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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Why ... in VAB KER told me my jury rigged all-in-one Kethane rig had enough thrust to lift itself and six full additional tanks (simulating its filled cargo tanks) from the Mun ... somehow this changed on the way up into orbit ... ? Diverted it (via a nice slingshot) to Minmus and will hope for the best, much fuel will have to be dumped though before a landing can even be attempted. Speaking of fuel - fuel flow is wonky, so thank you TAC Fuel Balancer for stabilizing my contraption! Should I ever get my hands on that engineer at KSC ... so difficult to find good staff! In other news: The Council finally released the funding for the actual Kethane program ... ! 62d for survey probe to arrive at Duna - 2d until predicted ideal transfer window for the Duna expedition
  2. I guess what he wanted to say was, that it is again much easier fly around the moons and back to Kerbin etc. pp. EVAs differing by biome always annoyed me - crew reports maybe, for taking different readings/pictures from the capsule ... but hovering over a planet should give only a token reward for high and low orbit. Same for the Gravioli, I get it for low orbit, different gravity influence over mountains than over oceans ... but high over a planet there shouldnt be much new to learn. One day I will simply built my own science.cfg.thingy.dat ...
  3. Designed an adhoc Kethane thing to be shipped of to Mun, land, pump, launch, return, dock, fill up my ship - but I dont really like it ... For one it will have to refuel itself on the Mun and carry all mining equipment back and secondly even if I modulize the drill and converter part of it and leave it behind, there is still my inability to land closer than 5km to anything should I ever want to reuse it. Still three days left to the next Duna window. Luckily time in the KSP universe passes differntly from ours.
  4. Last tip: Install KAS and remove the no longer needed thrusters on your next EVA.
  5. Interesting idea, pump the fuel out of your cargo tank into the delivery stage tank and pump it back after docking. This will not reduce rotation to zero, but maybe it will be manageable (sp???). Alternatively you could attach a docking helper probe to the top of your cargo with two rings of thrusters - build your delivery craft with two rings also for balance. When you are lined up for docking, quickly undock (you should not use decouplers here!) the probe, fly it ayay and simply push the cargo the last few meters. Kill gravity with ALT-F12 on the VAB and test your cargo stage without the need to launch it. Let us know how many reaction wheels it took to stabilize the craft while translating.
  6. They have, but are less powerful then the dedicated parts. You basically answered your question yourself. To translate more or less without any rotation, you can use reaction wheels to some extend, but the better way is to place two banks of RCS thrusters with equal distance to the center of mass (COM) of your craft - try placing them relative to the average of the COM when tanks are full and empty, you can try this since .23 added the ability to empty your tanks in the VAB. Sorry, misread your question, you want to deliver a tank without pockmarking it with thrusters. Have you tried building your lifter/the last stage around your cargo? Upper stage engine below wide but short tank. Attach smaller, longer tanks around it up along your cargo, feeding fuel into the tank below. Let gracious space between the tanks and your cargo - remember struts disappear when decoupling/undocking.
  7. Reason enough to get a comm-relay in orbit around every planet with enough dishes to target each other - plus 1 or 2 for the future? - and shorter ranged/wide-area dishes to target the orbited planet and its moons.
  8. I am unsure of when the game triggers an autosave, but I would guess it does so on scene changes - did you cover this? Could you also include a quick-save-quit button? (At night I am always tempted to ALT-F4 out of the game, as the quit option in the main menu can take forever to close the game.)
  9. I saw you uploaded a new video recently and still had AGM installed. Was it prerecorded or did I miss you mentioning the bug is indeed fixed? My KSP time is somewhat limited at the moment, so if you - or anyone else - can do a test and confirm the bug as squished, I would not have to risk wasting time on a fruitless mission, thank you!
  10. Can you fiddle a small decoupler in the "compartment" and connect the engine to it? Or a decoupler to the engine and add the lower stage to that - do not know which way you built your lander. Might require sub-assembly saving - and maybe changing the root part of a sub-assembly to get the right connector node available.
  11. Maybe this mod - or the reading of its source code - can help you too? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52882-0-23-Kerbal-Isp-Difficulty-Scaler-v1-3-2-12-17
  12. And can wreak havoc during launch?! Would explain some summersaults when launching crafts with radial chutes.
  13. Hmm ... calls for an experiment ... using the probe core as a flight recorder, so to speak ... interesting!
  14. Usually struts without seperatrons cause this for me - struts canceling the decoupler force and all ... Cute. ^^
  15. Note: The game usually labels everything as "debris" that does not have a pod or a probe core - so, if you are leaving fuel behind to have a lighter lander, but wish to launch and dock again for the return voyage, this setting might destroy your dreams of an easy mission.
  16. The 5th of the Horsemen found it interfering with stored experiments in some way though.
  17. Puh ... you could try copying over the craft sections ...
  18. You can only transfer experiments between pods/containers. The OP is right, the "achievement" cannot be transfered. Looks like something to be integrated into a more refined Kerbal tracking system, in addition to variable skill levels, the "achievement" could be redesigned as "returned a Kerbal from the surface of the Mun", to make the game track the Kerbal and not the pod.
  19. Finally! My Duna lander is docked to the interplanetary ship and the crew is onboard - not without difficulties of course: Flew a crew transport (one pilot only, 4 of 5 seats free) up to my Kerbin Explorer to ferry the guys over to the new ship - there were five guys in there, so what to do ... docked the ferry to the Explorer, moved all fuel as far back as possible and pushed the whole thing along. The time of my launch was poorly chosen, so the Duna Ship was on the other side of Kerbin. To safe on the remaining fuel, I lowered my orbit just above the atmosphere and circled myself closer to the Duna Lander. Arriving only to notice, that the first half of the Duna crew was sent up with the lander, so again no free seat for the odd guy from the explorer ... Luckily I had not detached the orbital stage of my lander yet, so I circled again and docked the lander to its ship first, then went back and fly the rest of the crew over. (At some point the cockpit of the Explorer had detached itself from the rest of the ship, not during flight, but when switching over it was drifting a few hundred meters apart from itself ... I meddled with the pods in my game to have built in decouplers ... I just hope this does not happen again ... *eyeballs Duna Ship*) After deorbiting as much as possible and getting the pilot of the ferry back home, a probe carrier was sent three days early in preparation for the manned mission to Duna - this went almost to well ... Still no solution to the missing Kethane and lack of nearby deposits. Who, in Kerbols name, is responsible for this kerbed mission planning!
  20. If career mode gets any kind of mission tree with a story line, the "ending" of the story might be sending a ship out to interstellar space -> nice animation sequence -> back to endless sandbox. Like Civilizations "keep playing".
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