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Everything posted by imshandon

  1. Thanks for the response rbray89---------I am sure it is something simple on my end for the mod works so well for the majority.
  2. Quite a few mods....But the 2gb I speak of is only for E.V.E. I checked my Memory usage running KSP with and without the mod and while running KSP without E.V.E I am right around 3.6-4gb ( I even had another game running in the background ) I run it with E.V.E and it locks up between 5.5-6gb usage which makes since because that is my max.
  3. Hello All, I seem to be having issues for when loading I get through the parts load but crashes after that...I notice this mod uses 2gb+/- of memory on my machine {while the rest of the system including running KSP,Fallout New Vegas, Widows 7 and all other running programs are only using 4gb's)...That seems to be quite a bit for a mod?
  4. So...I land a Munox-lander-1 on the mun and all 18 are quite scared but a few so I figure all is good and proceed to I land the second munox-lander-2 quite near the first.....And as I touch down the first lander breaks apart down to each individual part and floats away. And as I am new to this is this normal and I should know NOT to sacraif....er land two crews at the same time?
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