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Everything posted by SRV Ron

  1. It has already been done with Tier 0 parts and no science when Career Science first came out.
  2. The Squid mod does work quite well with the added ability to eject those soccer balls after landing. Not sure how it works on KSP-0.90 Beta.
  3. Look to the readout on the left which is the prelaunch stats. It is 1.33 tons. Orbit weight is 0.34 tons on the right.
  4. With Kerbal Engineering and combining three other screenshots into one, here is all the data required on my SSTO probe from KSP 0.90 Beta Launch Weight Orbit weight Orbital stats, way over 70,000 meters. Cost, could be reduced by using only one OxStat or none.
  5. Do some testing to find out with one design example. 1. Launch straight up to a Duna orbit intercept. Note how much fuel is left. Note what time of the day uses the least fuel to reach the objective. 2. Launch to orbit, then to escape, then to a Duna orbit intercept. Note how much fuel is left 3. Launch to a 100k orbit, then to a direct Duna orbit intercept. Note how much fuel is left. You will quickly find out which method becomes the most fuel efficient and why the rest of us are using that method of flight.
  6. It is a bug very noticeable with mods and even some stock. Using launch stabilizer clamps eliminate that issue. In addition, some of the larger KW Rocketry and NovaPunch liquid fueled engines take a second or two to reach full power. Therefore, fire them up first, then release the launch clamps. Otherwise, those rockets will drop to the pad before the engines have developed their full power. Likewise, they take a second or two to power down when used for maneuvering in space.
  7. For those expert at flying on manual, the Stayputnik with an SAS will work just fine. For beginners, it will be a pain to control as it has no automatic stabilization functions. Placing the Stayputnik directly on a fully functional RT-10 SRB will result in it exploding near the end of the powered flight. Placing a decoupler, SAS, or anything else between them appears to eliminate that bug.
  8. At the tweaked thrust levels being used, the added weight and drag of the two radical parachutes, (MK-16 plus braces,) will greatly affect performance. So long as you land in the water, the MK-16 parachute will recover the MK-1 pod and spent RT-10 booster safely.
  9. Moho, a hot nasty place as it is so close to the Kerbal sun. (Images from Space Engine 0.972 Beta) Eve, image modified in PSP Laythe
  10. Suborbital Contract Flights are possible using the Stayputnik. But only, if the rocket it sits on is naturally stable. You will have no other control over the flight other then staging and throttle. Once you can unlock the Probododyne OKTO, you will have the ability to fly contracts requiring flight control. With the OX Stat Panels and a Too Hot thermometer, you can send one way unmanned missions to fulfill the Explore Mun, etc... contracts. What are the advantages of doing so? Lower cost due to the ability to use lighter launch vehicles as well as only needing to do one way missions to fulfill the Explore contracts.
  11. Check out my tutorial for First Time Career KSP 0.90 Beta http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/106183-An-easy-guide-for-first-time-Career-in-KSP-0-90-Beta The suggested tweaked values for the RT-10 for the first four altitude missions are listed.
  12. In Early Career testing, soon as you can get a probe core, use it for flight tests. The Stayputnik, while mostly useless, can be used for short flights on stable ships. Until you can unlock the Probododyne with its ability to provide automatic stabilization for extended missions, stick with short range and profitable contracts. Save Jeb for the missions requiring a Kerbal such as testing multiple items while in orbit. Proof of concept for doing a contract using the Stayputnik. Very cheap and safe for Jeb should the mission fail. Edit, reason for the decoupler is to prevent the Stayputnik from falling into the RT-10 thus causing it to explode.
  13. Missed what you were referring to. Sorta of hidden in line one is that you would be wasting funds and losing contracts. By going straight to escape the atmosphere and go to orbit, you would miss those opportunities to gain reputation, science points, and easy income while using the cheapest cost rocket design possible.

    With some different design for the orbital craft, it's cost could be lowered. However, that launch had to be made under the 18 ton limit. With the improvements made to KSP, Jeb can now EVA in space and a more efficient rocket built to do a Mun flyby.

  14. Exactly. That is the reason for advancing your space program one small step at a time. Given that the Goo Pods and Material Bay module are now unlocked, This would be a good time to build a Kerban Biome Research module and do some home based experiments. Do the following to get some no cost Science Points research; 1. Build the module using an MK-1 pod, Material Bay module and a Goo canister. 2. Place it on the launch pad. 3. Run the experiments, do a Crew Report, and an EVA report. 4. Recover the module for a full refund and additional Science. 5. Do the same thing for the dirt runway. 6. As test contracts permit, land the research module on the other biomes of Kerban for additional Science Points. Note, make use of Radical Parachutes to protect the fragile Material Bay during landing. Ran the test. Easy 28.8 science points.
  15. I only had one landed on Kerban contract show up which was done during launch 2. Number six was the orbital flight restricted to under 18 tons. The second stage used an LV-909. Orbit was about 80 by 120k. There was about V38,000 left after upgrading the three items mentioned after the orbital mission. Plans are to do contracts during the night to earn funds. As one that has shown up is testing parts in orbit, Jeb will be going up there to do an EVA. With radical chutes unlocked, more of the test flight can be recovered. Once tracking is upgraded, Mun and Minmus missions can be done.
  16. For the seasoned veterans, there have been a lot of changes in how Career functions. Noticeably is KSP itself. Instead of launching from a fully functional modern KSP, we now start with a very basic and limited complex. A launch pad and runway of dirt, limited tracking, basic training center, and simple hanger and VAB. What does this mean for basic Career normal mode for all players? 1. For Mission Control, you are limited to two contracts. As you will have to pay should you have to cancel any you have taken and are unable to complete, chose wisely. 2. For Tracking, you can only see the orbits. No locking nodes display. No use of the Add Maneuver node. 3. The dirt launch pad or runway is limited to 18 tons or less on the weight of your launch vehicle. 4. The VAB and Hanger has a 30 part limit on design. 5. R & D, you can only unlock as far as tier 4 parts. 6. Astronaut complex limits you to five Kerbals with EVA only while landed on Kerbal. 7. And, the administration complex only allows one strategy. 8. If you have the latest version Flight Engineer installed, it's readouts will not be available until you have unlocked it's parts. Upgrading so you are able to build and launch bigger rockets, do EVAs in space, use the Add Maneuver mode, take on more contracts at once, or unlock tier 5 parts, will cost you funds, lots of funds. Therefore, the strategy of Career is simple, do as many contracts as you can to earn the funds to enable you to gather the Science Points to research the parts you will need and upgrade KSP for continued future missions. So, lets began using Career in Normal Mode in KSP 0.90 Beta Your first flight in Career; 1. Go to Mission Control and grab the first two contracts, launch vehicle, and set altitude record of 5,000 meters. Granted, you could go for the higher paying Escape The Atmosphere and build a rocket capable of doing so using Tier Zero parts, but, that would be a waste of funds and loss of future contracts. 2. Build your first rocket using the following three parts. The MK-1 command pod. The MK-16 parachute on top, and the RT-10 SRB for propulsion. Why the RT-10 SRB? Simple, it is the cheapest part available for completing all missions including your first sub orbital into space. 3. Most Important, tweak the thrust and fuel load so that your first flight achieves its goal of 5,000 meters and no more. Otherwise, you will lose the additional altitude contracts. Tweak the thrust by right clicking on the SRB and set thrust to 35% and fuel to 129.9 units. 4. Most important, check the staging on the right. Click on the + marker and drag the rocket marker to the next level below. If you don't, the parachute will deploy upon launch and ruin the flight. 5. Place the rocket on the pad, use the T key to turn on stabilization, and press the Spacebar to launch. 6. During the powered part of the flight use the D key to angle the flight a couple of degrees towards the ocean. This is so you can get a water landing for recovery. If not, the SRB will be destroyed upon landing on the land. The pod will survive. 7. While under powered flight, right click on the pod and select Crew Report. Select Keep Data. 8. After the SRB burns out, you have reached max altitude, and are starting down, disengage stabilization by using the T key a second time and use the Spacebar to deploy the parachute. 9. When you have landed, do an EVA report by clicking on the EVA button that appears above Jeb. When he appears outside, right click on Jeb and select EVA Report. Select Keep Data and use the F key to tell Jeb to return to the capsule. 10. Select Recover Vessel from the altitude meter above to complete the mission. Second flight. Get the 11,000 meter contract, tweak fuel to 216.5 or a little more, and fly the mission. This time, get a Crew Report after you have landed. Should a Landed at Kerban part come up for testing, you can take it and run the test during launch. Think of such test as puzzles that need solving. Only take them if you are sure that such testing will result in you earning more funds then you will have to expend doing the test. Remember, tests of rocket engines while landed on Kerban do not require fuel for testing. Therefore, do not add fuel to liquid engines and drain all fuel from the SRBs (Unless the test is on the RT-10 you are already launching.) A simple engine test would be just the MK-1 Command Pod (later, a Probe pod) and just the engine. You will get 100% recovery cost after you conduct the test on the pad. Third Flight. Get the 22,000 meter contract, tweak fuel to 346.4 and fly the mission. Get a Crew Report at 22,000 meters. Fourth Flight. Get the 33,000 meter contract, tweak fuel to a full load, and fly the mission. You should be able to reach 42,000 + meters. So, why not use 100% thrust on those missions? Try it once and see what happens to the performance. Not only will you get overheating on the pod, the atmosphere resistance at lower altitudes will degrade performance. Fifth flight. Go to the Research building and unlock Tier One and Basic Rocketry parts. Get the 56,000 and Escape the Atmosphere and do the following; 1. Place a TR18-A decoupler under the MK-1 pod. 2. Add 2 Goo canisters to the side of the MK-1 pod. 3. Add a second TR18-A decoupler to the bottom of the RT-10 SRB. 4. Add a second RT-10 to the TR-18 decoupler and tweak the thrust to 70% 5. Place on the launchpad and start flying the mission. 6. At about 5,000 meters, right click on the first Goo canister and save the data. 7. At about 40,000 meters, right click on the second Goo canister and save the data. 8. When you reach space, get a Crew Report and save the data. Don't forget to stage so the expended SRB doesn't hit you later on. 9. Disengage T stabilization. 10. As this will be a hot reentry, hold off deploying the parachute until you have reach 5,000 meters or you could lose it. Your Orbital Flight. You should have more then enough Science Points to unlock Stability and General Rocketry. As there is going to be weight issues, you will build your orbital rocket using liquid fueled engines as shown in the photo below. As the Add Maneuver Mode will be unavailable, you are going to have to fly this mission using Kerbal Engineering or the Map Mode with the available readout. The design has enough fuel for low orbit and safe return. So, for the Noob's learning how to do an efficient orbital turn is key for success. Get a Goo report when in space and after you have landed. Try to land as close to KSP as possible. At this point in the tutorial, you should have more then enough funds to upgrade the Astronaut Complex, the Launchpad, and Mission Control. Once you can upgrade tracking, you can take on missions to Mun and beyond. Have fun.
  17. Oscar B tanks are very inefficient and expensive compared to a single FL-T100. Even the Round 8 is a better option then the Oscar B in terms of fuel carried and total mass. Example below before the Stayputnik became a receiver only.
  18. It is rather useless to send along the rather heavy Goo and Material Bay on one way missions. Best to send along the Too Hot thermometer for the Explore contracts that don't require a return to Kerbal. You will at least get the contract award even though you won't get anything for transmitting the data. And, the rocket needed to launch such probes will cost a lot less.
  19. You can build lots of probe crafts that will go most anywhere in the limit of tier 4 parts. Those should be more then adequate for doing contracts to build up the funds needed for the upgrade.
  20. Instead of turning East during your orbital turn, turn West. It will take a bit more Delta V since you lose the effect of the rotation during launch. The only reason for the 8 to 10km straight up burn is due to KSP implementation of the atmosphere. I do that using SRBs. Then, start and continue the turn gradually until your apoapsis reaches the desired altitude as you get close to horizontal, cut power, get horizontal to the horizon just prior to hitting apoapsis, and burn to orbit. The key is the gradual turn in order to avoid undue stress on your ship or having it flip ends unexpectedly.
  21. To test the LV-909 landed at Kerban, use just the engine and a pod, nothing else. Start the test on the launchpad by pressing the spacebar. You will hear a woosh and nothing else. The test indicator will show complete. Recover the test rocket. For testing while flying, you will have to get the engine up to the test speed range and altitude range before activating it either by staging or by the Run Test depending what the contract calls for. Again, fuel is not required. A liquid fueled rocket or jet engine can be used to boost the test assembly to the required speed and altitude. You will have to build rockets that can get the test parts to the required conditions. Designed properly, you can land everything close by in the water for recovery.
  22. Go with probes. This very cheap one, one on the left, made it with fuel to spare. Note, in KSP 0.90 Beta, use the Probododyne OKTO in place of the Stayputnik. This one is better.
  23. More testing. While I have accumulated the funds to upgrade the VAB, I have been able to design my lander at 29 parts. It is capable of reaching Duna or Eve. A parachute and three landing legs will keep it at 29 parts. While one can land with the LV-909 and no legs, I further upgraded the tree with contracts to get the little Rocomax and micro landing legs. This is what has enable me to keep the rocket size and parts count at 29. The rocket In orbit ready for the Mun burn Orbiting Mun ready for landing
  24. Go to the tropics deep in the jungle on a moonless night. I've been there on night patrol. Clear or not, no matter how good your night vision is, you will not be able to see your hand in front of your face. Even a Starlight Scope has difficulties operating under such a condition. I'll have to ask my astronaut friends that question about visibility in space on the night side of Earth over the Pacific when there is no moon in sight.
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