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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. An asteroid in orbit can be examined in greater detail as it is easier to reach 24/7. It can even be pulverized over time, exploring layer for layer in the process. This cannot be simulated realistically in KSP right now, as the passage of time has no influence on the game (Kerbals do not age, experiments are finished instantaneous, no way to do longtime observations etc.), but it can be approximated by giving the player another set of data while the asteroid is in orbit. A big pool of science available for an asteroid in LKO that can only be transmitted by say 30% and has to be "mined" further by returning several samples to KSC would be the closest thing to long time research of a captured object, I think.
  2. Sped up time, sent an Eve probe on its way that was waiting in orbit, got it to its destination and took some readings. Landing to follow. That also dialed down the ETA for the return of the Duna Explorer. Kerbed over launching big space station modules into orbit - it is somehow less easy for me these days.
  3. Honestly? Starting over ... I am envious somehow ... every player starting out with a working/finished career mode now/later on ... Found this vid today and it somes it up so well:
  4. A little hack to make all available science visible in the research center without having to tap into each experiment first would be nice to have.
  5. "No Kerbal is to be left in space before transitioning to a new (version of) reality." Preparing for emergency time acceleration and return of Duna Expedition!
  6. I think the trick is to accept that the human brain is designed to cope with diversity best when applying pigeonhole thinking - and then leave that fact behind and not dwell on how to actively categorize every aspect of life.
  7. What parts are you using to transfer groups of Kerbals to orbit, say 4-8 kerbonauts as passengers?
  8. Do not know what kind of snacks your having, but maybe you should have less ... or share. As .24 will be close behind, it will be a sandbox-asteroid-fooling-round save for me next time. And I am stopping to view any more vids until I had my own go at it.
  9. Because someone claimed that a significant number of docking ports would have a significant impact on performance.
  10. Tadaa! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57323-Universal-Docking-Port
  11. You wont get around reading up on the mods you may want to use, so ... it is all the same. Look at the list, take a pick, read the description if it is something you want to add to your game and get started.
  12. I was asking about open/undocked docking ports, that the player has no intention on using at the time - about if deactivating would safe CPU time and the means to do so.
  13. Rolling my head left to right, thinking hard if I should still go through with building my space station to dock my Duna Explorer at a safe haven after its return (whenever that will happen). As .23.5 will be sandbox for me - only in .24 will I start a new career, which is not to far behind, Squad said - I am somewhat lazy to go through with its construction, given the predictably limited remaining lifetime of my current career save. I am also wondering why the simplest of all rockets explodes in midair while still under Mach 3 / 10km ...
  14. Oi, you two! Get your own thread, ya off-topicers!
  15. Did any of the videos show science being done?
  16. As I imagine it, they are only costing computing ressources while they are undocked and constantly actively checking if another port is in front of them.
  17. Thank you! What happens to an asteroid that hits ground/water? Harv said, that asteroids dropped (inactive) into an atmosphere will vanish like any other (inactive) object. Anyone had a chance to examine the asteroids for possible DRE integration for them to go poof upon reentry? Whatabout (FAR or no FAR) aerodynamics?
  18. Recently I read that lots of docking ports on a craft - or rather in the usual 2.5km radius of space - can have an impact on performance. I gather this is due to the ports constantly checking if there is another port nearby to pull in? Is it possible to deactivate the ports manually? (The shielded docking port should be a hint that it is possible, no?) Problem might be dead crafts out of power and/or control, as there would be no obvious way to activate a port on such a vessel for docking - but the claw suggests that it only takes on active docking port (although the claw simply grabs everything without checking if it is a designated part, and it also does not align itself it seems).
  19. Are the asteroids just ghosts until they are tracked? Could we encounter them even untracked or are they just "sensor blips" that only manifest if locked on by the tracking station? How many asteroids can be tracked? Do they vanish if they are untracked and nothing is docked/clawed unto them anymore? The devs said at one point, that .24 will be not to far behind after ARM - so I think .23 1/2 will be sandbox for me again to fool around with everything that is new.
  20. Are the asteroids just ghosts until they are tracked? Could we encounter them even untracked or are they just "sensor blips" that only manifest if locked on by the tracking station? How many asteroids can be tracked? Do they vanish if they are untracked and nothing is docked/clawed unto them anymore? Edit: Thinking about using HyperEdit as a "Terrain Editor": First create asteroids or ring-remnants where I want them and then start playing for real.
  21. Would you rather have every iteration and test it without any QA phase by a team working closely with the devs?
  22. So, there is no way to use HotRocket without SmokeScreen?
  23. .24 might have changes to the stock engines FX, hm? btw.: Was Yargnits system always that much faster then my own???
  24. "Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL asteroid cracker!" I am twofold, but in a good way! As I am equally happy about the additional gameplay the update brings as I am about the changes/updates to the interface.
  25. Youtubers have been granted early access and such before - and it is Squad, not that other company that shall not be named for it may be forgotten sooner than later and vanish from the gaming world! (Let me dream ...) I cannot wait for modders coming up with ways to create rare minerals to appear on asteroids at random: Track ten, land on six, finally find that unobtainium needed to fuel/built/power something weird!
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