet?
  4. Thank you for the advice so far guys. I'm looking forward to trying out Precise node and the launch window planner tonight. I'm also going to try setting CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE in settings.cfg to 0, which I've read will help visual the approach paths.
  5. I've tried mechjeb and protractor so far. Both got me to remote planets, but it was pretty rough. Mechjeb's "warp to phase angle" seems to disagree with with protractor, and when I use it to schedule interplanetary transfers it seems to randomly schedule burns years in the future even when I think I'm already in a window. Once I even warped to the hour before the window to replot the burn (as it says to do in the mechjeb manual) only to have it put the burn another two years in the future. (Maybe there's a very slightly better window 2 years in the future?). I can get there with protractor too, and I love that I'm more in control of the situation but it's hard to get the ejection burn right and I often end up needing to make a pretty large course correction. Seems like this should be a pretty common issue? What procedure/mods do you guys use for your interplanetary burns?
  6. Me too, I have played most of the way through career mode without mods just for fun, but now I want my mechjeb back. All I'm getting is data, no autopilot functionality at all. Frustrating.
  7. Way to snipe like a boss! I found the joint stuff in the damned robotics code (http://svn.mumech.com/KSP/trunk/MuMechLib/Toggle.cs). So now to start with the printf debugging to see how this code is flowing. Thanks for the entry point bud.
  8. So I've been using the Damned Robotics parts for a SSO design I have in mind that is really fun for me, but I can't make it work because the rototrons are under too much force and the joint isn't rigid enough, it deforms considerably and oscillates in a manner that's fairly unfortunate and destructive to my ship. I was amused for a while, but now I'd like it to work. I need this part to have very rigid joints with the two parts it connects. I'm a very experienced programmer, so I was thinking it was time to get into Kerbal mod development. I'd like to develop a new part that not only rotates, but is rigid, and allows you to order it to rotate to predefined presets. For example, I want mine to toggle between 0 and 90 degrees. Would anybody be kind enough to give me a clue on where I'd need to start in order to change the rigidity of a joint?
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