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Everything posted by SRV Ron

  1. Real Model Rockets. FASA Mod, not eligible. Already did the launch with the RT-10. The sounding rockets used in FASA are one meter long. Out looking for the hidden base. Actually, I need to wait until daylight.
  2. Resist the urge to pile too much fuel into the boosters. You will only end up making huge rockets that have no additional advantage in delta v. Example, this cluster rocket; After staging while all rockets, including the core, are under power, there is no difference in performance. However, if properly balanced to engines under asparagus staging, the launch to payload in orbit ratio can become very efficient.
  3. Imgur is having log in issues at the moment so will post pictures later. Now, it is upload issues. Built a tweaked output design of a atmosphere sensor, probe core, battery, adapter and an RT-10. It went over 200,000 meters. Redesigned it with an added Science Bay, two Goo canisters, and parachutes. That went to 34,000 meters. Landing and recovery Edit, Imgur now cooperating.
  4. Sent a lander with a remote rover to visit Jeb on Minmus; Landing near Jeb Touchdown Detached rover. Planting the flag The rover visits Jeb. Needless to say, drive very carefully in Minmus's low gravity and slippery surface. Stats
  5. A perfect landing gone wrong; The rover made the lander too top heavy for the slope. It detached ok but the lander trapped Bill inside.
  6. Jeb returns from Mun so he can do the Minmus mission I opted to bring back the entire lander; Jeb's mission to Minmus using the Mun rocket. Maneuver set. (Mid course correction to go equatorial orbit,) On his way; Suicide Burn. Touchdown. Planting the flag. Stats. Note, plenty of fuel left for the return flight.
  7. Bill had a bad night. In Orbit; Note where Jeb is in the night side already. Landing. Touchdown; Opps, too top heavy with the rover. It touched down OK then proceeded to slowly fall over on the steep slope. The rover is OK but Bill is stuck in the capsule. Time to bring Jeb back so he can land on Minmus.
  8. Landed on Mun in one of the best landing yet in the Highlands. I'm going to leave Jeb there to see if I can place Bob with a rover close by, then bring both home. Pic staging the SRBs with the tweaked sepatrons. Staging them causes a random rotation easily corrected. Orbital turn is already under way when I stage the SRBs. Mun orbit. Landing sequence. On the suicide burn Staged to come down the last 500 feet; Contact Light. Note, all drift under control using SAS and the Navball to align the landing. Flag planted. Jeb has plenty of fuel left for return to Kerbal. He is going to wait to see if Bob can land close by with a rover. The rover that will sit on top of the pod in place of the current parachute. The Rover contains an RCS package to undock and land nearby. The present design should have enough delta v to handle the extra weight. Edit; Updated the rover to reduce weight. May tweak the fuel for undocking and landing to reduce weight even more.
  9. SRBs only, fire engines and clamps at once. For turbojets and larger KW rockets, fire engines, let power up, release clamps.
  10. Want to test lag? Build a rocket using a stack of 100 Round 8 fuel cans. Then, try flying it.
  11. Finished test orbit with low G reentry to the ocean West of KSP Added an SAS to the second stage. Handling was far better for the free return orbit. On the launch pad Second stage to orbit. As there is enough delta V to intercept Mun, I will aim this stage to crash into it on the next flight. Extremely difficult to set up and have both a close Mun encounter and a proper reentry free return. Therefore, I opted for the ideal reentry free return window. Slingshot figure eight around Mun. Landed and the stats. For the Mun landing mission, only the pod will be recovered on return.
  12. In the case of t=tons, figure the unit as a measurement of metric tons, not the English unit. 1,000 kilograms make up a metric ton. 2,000 pounds the English ton. With 2.2 pounds needed to make a kilogram, you can easily see that the two measurements are not the same. Using t for metric tons keeps the use of the accepted scientific world standard of the metric system in the KSP game.
  13. Place some tweaked separatrons on top of the SRBs with just enough thrust to gently kick them away from the core stage. I'm also assuming that once we have picked a design to use, we should use that same basic design for the testing and completing the Mun landing and return.
  14. Any bonus if we can set up the NASA figure eight free return? Have a Santa Village event today so may have to conduct the mission this evening.
  15. No way to steer the SRB with the limited resources of a probe core. The LRB can do it.
  16. Has been done before with the absolute min of 3 parts; Better to have a scientific instrument and the ability to remain powered indefinitely. Adding a larger fuel can placed this into SSTM orbit.
  17. Ran the test a few minutes ago with the design on the left. Adding the outrigger landers made handling a bit dicy for the orbital turn compared to the nice stable design on the right. Will add an SAS for additional control. Launch; In the required test orbit. (Dumped the second stage early so it would deorbit.) Setting up the return maneuver with figuring in that Kerbal will rotate under the pariapsis to the sea West of KSP by the time of reentry.
  18. Add Novapunch and KW Rocketry parts. Then play hard mode which will force you to be very selective to research only those parts necessary to advance your Career program. A building aid is Kerbal Engineer with Flight Engineer. This will give you stats on your design making it easier to customize your creations for flight
  19. Waiting as well. Meanwhile had time I didn't last night to tweak the orbiter launcher for placing a satellite network in 1,000k orbit with fuel to spare. The original design barely made it to the desired altitude.
  20. Unlike most Steam linked games, you can copy KSP from the Steam folder to another location and run it from there. Use Steam for the updates and then copy the updated program to another location to run it. Steam has the advantage of fast downloading of the program and the updates.
  21. Landers are ready to go. Satellite network is now positioned around Kerbal.
  22. Landers are ready. They come from Career missions. Not eligible due to using mods. It placed six Kerbals on Minmus.
  23. Brings up some V64,000 questions, Hard mode is just no revert or quick save? (F-12) not needed to change the setting in a game, even Sandbox. Are we just designing the lander for the 5th or doing the mission to get him there? Any budget to work with? Any particular target on Mun? Any required Science? One way trip or need to be capable of returning safely? I have several reliable one Kerbal designs from various Career programs that are suitable for this mission. If cost is no issue, even a modified Demo design is suitable. Have a model meeting in 15 minutes. Will finish the satellite network later, then build one of Mun ships for Tomorrow.
  24. Falling through Kerbal. If over what is the ocean, landing is no problem. On land, BOOM! This glitch appears to have been fixed in 0.25
  25. Depends on the booster and the mission. The Minotaur design work well for a Mun mission and beyond. The small two stage liquid fueled for orbiting.
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