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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Always in for a bit of necrosis: In my current career save Kethane (only) is what makes nuke engines glow.
  2. I would like the popup for transfer window alarms to stay open and not reset, so I can add multiple transfer alarms without clicking more often than would be necessary now - there is something in my head telling me, I could use KAC to find gravity assist opportunities by looking at transfer windows to one planet and looking for another window coming up in a number of days mostly equal to my travel time to the first.
  3. I shy away from mod-engines, but mod parts are quite often just cosmetic, different cockpits, tanks, wings, lights, new textures (for planets, clouds), FX, sounds ... etc. The biggest chunk are plugins adding readouts and easier handling to the game (like engineer, alarm clock, targetron's ship list, editor extensions), followed by new "concepts" (e.g. robotics, attachment system, remote control), some "world changers" (aerodynamics, deadly reentry) - which for me are the only real modifications, the rest being additions rather -, accompanied by mods that are only really viable with other mods (procedural fairings to make use of the new aerodynamics for example). So, I am all for using what makes any one player happy. When it comes to youtube I would probably drop out if the player was using mods that stopped the game being a game and become something like a software for interior design in space, putting bases and stations into orbit with a mouse click or something like that. And I play this game for what it is, a space program simulation about building and exploring - so I do not like weapons in my game or in KSP videos.
  4. Waiting for someone to come up with a fine hazy particle trail along the solar terminator of Moho.
  5. Ah, get it compressing /= resizing, of course. Clever! Just have to make sure I delete the cache if I throw out major mods - although disk space is rather cheap ...
  6. Finally found the patience to run with the basic version - reverted to the classic one for a time as I had constant (what I perceived as at least) crashes. It seems to work for now! For a change I launched KSP with nothing else running and stopped watching youtube videos while it did its thing. Question: So every large file I put into TextureReplacer will be left untouched and devour more system memory than e.g. B9? Second question: If I update, change, delete, add mods - what happens to the cached files? Especially if the mod updates its textures.
  7. It is a file format of 7-zip - a program like winzip, winrar ... handles most formats, is free and smallish.
  8. Alzo ve gurmans inwentet ze rokkets! That was the reason for me to buy it on Steam, so it would get a higher ranking and get advertised better. After I played the .18 demo - and fell in love - I actually gave this very serious thought - save some bucks on Steam or give all my money directly to the developers, but also be less visible as a costumer - was win-win really.
  9. I am quite good at building launch vehicles, although heavier and bulkier payloads with a gigantic fairing require hands on steering a lot and often more then one change in design. Getting an encounter got easier and easier, and well balanced crafts are easier to dock, so a good docking maneuver starts in the VAB. Also picking the right launch time for a quick encounter is something I recently got better at - but only for equatorial orbits really ... But I suck at pinpoint landing, landing is easy, getting into the general vicinity of something too - but landing close to another craft without wasting fuel and many emergency aborts ... Yep, and I would loose all fun without using infinite fuel once in a while to make up for my crappy landing skills. I keep trying and learning, but the time has not yet come to do it always without this optional safety net. I also rely on KER for more visible numbers, the Editor Extensions for its invaluable help to align everything right and Enhanced Navball with Navball Docking. So, all in all, I am not a god at KSP, but I am doing quite well and have loads of fun.
  10. Love the detail - especially the totally superfluous "docking clamps"!
  11. We lack education, in both mind and character. Overpopulation could be managed with clean energy, sustainable agriculture and global cooperation - but we are basically programmed to think mostly for today and for us/our family only. We are able to extend it to our peoples/nations to a certain degree, but our compassion rarely can be stretched to encompass the species as a whole - it usually is already limited by perceived differences in faith, race or even more minor trivials. Likewise with diseases: e.g. with enough education and less self-centered thinking we could get rid of the menace of HIV in a few years and could concentrate funds and efforts on easing the lifes of everyone that has been infected - no need for research in vaccination here in a perfect world, only certainty and self-control, testing and honesty. We as a species are lazy, the leash and whip namend money is needed to get us to work and share its fruits with our fellows, to feel ourselves being treated fairly. Only the necessity for learning and working in a field of interest that fits our abilities to receive our sufficient share has to be understood and accepted. Everyones life would be better if we could manage to get rid of the whole concept of money: without money clean energy costs nothing, medicine costs nothing - automation of work would not even cost jobs, it would create freedom from work! If this is communism ... well, ok. But honestly, I do not see much difference between "you have to work for a living" and "you have to work to pay for a living" - only the big perks maybe and we all work for freeloaders today anyway, freeloaders on both ends of the "food chain" though.
  12. Id really like to know, how much (and why) a rover mission can cost, if the rover is already there?! Or any mission for which the hardware is already in place and cannot be directly physically maintained/repaired/refueled/... anyway? Thank you for the heads up!
  13. Granted, but as Eve gets dug out from inside to reduce its mass, the mass accumulates at its surface, so its rotational speed reaches x-times the orbital velocity at sea level. I wish Kerbin had more variable terrain scatter. Edit: On second thought, I got it wrong and was a few seconds late - I rest my case and head ...
  14. You want some kind of terrain radar? Use SCANsat, the big map shows you your current and projected (after node) orbit. Made my first intentional Mun anomaly landing that way.
  15. The bigger issue in my eyes is that flags count as (landed) crafts and suck up resources as if they had an orbit to be calculated.
  16. There was a mod for this purpose, although it eludes me right now ...
  17. People were exploiting SRBs as decouplers before, so I do not pay that much thought. I just wanted a more realistic feel for the first real mission.
  18. I thought I would share some of the tweaks I usually use in my games. It is a mix of stuff I pasted together from configs I copied left and right, some I changed extensively, a little bit is by myself. Everything relies on ModuleManager and has to be copied into a .cfg file. I may also have been a little chatty while updating this ... ---------- Adding a decoupler and heat shield to the MK-1 Pod In career mode we start out with no decouplers, so any rocket has to land with tanks and engines still attached. Granted, it only takes a short excursion to the launch pad to get enough science for the first decoupler, but it still bothered me. So I added the decoupler MODULE to the 1-man crew capsule via ModuleManager - and did the same for the Launch Escape System while I was at it. The capsule will appear in staging with its cute old icon again - which should also add an easy visual indicator for reentry heat - and decouples when staged. While inserting Porkjet's overhauled parts it became apparent that the new MK1 pod has a bigger bottom and clips through the 1.5m heat shield. So, all the more reason for me to add this little change, as well as throw in a heat shielding of its own. For more information on adding Porkjet's parts see here: There is also a post by me with a combined and slightly edited config for integrating the parts, but since I copied 98,5% of it, I dare not link to it directly! Below the separate change to add the decoupler and heat shield to the pod. @PART[mk1pod*] { stagingIcon = COMMAND_POD stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 fx_gasBurst_white = -1.16832, 0.0, -0.0826454, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, decouple sound_vent_large = decouple @maxTemp = 3300 !skinMaxTemp = // 2400 MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 150 explosiveNodeID = bottom } MODULE { name = ModuleAblator ablativeResource = Ablator lossExp = -7500 lossConst = 0.1 pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 500 useChar = True charModuleName = shieldChar } RESOURCE { name = Ablator amount = 100 maxAmount = 100 } MODULE { name = ModuleColorChanger moduleID = shieldChar shaderProperty = _BurnColor useRate = False toggleInEditor = False toggleInFlight = False redCurve { key = 0 0 key = 1 1 } greenCurve { key = 0 0 key = 1 1 } blueCurve { key = 0 0 key = 1 1 } alphaCurve { key = 0 0.8 } } } ---------- And a Decoupler for the LES too! @PART[LaunchEscapeSystem] { MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 25 explosiveNodeID = bottom } } ---------- Making Probe Cores receive SAS Software Upgrades via Tech Tree The newest addition is a modification of the configs for Porkjet's engines that would have been the first Squad parts with upgradable stats had they been integrated into the game. This (upgradable parts in stock) luckily never happened and in the above mentioned thread one can find a way to remove the Upgrade MODULE from these parts, but I used what I saw and learned, and muggled together my own modification for the probe cores. I always wanted all probe cores to remain valid parts in constructing vessels, regardless on how far a player has progressed in the tech tree. I added a software upgrade into the respective tech tree nodes (of the probe core that introduces a new SAS level, not always 100% conform though, some plane parts will not grant upgrade when unlocking their tech node, but oh well ...), which will set the SAS level in all probe cores (in new vessels only, not launched ones) to the new level. And finally with a way to deactivate SAS completely, even for the Stayputnik! @PART[probeCoreSphere]:BEFORE[SASupgrade] { MODULE { name = ModuleSAS } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleSAS]]:FOR[SASupgrade] { @MODULE[ModuleSAS] { %SASServiceLevel = 0 %moduleIsEnabled = false %showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true UPGRADES { UPGRADE { name__ = SASupgradeLvl0 description__ = SAS Vers. 1.0 ExclusiveWith__ = SASb //IsAdditiveUpgrade__ = false moduleIsEnabled = true SASServiceLevel = 0 } UPGRADE { name__ = SASupgradeLvl1 description__ = SAS Vers. 1.1 ExclusiveWith__ = SASb //IsAdditiveUpgrade__ = false moduleIsEnabled = true SASServiceLevel = 1 } UPGRADE { name__ = SASupgradeLvl2 description__ = SAS Vers. 1.2 ExclusiveWith__ = SASb //IsAdditiveUpgrade__ = false moduleIsEnabled = true SASServiceLevel = 2 } UPGRADE { name__ = SASupgradeLvl3 description__ = SAS Vers. 1.3 ExclusiveWith__ = SASb //IsAdditiveUpgrade__ = false moduleIsEnabled = true SASServiceLevel = 3 } } } } PARTUPGRADE { name = SASupgradeLvl0 partIcon = probeCoreSphere techRequired = electrics entryCost = 1000 cost = 0 title = SAS Software 1.0 description = Installs SAS software Version 1.0 } PARTUPGRADE { name = SASupgradeLvl1 partIcon = probeCoreSphere techRequired = precisionEngineering entryCost = 5000 cost = 0 title = SAS Software Upgrade 1.1 description = Updates SAS software to Version 1.1 } PARTUPGRADE { name = SASupgradeLvl2 partIcon = probeCoreSphere techRequired = unmannedTech entryCost = 10000 cost = 0 title = SAS Software Upgrade 1.2 description = Updates SAS software to Version 1.2 } PARTUPGRADE { name = SASupgradeLvl3 partIcon = probeCoreSphere techRequired = advUnmanned entryCost = 15000 cost = 0 title = SAS Software Upgrade 1.3 description = Updates SAS software to Version 1.3 } ---------- Swap EVA Report and Crew Report to resolve logical issues in my head An EVA is an EVA and I see no reason why we should learn anything more from an orbital EVA above a certain biome than from looking out of the window - so I swapped the situational modifyers for EVA and crew report as well as their science values. // situation bits: // SrfLanded = 1, // SrfSplashed = 2, // FlyingLow = 4, // FlyingHigh = 8, // InSpaceLow = 16, // InSpaceHigh = 32 @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[crewReport]] { @baseValue = 8 @scienceCap = 8 @dataScale = 1 @situationMask = 63 @biomeMask = 31 } @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[evaReport]] { @baseValue = 5 @scienceCap = 5 @dataScale = 1 @situationMask = 63 @biomeMask = 3 } --------- Tweak USI Life Support settings a bit and load pods with supplies These definitely only make sense when using the corresponding mod: USI LS simulates emergency rations (I guess) by letting kerbals survive for some time without supplies, but my OCD would not allow such reality bending! All (hopefully) parts that can hold crew now also hold supplies and have room to store mulch for recycling. // Rate of consumption is 1.8 Supplies per Kerbal per Hour // Adds 5 days worth of Supplies (per kerbal seat) to Command Modules // Ignores parts that already have Supplies values declared @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!RESOURCE[Supplies],#CrewCapacity[>0]] { RESOURCE { name= Supplies maxAmount = 40 @maxAmount *= #$/CrewCapacity$ amount = #$maxAmount$ } RESOURCE { name= Mulch maxAmount = 20 amount = 0 } } // Adds 10 days worth of Supplies (per kerbal seat) to non-Command Modules // Ignores parts that already have Supplies values declared @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!RESOURCE[Supplies],#CrewCapacity[>0]] { RESOURCE { name= Supplies maxAmount = 400 @maxAmount *= #$/CrewCapacity$ amount = #$maxAmount$ } RESOURCE { name= Mulch maxAmount = 200 amount = 0 } } I also changed the settings to reduce the survival time to 5 days (here: 24hrs!) without supplies (water and food) and 12 hours without energy (AC and air filters). But I halved the required EC to make Gemini like programs in the smaller pods a bit more viable while lacking power generation to avoid having to increase their internal battery capacity. Everybody dies when their physical needs are not met, and so do my kerbonauts. Although they just quit their jobs when they get home sick and sit around doing nothing while waiting for the bus home (or better entertainment I guess). @LIFE_SUPPORT_SETTINGS { @SupplyTime = 432000 //How many seconds before Kerbals are affected by no supplies @ECTime = 43200 //How many seconds before Kerbals are affected by no EC @EVATime = 21600 //How many seconds before ill effects on EVA @ECAmount = 0.005 //EC per Kerbal per second @SupplyAmount = 0.0005 //Supplies consumed per Kerbal per second @WasteAmount = 0.0005 //Mulch produced per Kerbal per second @NoSupplyEffect = 5 //Effect if a Kerbal has no supplies @NoSupplyEffectVets = 5 //Effect if a Kerbal is a vet and has no supplies @NoECEffect = 5 //Effect if a Kerbal has no EC @NoECEffectVets = 5 //Effect if a Kerbal is a vet and has no EC @EVAEffect = 5 //Effect if a Kerbal exceeds EVA time @EVAEffectVets = 5 //Effect if a Kerbal is a vet and exceeds EVA time @NoHomeEffect = 1 //Effect if a Kerbal becomes homesick @NoHomeEffectVets = 1 //Effect if a Kerbal is a vet and becomes homesick @HabMultiplier = 1 //Bonus to hab values (1 = default = 100% of the part's rated value) @HomeWorldAltitude = 25000 //Altitude on Kerbin that negative effects are removed @BaseHabTime = 0.25 //How long can 1 crew capacity support 1 Kerbal, expressed in Kerbal Months @ReplacementPartAmount = 0 //How fast life support equipment and habs 'wears out' @HabRange = 150 //How close we need to be to use other vessel's habitation modules and recyclers. @EnableRecyclers = true //Use resource recyclers? Not the same as resource converteres like greenhouses! @VetNames = Jebediah,Valentina,Bill,Bob @ScoutHabTime = 9180000 @PermaHabTime = 459000000 } // SIDE EFFECTS: // // 0 = No Effect (The feature is effectively turned off // 1 = Grouchy (they become a Tourist until rescued) // 2 = Mutinous (A tourist, but destroys a part of a nearby vessel...) // 3 = Instantly 'wander' back to the KSC - don't ask us how! // 4 = M.I.A. (will eventually respawn) // 5 = K.I.A. Since USI now requires Fertilizer (can be produced from Ore in the mod) to convert Mulch in space gardens into new supplies, I added a way to refine it from Mulch (with big losses) the same way the mod produces it from Ore: an addition to the small ISRU refinery. @PART[MiniISRU] { MODULE { name = ModuleResourceConverter_USI ConverterName = Compost StartActionName = Start ISRU [Mulch -> Fertilizer] StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Mulch -> Fertilizer] INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Mulch Ratio = 0.025 } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 30 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Fertilizer Ratio = 0.0025 DumpExcess = False } } } Old Stuff:
  19. Take a look into the tutorial library: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28352-The-Drawing-Board-A-library-of-tutorials-and-other-useful-information And here especially: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39141-Tutorial-How-to-make-your-first-SSTO http://youtu.be/fAn0Ul8u5gs
  20. Go to settings (main menu only I think?) and change the keys to your liking - remember to do it again after an update! It is very dark, so I cannot tell if you have an extra reaction wheel module on your craft. But if you do not, then the probe core alone may not have enough torque to rotate the heavy tank. Also, if you have SAS turned on, as soon as you release the key it will try to keep its orientation - either keep the turn button pressed or (more power effecient*) turn of SAS to keep rotating until you are close to your desired orientation. *While SAS tries to keep your crafts orientation it will draw power for the reaction wheels - and you will use power for the time you press the turn keys - so while you and the SAS fight for who gets to steer your craft you will be wasting power. (Not a big issue with enough batteries, solar panels etc. but can be problematic in career mode during the first missions.) RCS does not need power to function, but without power your probe core will no longer be able to steer the ship. With a Kerbal on board you can fire your RCS tanks dry without any power at all, but reaction wheels wont work. Anyway, you have no Kerbal on board and can still use RCS, so you still have power, therefore I am guessing it is your SAS fighting your control input.
  21. Because you have been a bad Kerbal! No, there is actually a temporary fix (a new .dll to be swapped for the faulty one) until Cilph gets around to finish the new update. Check the forum thread, it usually gets reposted every odd page.
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